What are you all up to
Bakers, glad you got your long awaited rain, I think I would like to live where you do
Sun is out as I type this and it's a lovely evening, it's amazing how I feel so much brighter when it does.
Still thinking of joining other club and maybe spending a bit of time down south trying the THs
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Tammygirl glad the sun has come out, enjoy it and you'll have light til late!
Essex is a very dry area, towit Beth Chatto dry garden. Its also a very deverse county. Long coast line, largest causeway linked island in the country I believe, rolling undulating countryside including Constable country, very close to London. Very underrated. However you'll need to be happy with CL sites cause there isn't a club site 😉
Its still raining nicely grass appears greener but polyigums still look very sick!
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I asked the same question JVB66, as I thought there was a charge for an extra car, but apparently not for Malcolm.
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Hope weather improves for you Tammygirl.
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Seems to have been a day for the dentist, I have been today to have the tooth I had an infection under out,dentist said it couldn't be saved. numbness wearing off now, but not too much pain. Had a lazy afternoon watching the tennis while recovering.
Rained almost all day here too, but forecast better for tomorrow.
Hope you enjoy Bristol festivals Brue and Bakers2
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Oh helenandtrevor hope it heals quickly. Glad you're pain free. At least that one won't hurt you again! Have you had the luxury of a non working (of the paid variety) today? The tennis was gripping especially the Konta game.
I'm sure we'll have a great time at the festival.
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Bakers2, thanks . I still went to work this morning, then dentist this afternoon, so not whole day off. Agree the Konta was a really good match.
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Well, all prepared, except loading of food that is, for a 4 night stay in the deepest outback of Wharfedale !! Two week-end steam rallies so I'll have plenty of time to scrutinise the work that C&MC has had done on this site . I've put a time lock on my rose tinted specs .
Do so hope that the rain required by the gardeners only falls where and when required, but never ever into the cup { or glass } that cheers
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Have a great time ABM, enjoy the steam rallies. Hope site improvements to Wharfdale site are to your liking.
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Got soaked twice today. First time nipping up the village for some milk and stuff for the bottle bank. The second was dashing round to grand-daughter's school to collect her script for her part in a play while she is off on 'work experience'. I hope I'm shrink-resistant or perhaps not - I could look at some MH's with shorter beds.
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We have a fantastic parks and gardens team. These planters were put on the railings when the Olympic Torch came through and have been planted up winter and summer ever since. I snapped this photo on my walk into town today and I thought they were spectacular and had to share.
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We enjoyed a film in here whilst in Liverpool. Funnily enough it was recovered from an Essex field. Visits various galas festivals and shows around the country.
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Well done with the photos Bakers2, I find I can post from laptop, but bit time consuming. Did mange to post a couple on "what have you seen thread" a couple of days ago.
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Helenandtrevor well done for posting on what have you seen, I'll check them out in a mo. I did these from my phone via an app called photo resized. Use smallest size offered. Then from 'add photos' on CT go files - pictures- resized. Bobs your aunty!
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Will take a look at the app Bakers2. Thanks. Most of my photos are taken on camera then transferred to computer. Then re sized for posting.
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I'm getting lazy about carrying the camera. My phone has a fairly decent camera and it's generally with me so us my weapon of choice now. Also I snap photos to send to NZ so much easier with phone straight into fb messenger no resizing required 😉😉
Loved your bird photos well done.
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I went back for our camera tonight. We went on a twilight walk from the rally site. A flat calm high tide on the estuary and the circus tent all lit up (ready for tomorrow's opening.) All looked lovely. Can't post from my camera as yet so will put a couple on Rowena's rally thread later.
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It is a long time since "a job for life" was usual, and a minority of the workforce even today are self employed.
According to statistics on employment, there are almost 32 million people in the UK workforce. Of these around 900,000 are on zero hour contracts, and 15% of the workforce claim to be self employed, so around 4.8 million. Of these there will be a proportion who are in false self employment, i.e. really employed by rouge employers, and therefore likely to be at risk of easy dismissal and of not receiving the minimum wage, there was a report on this on the TV tonight.
The other roughly 26 million workers are employed under normal employment rules, so your employment scenario applies to a fairly small minority, your post reads as though very few employees have any reasonable job security at all these days!
Loans and credit cards have been around a long time, I think we got our first credit card in 1972, what is more recent are these 0% cards.
There is nothing wrong in using credit cards as long as you have the means to repay what you have borrowed, almost all our spending goes on a credit card, the bad bit is relying on them totally, as you claim to be doing, rather than having some savings for emergencies and unexpected costs.
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Yes, exactly what I was trying to say!
All pensions and earnings etc have to be added together to calculate tax due, if any, and if tax has been paid, some tax relief on business miles can be claimed.
The easiest way to do this might well be to do a self assessment return.
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Oh ,,What a grey day !! .Totally different here in Herne Bay overnight heavy rain and blowing 'a hooley' from the North . from the wall to wall sunshine and temperatures of last 10 days on the I.o.W !!
Back to the B/yd today ,more 'catch-up' to do I suppose ..
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The Shogun is not used much now, so will only need a service once every 12 months. We use it mainly as a tow car to move the caravan every 21 days and give it a short run once a week to keep the battery charged. It's already got a new clutch and flywheel, so I'm not anticipating any major bill on that. With the current usage, one tank of fuel can last two months maybe even longer.
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Didn't Melvyn Bragg use it in a series of programs covering a number of different subjects?
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My wife keeps a record of everything, miles, tips etc. so I'll have to wait and see what it all adds up to at the end of the tax year, April 2018. It's a long way off, a lot can happen in that time!
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That I don't know. I'd heard about it several years ago on a radio 4 programme but it wasn't Melvyn Bragg it was cycling in possibly Herefordshire and they watched a film on cycling. Never expected to see it in the flesh. Walked round the Canada Building in Liverpool and there it was. No charge just donations. Funnily enough we had travelled the furthest out of our showing, that annoyed the locals! But we donated our sticker to a little girl, only child in there and she was thrilled 😂😂. The weekend following our visit it was going to Maldon Classic Car Show about 8 miles from home for us! They try to show local films wherever they are and we saw very early footage of Liverpool. Thoroughly recommended if ever you get the opportunity.