Non EHU & enforced EHU



  • Boff
    Boff Forum Participant Posts: 1,742
    edited June 2017 #32

    But the nature of those answers would influence my decision.  That's the whole point of asking questions isn't it?

  • compass362
    compass362 Forum Participant Posts: 619
    edited June 2017 #33

    CT as been used in the past by many members , after answers to various questions & inquiries , the general consensus is that the CMC don't take a great deal of notice of such posts .

    I hope you do get your answer  , but surely a more direct approach to the club itself .......would be of more benefit 👍


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2017 #34

    Bringing questions into public view is always useful. smile

    I have now used the CT method of direct approach and asked the community manager if she could help with a response.

  • dreamer1
    dreamer1 Forum Participant Posts: 141
    edited June 2017 #36

    Blimey I am not interested in rallying but was just having a look at the EHU thoughts. I thought you rally folk were friendly and warm caravaners who love to get together and have a grand old time. Listening to you two im glad we have avoided rallies whilst caravaning you have certainly done nothing to make me want to give it a go.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,311
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    edited June 2017 #37

    Firedragon we are grateful to you and others like you who give up their time to prepare things like this and dismantle after. We have only managed one National, Belvoir Castle, and thoroughly enjoyed it and would love to go again. Uncertainity didn't allow us to book for this year's and by the time we knew we could attend all spaces had gone.

    We had EHU at Belvoir but wouldn't now want it but if there was no choice we would have paid. However if the information regarding generators is correct, running 24 hours, I would not have been happy to be nearby!

    I agree it would be nice if the club responded to the posts on CT as they do on FB, I have commented on this before and started a thread about it, virtually any comment on FB gets a response from a named club official. Some may only be lip service 😉

    With many of us now being self-sufficient with solar power and refillable gas it would seem a retrograde step to only have EHU pitches. Surely choice is king? And the amount of vans able to attend should be limited to space available not capacity for generating electricity.  I expect well not get a response from the club and if we do it will follow the line that spaces were limited by Sandringham not the club 🙄

    Surely we need to raise these questions otherwise HO will assume they are making the correct decisions and that all members want whatever HO offer!

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,311
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    edited June 2017 #38

    Do you think you could advise how the discussion on this point goes please? 

  • bill
    bill Club Member Posts: 392
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    edited June 2017 #39

    I thought that the CAMC dropped the word 'rally' some time ago from the National !

  • Boff
    Boff Forum Participant Posts: 1,742
    edited June 2017 #40

    Don't worry about it you are simply suffering from a case of confirmation bias

  • DaveCyn
    DaveCyn Club Member Posts: 356
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    edited July 2017 #41

    So when exactly is/was this meeting & the outcome please.

  • Events Committee
    Events Committee Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited July 2017 #42

    Thanks so much everyone for your comments and feedback which were considered at the last Events Committee meeting. The position of the committee with regard to your questions and concerns is provided below.

    The Club was invited to Sandringham to run the 2017 National. This provided an amazing opportunity for members to visit the Royal Estate given that the last time a National was held there was 25 years ago. Although the venue was smaller than when previously visited, the Estate still provided us with sufficient land to increase our pitch provision by 12%. This continued a trend since 2012 that has produced a 12% growth in numbers attending the National. Moving forward to 2018 and 2019, our plans for the venues of choice provide continued growth in our capacity for increased numbers of members to attend the National.

    Member feedback from the 2015 and 2016 Nationals demonstrated an overwhelming demand for EHU. The Club's Events Committee and staff endeavour to meet both the needs of members attending and the marshals involved in delivering the National. Therefore, given member demand, it was decided that for 2017 all pitches would be EHU. The number of pitches available at Sandringham was determined by the nature of the land made available to us and the type of activities on offer to members attending not the number of EHUs that the Club possesses.

    We recognise members concerns about the impact of an event such as The National upon the environment. Given this, we are pleased to report that 100% of residual waste material from the event does not go to landfill but 67% is processed to be used as a fossil fuel alternative in power stations. In addition, 33% of all waste comprising wood, glass, paper/ card and metals is recycled. In line with the Club's approach to reducing its impact upon the environment we continue to explore ways to improve our performance in this area.

    Following the 2017 National our survey of members who attended reaffirmed that most members wish to have EHU pitches, given this only EHU pitching will be available in 2018 at the National at Sledmere House.

    Bookings for 2018 can be made later this year so keep an eye on for further details.

    Thank you again for your feedback and we hope this has helped answer your questions.

    Events Committee

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2017 #43

    Thanks for your response. Disappointing for those of us who can manage very well without EHU and regard generators as an extra expense. I'll be sticking to non EHU rallies, in fact I'm on one now.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,504
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    edited July 2017 #44

    Thank you to the Events Committee for the comprenhensive reply, albeit disappointing for those of us who can manage perfectly well without EHU. It looks like, as with CT users some of us are in the minority.


  • DaveCyn
    DaveCyn Club Member Posts: 356
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    edited July 2017 #45

    So it appears that in future all Nationals will be blighted by the noise & pollution of loads of generators running 24 hours a day.

    There was me thinking that caravaning & motorhoming was about getting out & about in a nice environmentally friendly way.

    Just how wrong is it possible to be?

  • trellis
    trellis Forum Participant Posts: 1,102
    edited July 2017 #46

    Strange reply from the events committee ,on one hand they are waffling on about the club's approach to reducing the impact on the environment .On the other they are quite happy to penalise those members who wish to use environmentally friendly solar power .You can't have it both ways.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited July 2017 #47

    Its probably come about from member "feedback/surveys"??? the same as the new company launch in Febundecided

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,504
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    edited July 2017 #48

    I was thinking the same trellis but it is about elitism more than anything else.


  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited July 2017 #49

    I am not surprised at the overwhelming desire for EHU. I can see no good reason not to have a small percentage of pitches in a block without EHU.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2017 #50

    Spot on Trellis. It's also the snake oil principle, sell people something they don't need and make a fast buck. Either way the Club is also pandering to the industry producing high energy dependent vans.

  • GarryP
    GarryP Club Member Posts: 38
    edited July 2017 #51

    It is good to actually get a response to the intial post I made, still very dissapointed with the reply, however I can not see that leaving some non EHU pitches at the end of the rows for the apparent minority presents a problem, (as long as it is not the end where the generator sits), if the booking forms were in the original form and we had a choice, and as we all pre-book anyway then it would be known before the event how many wants the enviromental friendly non EHU.

    I have been attending national rallies for 30 years and then as soon as I was able to afford a caravan with a solar panel fitted, the club overides us and enforce us with EHU's, whilst these survey's which incidently we never get a look at mentions an overwhelming need for 6amps, several members I have spoken to in my centre said they don't want it and if it putting the price up by £25 again they won't bother, so I don't really know what the percentage is and where this overwhelming majority comes from ?

    All this guff about the environment and they chug away with generators ?


  • Boff
    Boff Forum Participant Posts: 1,742
    edited July 2017 #52

    Sorry I am a bit thick and struggle with percentages.   I really struggle with them when there are no numbers attached.  A 12% increase of what?  Since the last time the National was held at Sandringham?  Or last year?   Maybe it would helpful to release the attendance figures for the last 5 years nationals and the last one at Sandringham so those of us that can use a calculator share this success.   I have been unable find actual attendance figures any where perhaps the events committees can tell us what the figures are? And what the capacity of the next National will be our is this a state secret?

    A reuse / recycling rate of 100% that is remarkable.

    I like others fail to see why demand for EHU means that non EHU pitches are effectively banned?  This is a bit like saying that Manchester United are the best supported football team in the country therefore we must ban all other teams.

    Surveys.  It would be interesting to see what the questions are and the results.  Would the events team please post a link to the questions, answers and response rate.   After all if someone  asked me if I want ehu I am going to say yes.   If someone asks me if I want 6amp ehu and it is going to cost £6 per day then my answer will be different.   

    All in all a standard Caravan Club response. 

  • Firedragon
    Firedragon Forum Participant Posts: 509
    edited July 2017 #53

    Where do you get £6 a day from Boff ? 


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited July 2017 #54

    I think the generators  that were on the national that are being talked about are the large industrial "silent" type that were being used to supply the 6amp EHU for the pitches,

    PATMAU Forum Participant Posts: 250
    edited July 2017 #55

    Forgive my ignorance, but the only generators I am familiar with are diesel ones and we are now told how bad for us and the environment diesel is.  Or are there other fuelled types, with less or no environment impact at all?  Which are used at the National?  Just curious to know, as I wouldn't go to a National with EHU, if it was polluting the air around me.

  • DaveCyn
    DaveCyn Club Member Posts: 356
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    edited July 2017 #56

    Having been pitched in reasonably close proximity to one of them I can assure you they are not that silent!

  • Boff
    Boff Forum Participant Posts: 1,742
    edited July 2017 #57

    Make up your own number Alison if it makes you happier,

    But two thing are certain, firstly the supply of electricity isn't free and secondly there isn't any likelyhood of getting any sort of a straight reply from the club.  

    PS I wonder if the survey had asked a question about the provision of Shower blocks and service pitches I wonder what the response would be

  • Boff
    Boff Forum Participant Posts: 1,742
    edited July 2017 #58

    An Apology:

    I may have given the impression that the cost of Ehu could be £6 per night.   I didn't know what the true cost a put that in as an illustration, that a cost should be included in any survey. 

    I am now led to believe that the additional cost electricity for the National in 2011 was £30.  Therefore £7.50 per night over the 4 nights of the event.  Not the £6 I initially implied.  I apologise for any confusion I may of caused.

    I leave it to others to decide if £7.50 for 6amp electricity represented good value for money in 2011 and what the equivalent cost was in 2017. 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited July 2017 #59

    Interesting post and a big question of where the info came from?,or is it just the difference between the cost of attending since 5yrs ago until his year?undecided

  • Boff
    Boff Forum Participant Posts: 1,742
    edited July 2017 #60

    No.  I believe that the price for non Ehu in 2011 was £75 and with Ehu £105 again in 2011.    

    I assume that the club has official records of the prices.  So if I am wrong then they can correct me. Indeed they could publish a list of prices of the last period of time.  However in the post from the "Events committee" lots of percentages were quoted with no actual data to back them up.  

    This years national has been proclaimed a great success but I have been unable to find anywhere how many outfits attended and how that relegated to previous years and previous National's at Sandringham and what the capacity will be for next years National. If these figures are available can some point me to them?  If they aren't available why not?

  • NickH
    NickH Forum Participant Posts: 18
    edited July 2017 #61


    I don't think your assumption on EHU costs from 2011 still stands.

    i have attended the National every year since 2013, two years ago I booked a pitch with two adults and EHU and it cost me £121.00. This year the same pitch with two adults cost me £101.00

    the way I look at it was the EHU was free on the basis that I paid £20 less.  I do appreciate that the EHU is paid for and is included in the fixed fee, but as I paid £20 less, I just look at it and say the EHU is free. I also consider the gas I use. A Calor Gas bottle costs me £25 for a refil, I don't use any gas at the National, I only use the EHU. Electric kettle, electric ring on the Caravan, the microwave, water heater, the fridge and so on. Used sensibly you don't trip the EHU.

    i think it's personal choice, you either agree to pay the fixed fee and attend, and use the EHU or not,  or you decide that you don't like the offer and choose to go elsewhere. It the same as everything you do all your life. It your choice no one is forcing you to attend.
