Caravan tyres

ric95 Forum Participant Posts: 30
edited July 2017 in Caravans #1

I recently checked visually the condition and pressures of our 2013 Swift Challenger Sport 514 and found many cracks evident in the sidewalls,the Tyre's were I assume original equipment fitted by Swift and were manufactured by Duron.

Cracks in the sidewalls are potentially dangerous and may cause failure of the Tyre at any time in the future, these have now been replaced with a good quality brand and balanced.

I am concerned that Swift decided to fit what appears to be be a poor quality product that is safety related and also did not think it necessary to balance the wheels, this is possibly why screws and fittings come loose inside the van when towing.

The advise given on when to replace Tyre's is usually seven years but I would urge you to inspect them on a regular basis if your van is more than two years old for damage and deterioration.  


  • EJB986
    EJB986 Forum Participant Posts: 1,153
    edited July 2017 #2

    Interesting, are they original tyres (you assume?) and what is the manufactured date?

    Guessing you haven't had the vehicle from new?

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,632
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    edited July 2017 #3

    I thought the advice (from the club) was 5 years? On my last service (4 years the dealer gave me an advisory note to this effect.

    I think no van manufacturer or tyre place will balance tyres for caravans as no one (supposed) to travel in them. I've certainly never seen those weight balances on any caravan but there might be some out there. Our swift was from new and the tyres appear of good quality. Caravan tyres, even though they may do smaller mileage compared to a car suffer more, most of the time, unless you are towing every day,  they will be standing still and bearing all the weight on one particular spot and sidewall. They may be stored so that they get the sun all day for a number of days. I was told to move the van is storage every so often to alleviate this.

    yes everyone should check their tyres for damage and pressure before a major trip, or even a minor one and regularly  . The service should include a check as well.

    Just as an aside, how often do you, or one, check your car's tyres?

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,721
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    edited July 2017 #4

    The problem described can develop over 4 years and a lot depends on use. They should be carefully inspected at each service and a check half way between would do no harm.

    The tyres sit for long periods in the same position in all weathers and can deteriorate because of this, so need to be watched. If the caravan is sitting for any length of time it is advisable to move it say a quarter of a turn from time to time and if in the sun protect the wheel from the suns rays.

  • paul56
    paul56 Forum Participant Posts: 937
    edited July 2017 #5

    From November to February when we tend not to use the 'van it goes up on axle stands to alleviate the problem of the tyres not turning and pressure building in one place. (We also put a cover over it although some say this isn't necessary!) Tyres certainly do need keeping an eye on!

  • Whittakerr
    Whittakerr Club Member Posts: 3,486
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    edited July 2017 #6

    My Swift caravan is now 7 years old (bought from new), at the last service, earlier this year, the engineer told me he had inspected the tyres and found them to be in good condition with no signs of cracks. He told be he had to tell me the tyres were now seven years old as it recommended to change them at that age.

    It would be interesting to know how the OP visually checked the pressures of his tyres.laughing

  • Milothedog
    Milothedog Forum Participant Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2017 #7

    Your still good for a while yet, wink I know of someone in my classic car club who lives in Tenerife and is always telling everyone how the tyres on his car are still perfect because he hardly uses the car.

    The tyres were fitted in the UK in September 2000 just before he took it out there surprised

  • Nuggy
    Nuggy Forum Participant Posts: 512
    edited July 2017 #8

    IMO wheel balancing is important. Running under inflated causes greater tyre wall stress. Also the tyre Load Rating in relation to your MTPLM should provide a safety margin, so worth checking those or your new tyres may go the same way.

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
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    edited July 2017 #9

    Use wheel covers at all times! ALL times. Mine have never been exposed to the ultra violet light of the sun- result 6 years old and no cracks- even the caravan engineer couldn't fault them. I'll change them at 7 years. 

  • Boff
    Boff Forum Participant Posts: 1,742
    edited July 2017 #10

    I agree with all the points raised.  Ok I don't cover my tyres but I don't cover them on my car.  Aside from the obvious safety issue of a tyre blowing out.  A disintegrating tyre can easily go through the plastic wheel arch and do a lot of damage especially if the blow out is and the same as the fridge.