What a fantastic lot you all are.

artyboo Forum Participant Posts: 457
edited July 2017 in General Chat #1

I have to post in this General Chat bit, what a great lot you all are.

i have had nothing but positive encouragement in other sections and have observed nothing but the same for others posting in this section.

I am saying thank you to everyone for being so very supportive to me in my last few months of need; it comes naturally to most and you are all wonderful. 

Lets here it for all those who have also benefitted from greater wisdom and support! 

Go on, who are you?


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited July 2017 #2

    It  ain't  me,  Babe,  no,  no,  no  it  ain't  me, babe  it  ain't  me  you're  lookin'  for,  Babe  !!


    All  the  same,  I'm  pleased  some  of  the  grumpy  old  campers  on  'ere  have  been  of  some  assistance,  Artyboo  and  best  wishes  to  you  and  yours  in  your  future  treks.  Keep  on  telling  us  how  you  are  doing  --  that's  much  appreciated  !wink

  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited July 2017 #3

    cool All the best "Arty"  ,,,Triky.laughing.