BMW X6 Cooling Fan Upgrade

The Real Slim Adie
The Real Slim Adie Forum Participant Posts: 2
edited June 2017 in Towcars & Towing #1


We have just bought a new 2017 BMW X6 30d M-Sport and we tow an Elddis Rambler 22/6 (Dealer version of the Avante 866). 

While at the Dealership, we were told that the car would need a Cooling Fan Upgrade that would cost around £800 - £1000 in order for us to ensure that the warranty wasn't invalid if any over-heating is caused by towing.

Has anyone else experienced a similar pitch when buying a new car? Apparently this is common with many Manufacturers however I have never heard of anything like it. I have carried out some Goooogling and others have asked the same questions elsewhere however there's no real answers from people that have been or are in the same boat.




  • Vulcan
    Vulcan Club Member Posts: 670
    edited June 2017 #2

    Have you looked in your handbook in the towing section,  it should specify a trailed weight that if exceeded would require the extra cooling kit.

  • Lutz
    Lutz Forum Participant Posts: 1,569
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    edited June 2017 #3

    I know it doesn't help you in your particular case, but it is another argument for ordering a car with a factory fitted towbar. Then you know that you've got everything you need to tow and you don't have the hassle of possibly having to have the cooling system modified.

    It may be worth asking the car manufacturer what the maximum towload is without the extra cooling fan. It will obviously be lower, but it might be perfectly adequate for your needs.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,776
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    edited June 2017 #4

    I had exactly this issue when I bought my new Touareg two years ago.  According to the handbook, VW "recommend" the fitting of the upgraded cooling fan if towing.  I queried with the dealership and an independent (local) Bosch service agent exactly what they meant by "recommend" and was told via both sources that VW were stating that if anything was towed without upgrading the cooling fan, the warranty would be invalid if relevant faults occurred. 

    I then pointed out that since all the literature and all on-line advertising indicated that the Touareg had a towing limit of 3.5 tons and that nowhere was there any indication that this was subject to a cooling fan upgrade that they were in breach of the Sales of Goods Act (as it was then). I threatened to cancel the deal and was certainly not prepared to pay the additional £850 they were asking for the upgrade.

    In the end, they relinquished, agreed I had a point and the upgraded fan was fitted at no cost to me.


  • Harris550
    Harris550 Forum Participant Posts: 31
    edited June 2017 #5

    I tow with a 2017 X5, 3.0D (same engine as your X6) with a factory fit towbar and was never asked this. I didn't see it in the options list either. Never had a problem with the engine overheating. Previously towed with a 330d (same engine again) and didn't have any problems. Personally, I wouldn't worry to much about it - It pulls so effortlessly I don't think it would be needed.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,776
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    edited June 2017 #6

    If it's the same set up with BMW as it is with VW, if you specify a factory-fit towbar, the upgraded cooling fan is automatically included.

    I also towed with my previous Touareg with no overheating issues and no upgraded cooling fan, but on buying a brand new one, I wasn't prepared to take the risk of invalidating the warranty on a £45k car.