Fly Screen

Aquila Forum Participant Posts: 96
edited May 2017 in Caravans #1

i have a 2008 Bailey Senator and the bottom string on the door fly screen has broken rendering it useless. Can they be repaired or do I have to shell out for a new screen?


  • ValDa
    ValDa Forum Participant Posts: 3,006
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited June 2017 #2

    There is a thread on another forum, (Out and About Live) which might help.  It seems it can be repaired, but it isn't easy.  The thread contains other links which might lead you to some help.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited June 2017 #3

    This has just happened to us yesterday, the info we have from the Bailey forum is that a new one costs £309, it can be restrung (Utube video) it takes about 5 hours. We are in France at the moment so the screen is taped back until we get home then the OH will take it off and have a go at fixing it. There is also info of how to do it in the MMM  March magazine I believe.

  • Aquila
    Aquila Forum Participant Posts: 96
    edited June 2017 #4

    Thank you Valda & Tammygirl,

    why do these things happen abroad. I had looked at the Bailey website and gaped at the price as well. I may have a go at doing it myself although it's booked in for a service at the end of July anyway.

    Tammygirl if your OH is doing it himself where is he getting the string, which I assume is specific to the screen?

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited June 2017 #5

    My screen went as the dog didn't realise it was there and took a flying leap!  I would check with the person doing your service as I was quoted more to repair mine than replace it!  I might look at a How To video but mine still keeps the flies out mostly, just one place at the bottom that would let midges in.  I am working on a Velcro flap to sort that out.  I can think of better things to spend that sort of money replacing!

  • ValDa
    ValDa Forum Participant Posts: 3,006
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    edited June 2017 #6

    You could always replace it with one of these.  Or even cheaper, with a magnetic one made for house doors,   These velcro on to the door frame.  They would need to be adapted to fit a narrower door, but at £6 a time they are worth having a look at.

    Dogs (and cats) also learn to go in and out of them and they just click back into place.

    Aquila, if flies are bothering you, and you need a temporary solution, you can buy both of these in places like Leroy Merlin/Centrakor/Castorama and similar DIY shops.


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited June 2017 #7

    Not sure yet until we take it off if we will need to replace it all, ours seems to have gone at the bottom of the door, all the black strings seem to be intact but the white piece that attaches to the black and then to the fixing has snapped. Once he takes the door off we will know more. On the Bailey forum the guys who have re-strung theirs have replaced it with fishing line. It does seem to be a failing with them, all you need is a bit of grit in the track and that will jam it and snap the cord. OH will give it a go but if he doesn't fix it I will look at something else, there is no way we will pay £300 for another one that can/will go the same way. I quite like the fluffy curtain things the Dutch have on their vans but haven't seen them for sale anywhere yet.

  • Aquila
    Aquila Forum Participant Posts: 96
    edited June 2017 #8

    Thanks Valda,

    We have picked up a cheap flyscreen for houses in Nice which is doing the job for now. Only €5 so OK.

    Flias don't bother me but the OH gets all uptight if one gets in the van. We have to drop everything until the little b****** is dealt with.


    The same happened to us except it was just wear and tear. The bottom string has frayed so looks like it was rubbing on something. I'm with you £300+ is ridiculous money for something so simple. I might try and fix it if I can find 5 uninterrupted hours but it sounds like an exercise in utter frustration.