Insurance recommendations

Herb Atious
Herb Atious Forum Participant Posts: 60
edited May 2017 in Caravans #1

Returning to caravanning after 20 years

I am looking for recommendations for insurance

I know the Club do insurance but that does not mean its the best of most cost effective for my 2003 Compass

Plus I have been through the Club insurance quote system a few times now and it always comes up with a message that its not working at present 

Any help appreciated





  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited May 2017 #2

    Personally I would phone CC insurance and get a price as a start point for other comparisons. Decide first on what security provisions you wish to make. Need to start somewhere. Don't forget to include motormover or other additions. Consider whether you wish to include contents insurance as well and what voluntary excess you would consider. I op for a total excess of £200 but we are all different. If you have a partner it is as well to have them named on the policy such that they can deal with the company as well

    There are a number of well regarded alternatives and I am sure suggestion will follow. 

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,928
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited May 2017 #3

    I'm afraid there are no short cuts - just laboriously get quotes on line -  from Saga , Towergate, Lifesure, the Club, and several others. It will all depend on where you live, where you store, whether you go over the channel or not,  what security measures you are willing to instal, and what excess you will accept.  The variables are infinite. 

  • Herb Atious
    Herb Atious Forum Participant Posts: 60
    edited May 2017 #4

    Thanks for your reply

    I have a few quotes but they vary from £50 to £130 so far and as far as I can see they cover the same but as you no doubt know they don't like to make it obvious exactly what you are getting cover for

    Excess wise, I have found in most cases opting for zero voluntary excess makes no difference to the quote

    I will plod on with quotes, but am losing the will to live with this tedious exercise :-(


  • Herb Atious
    Herb Atious Forum Participant Posts: 60
    edited May 2017 #5

    Thanks, yes I know there are no short cuts (if only)

    Life was so much simpler when you said to your broker I want the cheapest & best cover for XXXX

    I tend to find these days, the bigger the company name the higher the premiums, hence wanting some recommendations

    The hunt goes on :-(

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited May 2017 #6

    Excess wise, I have found in most cases opting for zero voluntary excess makes no difference to the quote

    I have found that it often does. The other side is I could not be faffed going through insurance for a few quid

  • KenofKent
    KenofKent Forum Participant Posts: 209
    edited May 2017 #7

    I maybe wrong but I think you have to be a member to get club insurance, that maybe why the web site won't work for you. I remember having to put in my no.

    When I started, the club was about £100 more expensive than others, but when I had built up a no claims benefit they became cheaper for better cover.

    I am sure someone from the club insurance who monitor the site will be along shortly to advise.


  • Herb Atious
    Herb Atious Forum Participant Posts: 60
    edited May 2017 #8

    I had trouble getting a quote from the club as each time it gave an error message after entering all the details online, so I enquired via chat and they rang me back

    The quotation came to £141 which was rather more than I had been quoted elsewhere which I suspected would be the case

    You could spend a lifetime doing this couldn't you ;-)

    The joys of the internet :-)


  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,928
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited May 2017 #9

    Most of the comparison sites are worth trying - Go Compare, etc.  They might shorten your search.

  • Herb Atious
    Herb Atious Forum Participant Posts: 60
    edited May 2017 #10

    Hi Ken

    No it should give a quote without being a member, but tried on a few occasions getting the same error message, but sorted in the end and quote was had


  • Herb Atious
    Herb Atious Forum Participant Posts: 60
    edited May 2017 #11

    Thanks for yours, yes have been at it on and off during the day

    No doubt I will get there in the end ;-)


  • armourer
    armourer Forum Participant Posts: 218
    edited May 2017 #12

    we went with saga insurance this year as nearly half

    the price of the cc for the exact same policy

  • ValDa
    ValDa Forum Participant Posts: 3,006
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited May 2017 #13

    Try Frank Pickles in Otley.  They are a good old-fashioned 'broker' who now specialise in caravan insurance.  You can get an on-line quote.  They've been in business in the same premises for as long as I can remember, and if you have to ring them you'll talk to real human beings who work from a small local office, not a huge call centre. 

  • Herb Atious
    Herb Atious Forum Participant Posts: 60
    edited June 2017 #14

    Funny you should say that as thats who I went with

    However I didn't get an alert to your post so wasn't aware of your recommendation

    I was dizzy with checking so many sites, but Frank Pickles came out the best (for me)

    I am not enamored with the number of follow up emails mind you but I suppose they have to try and upgrade you 

    Thanks for your recommendation and sorry for the delay in replying



  • Herb Atious
    Herb Atious Forum Participant Posts: 60
    edited June 2017 #15

    Thanks for yours, like the previous i didn't receive an alert to your reply so sorry for the delay

    I didn't try Saga but then I have found them very expensive for other insurance but will keep them in mind for next time