What are you all up to
Tesco have an opticians too in the West Durrington Tesco Extra but I don't know how much they charge.
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Malcolm as a pensioner you get a free eye test courtesy of had NHS so I'd be checking their bill very carefully and if you've been charged for a test don't pay or get your money back. I assume you have complex prescription or varifocals plus coatings which does push the cost up. You do not have to have glasses from the testing opticians they should give you the prescription before you leave the room in which youre tested sp that you can take it wherever you choose. There should also be clear pricing in the opticians so that you know the cost of the glazing before choosing frames. And like all canny shoppers for anything and everything do your homework and shop around before committing 😲
Angry sky here but no more rain yet.
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The eye test is about £25 but even I as a non pensioner have never had to pay.
This is the website I used. I got a spare pair of varifocals for £17 but it was using a discount code and a pair of single vision sunglasses for £15. I don't bother with coatings.
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We don't shop at Boots. A very unethical retailer, charging seriously high prices for optical products. Always best to get prescription and shop around for glasses. Some very good retailers, some very bad retailers.
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They charge high prices for all products. Have you seen the price of their own brand medicines? Take their version of clarityn. A 60 day supply is £11.49. If you buy generic from online or independent you can get 6 months supply for less than a fiver. Boots have had none of the development costs, they just sail in with some twee packaging on the coat tails of the drug company and pick pocket the consumer.
I've boycotted Boots for years since they bought out all the local independent pharmacies and started charging top dollar to the loyal customers. I go miles out of my way to avoid Boots.
Sorry for the rant
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I get my eyes tested for free but I pay for the retinal photograph and the scan. At the last test the photo revealed a haemorrhage at the back of one of my eyes which meant I was referred to my GP for investigation. A repeat photo 4 weeks later showed that it had grown in size. I'm glad I didn't just settle for the free test.
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I have a VIP 'membership' of my local independent opticians which is more than paid for by free eye tests, contact lenses checks and discounts on any purchase made lenses fluid glasses. I always have peripheral check, pressure check and retinal photograph I assumed these came under the actual eye test but maybe that is an extra. Now I get eye test free I get the amount credited to my account so I'm well happy 😆.
Just checked with hubby he uses our local Specsavers and has no complaints but he has the 'extra' tests so must come within the eye test, although it maybe an age thing?
Good to know that you are being checked for your eye problem. They are VERY precious.
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,Very humid and sticky at the boatyard today,28 degrees too, no wind .Now clouded over and potential of rain again.
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OH used this company HERE. He has fairly straightforward reading glasses but it took a long time to do all the measuring etc, sending things back and forth. He used to pride himself in finding the cheapest reading glasses on ebay, under £2, but can't do that anymore due to a recent change in his vision.
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And YES ,,it did and still is raining at this point in time . Lovely !!
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I had a busy evening yesterday at work and got a bit wet in the rain. Some of the customers felt sorry for me having to deliver their pizzas in the rain and so were more generous with the tips than usual!
It's raining on and off this morning but the forecast says it will clear by the afternoon. Even if it does rain tonight at least I won't have to do five hours of it. Tonights shift starts at 7 and finishes at 10 so only three hours, thank goodness!
Only 7 days to go now before I'll be leaving for the National at Sandringham followed by our touring holiday in Scotland. Perhaps the weather might improve by then, I hope!
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Have a good trip OP. Where are you off to?
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I have tried to new B&M store JVB but got confused as they have so much stuff in there. Mind you I had 2 of the grandchildren with me which didn't help.
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We had a day in Norwich yesterday. It was wet and drizzly first thing but soon dried up. It was also very humid. We used the park and ride this time as the buses from Ludham are no where near as frequent as they were when we were here 4 years ago. Only about 2 buses a day and none of them at convenient times. We had a wander round the market and the shops but couldn't find the Coleman's Mustard shop as it is closed and possibly moved. Had a very good free guided tour of the Cathedral in the afternoon (for research purposes
). Lovely weather when we got back to the site so sat out for a while but then the rain set in and in teemed with rain for about 4 hours. Lovely sunny morning at the moment do we are hoping to go to East Ruston Old Vicarage garden later.
Hope you feel better soon Bakers2.
How are you Helen?
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It's starting to brighten up now here in Worthing. There are a few patches of blue sky in between all the cloud.
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You had better weather than at home,it rained all day in P/boro yesterday
Are you going to let OH loose in the Radar museum on the right on your way to do Roys of Wroxham, one day
Shame about the bus service now, but as is said "use it or lose it"!
Try the Bure valley steam train from Wroxham to Aylsham nice old village/town
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A quiet morning in the caravan this morning watching a movie on the Sony Movie Channel. Lunch is nearly ready now.
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Feeling better today.. a bit like the weather, thank goodness!!
Waiting for the accountant...... running late, as usual.
Glad you are enjoying Norfolk Millie, agree a trip on the Bure Valley railway is a good idea, we did it last year.