What are you all up to
Another Chateau today. This one only a couple of miles from the site up a dead straight road. Said to be what Herge used as inspiration for the design of Marlinspike Hall. So you might recognise the two gentlemen in the photo. It is particularly nice at the moment but orages are forecast for tomorrow afternoon / evening.
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PHEW !! twenty nine at the boatyard today ,despite a brisk Westerly breeze !! All 'hunky dory' there ,no prob's.Back to maintenance tomorrow ,doh.
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Hope you have a lovely time Brue.
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Posting a thread about an event covered on both national and local news, but just too much for the delicate souls on CT, apparantly.
Ahhhhh well.......it rained here and then got brighter. We went for a walk. Had fish and chips for tea.
Hope that is acceptable.
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Woke up this morning, not feeling very well, took cup of tea back to bed and the woke up again 2 hours later!
Staggered off to work.
Still not feeling good, can't seem to get warm, hope it doesn't last too long.
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Hope you're feeling better soon, Helen. Any sign of the new van on the horizon?
It's a very pleasant sunny evening now. Just off to take the dogs for their evening stroll - we've discovered a footpath directly up on to the fells from the back of the site with nice views down into Grassington.
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Tried to cancel a booking for BH weekend - no tow car still - and it's taken three goes on three different devices. Makes you weep.
In other news the sun has just popped out for a final appearance. It was glorious at the weekend here but pretty miserable since
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Hope you have a lovely time brue. I made the mistake of booking 2 trips back to back just before and over Easter. All went well in the end.
Lovely to hear from you Kj. Hope your trip is now going well with no more mishaps.
We struck lucky today. We went over to Horsey Staithe for a wildlife boat trip and found that today was the day they were putting the new cap and sail on Horsey wind pump. Lots of people and great excitement. A really historic moment. I got some good photos but the Wi-Fi here can't cope with uploading them.
The boat trip was wonderful . A really knowledgeable and enthusiastic guy. We saw a huge male Marsh Harrier who gave us a wonderful aerial display for about 5 minutes. Also a pair of Great Crested Grebes doing some courting. All came to nothing though as having teased the male the female decided she was having none of it. Also a quick flash of a Kingfisher. Also some Terns and a grass snake swimming. Ended the day with a walk to the local pub and found on our way back that the fish and chip van was still on site so fish and chips for supper
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Hope you feel better soon Helen.
Hope your tow car arrives soon Jay.
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Plenty of rain here on the East Coast of Norfolk, no idea how long it's been going on so will have hear from Milliehull as she will have heard it on her caravan roof
Try and get a haircut today, get stuff ready for the van, get diesel etc., etc., ready for our trip tomorrow.
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We visited the National Trust Hatchlands near Guildford. The house was magnificent and there was an introductory talk that gave a lot of interesting information about the history of it. It was surrounded by a huge amount of parkland. There were plenty of picnic tables so we were able to enjoy a picnic in the park. The weather remained warm and humid throughout our visit. Luckily it didn't start raining until our journey home.
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Grey and overcast ,very damp after overnight (welcome) rain here in East Kent.Just received confirmation and program for the "Concorde" gathering in Germany next week ,,,,WEEEE
,!!Looking very much forward to it .Off to the B/yd now .
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What event was that, IanH? I have noticed that there are CTers that remark that perhaps the discussions on here are getting so mundane that they lose interest in participating because there is no longer any real discussion of issues that matter!
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Third hot and sunny day in Switzerland, need to do some clothes washing today.
Yesterday we drove down Lake Maggiore as far as Verbania, had lunch then a short lake cruise, otherwise known as the ferry to the east side..
Some shopping in Italy on the way home.
Food prices in Italy are significantly higher than in Germany, fuel price seems identical to in Switzerland, diesel is euro 1.38 or swiss francs1.50.
The toes are doing OK, about 90% better apparently, still a little puffy and a few twinges. Alde seems OK, water heating working fine, CH a bit noisy due to lack of glycol in the fluid mix, and possibly some air in there too.
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Woke to rain in Essex at 6am. Most welcome don't know when it started but my water butts are are full including those that fill as overflow so for the first time in months it must have been a decent amount. Downside is after couple of damp days you can almost see the grass grow in front of your eyes. All the plants look refreshed and thankful. It's certainly warm 15c and still.
I've woken very wobbly again this morning do I'm back on the tablets. Very frustrating as this is the fourth week! I need to top up my travel sick pills so that will be my walk later. I hadn't taken any for a few days clearly too soon to have stopped. We're heading off on Friday so will potter to get bits ready.
I had hair cut yesterday and met a friend for lunch so quite a nice 'me' day. Hubby attacked the uninteresting tree foliage to allow the Montana clements to really show and the rose in due course. It didn't get a trim last year so lots to cut back. Just a bit left to go but looks like he'll end up damp from foliage if nothing else. At long last it looks like rambling rector has found it should grow purfosely, it's only been in 10 or so years. It makes the uninteresting tree interesting and I allow it in the garden. In fact a couple if years ago we added Minnie haha to scramble up the tree. It too is a recusant starter but has finally started up the trunk. Maybe my dislike if roses, the garden was full of them when we moved in with young children so they were taken out as old and vicious, has stayed in the vibes and soil for 30 years 😂😂😲. What goes around comes around 😉. I lavish manure and feed on them both but I'm not going to this year, maybe they are too well fed!
Glad to hear others enjoying some welcome rainfall, sorry milliehull 😯.
Helenandtrevor I hope you're feeling better today?
KjellNN your trip sounds much more enjoyable now - long may it continue. Refinements to the Alde system can await your return home when you'll have a full array of tools and no other calls on your time 😉😉😉.
Malcolm you're certainly getting good value for money from your NT membership. You also seem to have a far better work live balance too. How's your wife enjoying yourjob? 😉😉😉
Well I must make an effort now as I find I'm slower at the mo. Enjoy your day folks.
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Yes OP it rained on and off for most of the night.
It has now stopped and we are going to Norwich.
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It usually works out to about 16 hours a week with Pizza Hut and mostly evening work with three days off per week. So yes, Bakers2, I'm getting much more time to do other things and my wife no longer works at all as she is not allowed to help me in this job. However, she keeps busy with the usual household tasks.
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Torrential rain here, which we needed. Liked hearing the sound of it last night.
B2 the virus that affected your balance will take a bit of time to go, I know how it feels having had a similar experience with an acute vestibular virus with loss of eye control and adjusting to it isn't easy. Just carrying on doing the usual things helps. Mr Brue has a condition called BPPV, not viral but causes sudden vertigo. He can go for weeks feeling ok and then it strikes. He takes Sea Legs when it happens or in advance of something like a boat trip. This was a trial and error process taking other things, what he takes are non-drowsy which helps too. Luckily we didn't lose our balance mechanisms at the same time! Hope you will feel better soon, give it time.
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Brue thanks for your encouraging words. I'm sure it will pass. Just very frustrating but in some ways my own fault as I dislike taking tablets unnecessarily 😉. Prescription tablets caused nasty dreams so stopped them to Cinnarizine my travel sick pill. I take Thyroxine so limited to what I can take. Just been told by the pharmacist that mine don't come in lesser size tablets and they're not licensed for balance but the leaflet inside gives doses! That'll teach me to ask questions! She said see your doctor and get them prescribed, nodded head and agreed and came away to day my own thing 😯 wasn't my usual chemist so will chat with them very soon. Good to hear your husband takes travel sick pills when required.
Your eye problem sounds nasty good job that's gone
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No more rain here so far but very warm. Resisted doing washing because of forecast but don't know that it would have dried anyway. Want to do bedding and towels before we go away - I do like to come home to these being clean 😆
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I'd be interested to have you explain how you know they've been booked months ahead and why you're apparently surprised to find it difficult to book just over a week before possibly the busiest weekend of the season. And how deposits would mean loads of pitches available at this late stage?
Maybe it would have been more positive to post, as others have done, asking for suggestions for sites in the area you want to visit rather than just this oft repeated moan!
Just a thought!
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The weather's been kinder to us today than forecast! We got out early expecting rain by midday but it's held off so far!
A nice walk up on Grassington Moor this morning where there's a fascinating "mining trail" with a series of information boards describing the various activities at the old lead mining sites.
Then drove down to Burnsall for a stroll along the river to Hebden suspension bridge and back for a late lunch at the Red Lion in the village.
Just come back to the van for a coffee and a short snooze!
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I had my eye test done this morning at Boots Opticians. The change in prescription meant a new pair of glasses was needed, the bill came to £487.50! That's probably the equivalent of one months earnings at Pizza Hut! So I reckon it's going to take me a while to recover from that!
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Specsavers here too. Free eye test using a voucher on the car park ticket or downloading online and pair of varifocals for £59. Asda are supposed to be good I got a spare pair by using my prescription on one of the online firms - £17
I boycott Boots for other reasons so won't be using their opticians