Bolton Abbey lazy weekend in the woods

Astro76 Forum Participant Posts: 62
edited May 2017 in Your stories #1

This weekend, was my first bank holiday weekend away in my Caravan.

A bit of a mixed weekend for me, but it overall it was a lovely relaxing one.

Started off at 5pm when I left work, drove up to my house, and loaded the car.   Hooked up the caravan - which I'd bought from the storage place, and prepared ready for a quick ish getaway.

Loaded my bike, trumpet, band uniform, clothes, food and set off.

Got to The Bolton Abbey Estate site at about 7pm ish.  Had a choice of spots, so decided that I'd take Pitch no.1.  Started to unload, and as my pitch was right next to the main gate, was surprised when I motorhome appeared as I was pulling up to the bay.    So first task.   Decided to have a go a reversing the van into the bay.  Lined up, did the wiggle and started to reverse.   Everything looked good for a bit, then I thought I was going to overshoot.  So, rather than hold up the motorhome, I unhooked and used the mover to get the van into place quickly and efficiently.

One day, I'll pull off the reverse move, I'm getting better at it :).   (It was reversing to the right, so was the harder of the two.)

I pulled my car off the road, and the motorhome moved past.   The couple who were in the cab laughed, and said that I was doing great with the reverse.  They said it looked like I'd done it before.

That set the tone for a lovely relaxing weekend.

I setup the van, got it levelled, hooked up the electric, and the TV. Loaded the fridge. Made the bed and sat down to chill out for the evening.

Saturday was a bit of a blur really.  No alchol, just decided to have a very very lazy day, started with a lay in listening to the birdsong.  Watched some TV.   Had my breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Really did not feel like doing anything.  So I simply enjoyed the van, and the location.

Sunday, however wasn't a day of rest for me.  Another layin with the birdsong (it was so lovely) but today, it was up, sausage and bacon rolls for breakfast done on the George Foreman.   Then Shower, shave.  And back to the van.   Got changed into my band uniform and headed off to Ilkley,  where The Bradford Concert Band were playing.  (I'm one of the trumpet players in the band). Chilled out relaxing as we setup, and played for a couple of hours on the bandstand.  Also was about whilst the Tour De Yorkshire went past.

After the Performance was over, I headed off, had a coffee and piece of cake before heading back to the caravan site.

Got back, and changed out of my uniform and went to the cafe just outside the site. Was a bit disappointed as their kitchen closed at 3pm, it was 4pm when I got there.  So had to console myself with a scone and cup of tea.

Headed back to the van, and decided that I had to have an explore of the site, so I unhooked my bike and did a lap of the entire site.  It was smaller than I thought, so next time, I'll take my bike outside of the site for exploration time :)

Then it was time for the big experiment.  Hooked up my new table top gas BBQ.  And cooked up my dinner.  Oh yeah, this was a great addition to my caravaning experience.  Highly recommend adding on of these.   Made myself some lovely burgers.   Did the washing up, and settled down for the evening in front of the TV before bed.

Monday morning was yet another lay in, then I got up, had breakfast.  Cleared up packed up and headed home.


Lovely way to spend the weekend.  No wonder the campsite gets booked up so fast.



  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,062
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited May 2017 #2

    Any chance of you adding any photos? I always think it enhances any story.


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2017 #3

    Glad to hear you enjoyed your first trip. If you return to the site and venture outside a bit more you'll be surprised to find you're in beautiful surroundings. smile

  • NickyKnix
    NickyKnix Forum Participant Posts: 70
    edited May 2017 #4


    I found reading your account of your stay at Bolton Abbey extremely relaxing.  cool

    It is so lovely to hear that you thoroughly enjoyed your stay on site and had a relaxing time.

    DavidKlyne, I second that!  Please can we see some photos.  Maybe one in your band uniform or with the band?

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,295
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    edited May 2017 #5

    Lovely to have a relaxing weekend,  you deserve it and obviously needed it.

    I think the comments about adding photos is a bit rich on two counts ( yes I like photos too!). Firstly it is sooooo simple to add photos to this site not! Secondly you may not be a photo taker I'll snap on my phone but they're generally not for sharing 😂 . I'm no photographer so don't do the subject justice for a start.............

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,062
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited May 2017 #6

    Sorry Bakers2 I can't agree with you. OK there is no requirement for posters to add photographs to their stories and perhaps the OP just wanted to write about his chill out weekend but all I am saying is that photos do really add interest to a story and draw you to the story. Adding photographs to stories is one of the easiest places on the entire website to actually upload them. If you think of the story above this about New Zealand, which you have a personal interest in, without those lovely photographs it would be nowhere near as interesting as without the photographs it's more difficult to associate with the place if you see what I mean?


    PS apologies to Astro76 for hijacking your story.

  • Astro76
    Astro76 Forum Participant Posts: 62
    edited May 2017 #7

    I tried to upload some photos with the story.  seems they didn't appear.  Guess the site doesn't like having photos uploaded from an ipad. Will look into this over the weekend.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,062
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited May 2017 #8


    You have to resize them first so that they are under 500kb in size. In the How to Use Club Together there is lots of advice on adding photos and some recommendations for Apps that will resize photos if it helps.
