Deal done, caravan to motorhome

dougA Forum Participant Posts: 142
edited May 2017 in Motorhomes #1

Hi all, been caravaning for a few years now and purchased two new caravans in the last 2 years. We have now decided that a motorhome is what we really want.

Take delivery of a new Elddis Platnium Edition 196 on the 12th May. So I am now a newbie again as I have never owned a motorhome. 

Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.

Just a couple of question for now and it may be obvious but I'm not sure. When setting off from home do I fill the (100 litre) fresh water tank or part fill it. When on site for a few days do you drive van to drainage point on site to empty the grey water or stay on pitch and empty into wastemaster or similar.

thanks in advance 

Dougie 👍🏼




  • Unknown
    edited May 2017 #2
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  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited May 2017 #3

    Dougie, it's as BB says. Just do what suits you best. What might be best for me, might not be for you. The advice I'd give you is to keep things as simple as you can.

    Enjoy your MHsmile


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited May 2017 #4

    Same as above. Except we also carry a bucket for grey waste, only got a smallish tank. Top tip.....always use a wash up bowl, and catch bits and grease in this, rather than down waste pipes into tank. Saves a lot of bother, keeps things smelling sweeter. All that comes from our grey waste is hand wash and shower water.

    You will be amazed at how much quicker set up and pack up is with a MH, once you have ditched as much clutter as you can! 


  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited May 2017 #5

    I fill the fresh water tank about a 1/3full ,and depending on what site we go on we sometimes take a waste water container if the M/H service point is a pain to get to ( Setthorns) is a good example 

    the other point worth noting is remember the height of your .M/H when you are out and about in it , remember you were used to driving around in a car and probably never gave low bridges a second thought 

    Think motorhomer ,ultimate freedom 😀

  • dougA
    dougA Forum Participant Posts: 142
    edited May 2017 #6

    Thanks all for taking the time to reply to my post. Motorhome will be at home so filling up with fresh water isn't a problem.

    I was not sure if I could fill up with 100 ltrs of water due to the weight. This is all new to me but I'm learning a lot by reading up on here.

    Great info here regarding hose pipes for filling and emptying grey waste and to have a container for filling or emptying.

    Yes this was one of the reasons to move to the motorhome. Quicker to set off after finishing work on a Friday evening and quicker to set up on site.

    Yes I will need to check the MH height.

    once again all thanks for the great info I'm sure I'll be on here asking other questions.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,321
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    edited May 2017 #7

    You're going to enjoy it 😆. We keep the height and weight on laminated paper on the sun visor so if there's a low bridge or width restrictions there's no need to panic just check on the visor 😉 the lengths on there too but never needed that in an off the cuff situation!

  • beero
    beero Forum Participant Posts: 38
    edited May 2017 #8

    First year we had a motorhome I was obsessive about carrying as little water in the fresh tank, waste tank and toilet because all that extra weight must make a difference. Then I became less worried and traveled with fuller tanks when I found my payload allowance was very generous. Now I don't worry because it never made any difference to fuel consumption, performance or handling. Over time you will get to know how much water you need every day and how long your grey waste tank will last.

     Grey water can be dumped in a drive over drain on larger sites when available but otherwise we use our waste bin, saves carrying an extra bucket. Try not to tip milk or fat down your sink or you get smells back up from the grey waste tank.

    Good tip to keep height and width reminder on the sun visor.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,513
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    edited May 2017 #9

    Welcome to the motorhome fraternity. My tip, do make out a check list of things to do before moving off and use it. It is all too easy to forget to do something before driving off.


  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited May 2017 #10

    All above very good advice, we too have a routine for moving off and a list. We have always kept our vans on the drive packed with clothing and at least two evening and two breakfasts onboard so we were ready to go at anytime. When working we had quite a few favoured sites no more than an hour away from home and many was the time on Friday after work, with fine weather promised, we would just make that impromptu decision to go, and went, so very easy!

  • dougA
    dougA Forum Participant Posts: 142
    edited May 2017 #11

    Thanks again for the tips and advice. I loved our caravan time but recently I kind of lost the notion as it was a bit of a choir to get the caravan ready to go after work on a Friday then on arrival at the site to set up. I'm hoping that with the motorhome it's going to be so much easier to get up and go and quicker to set up on site.

    Im getting excited now......motorhome off production line this week and dealer hopefully will have it shortly and we have a handover date of 12th May.

    keep the tips coming in I really appreciate it 👍🏼

  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
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    edited May 2017 #12

    We had caravans for 30 years and switched to a Motorhome last year. As we rarely use Club sites and do most of our touring in mainland Europe we tend to have very different ways of doing things than the traditional British caravanner.

    Generally we are used to hedged sites and a fairly laid back attitude to waste disposal. Our waste is "grey" water and not food contaminated so it goes in a bucket then in the hedge whenever possible. We fill bottles with tap water and put them in the fridge or use mineral water for drinking.

    I have an emergency container for filling the water tank but have never used it. We fill up on the way into a site if needed and empty waste on the way out, again, if needed. Occasionally we fully fill the water tank and have fully filled the waste tank BUT if you do that you will get smells so not recommended.

    So, no waste container, no Aquaroll, no nothing really!

  • fatbelly
    fatbelly Forum Participant Posts: 438
    edited May 2017 #13

    We're brand new MH'ers and got our MH in March. We've never had a caravan or anything prior to buying our MH.

    We arrive with an empty fresh tank & fill upon arrival. Our fresh tank is 93 litres & there are 2 of us and we use water as we do at home. Mrs FB doesn't use site facilities for anything so showers & toilet get used every day. We find that our water lasts us 2/3 days & on site I top up via a 5 litre water container from Tesco that originally had mineral water in it. We consider our MH to be our 2nd home and have kitted it out as such with proper crockery etc. 

    Very good idea to have width & height on a post note where you can see it whilst driving. 

    Good advice that I was given prior to collection was don't buy anything until you've had a few trips. I'd say stick to that with the exception of levelling blocks. 


  • Unknown
    edited May 2017 #14
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  • dougA
    dougA Forum Participant Posts: 142
    edited May 2017 #15

    Hi BoleroBoy, lots to think about here. I purchased the 196 as the layout is what we were looking for with plenty of room for the two of us. Only occasionally we will be taking a couple of grandchildren with us so not going to be 6 travelling at any one time. I have a license that allows me to drive up to 7.5 ton. The 196 has 6 belted seats but are not the fold out ones. I suppose if the weight is going to be an issue I could run with just enough water that would see us to our next stop. Not sure how I go about it but increasing the MTPLM may be an option.

    thanks again 

  • Unknown
    edited May 2017 #16
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  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
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    edited May 2017 #17

    Good advice from BoleroBoy. Hope to weigh our outfit for tthe first time next week, partly so that I can get the correct tyre pressures.

    If you upgrade to above 3500 kg I guess there may be a slightly smaller market if you come to sell as many people keep to under 3500 kg due to the licence restrictions. Once you have replated I guess you can't go back.

  • Unknown
    edited May 2017 #18
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  • Randomcamper
    Randomcamper Club Member Posts: 1,062
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    edited May 2017 #19

    That's a gorgeous looking van Doug, but blimey is that a long overhang at the rear....!!

    I notice you are up in bonny Scotland, be careful on some of the ferry ramps....!

  • Unknown
    edited May 2017 #20
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  • dougA
    dougA Forum Participant Posts: 142
    edited May 2017 #21

    Wow what have I done. You've got me thinking now as to regards the weight issue and the large overhang behind the rear axle.

    I would like to think that when we are on our own the weight issue should be okay. Not sure when we take our 2 very young grand kids with us if we will still be within the weight limit. I was the same about if we increase the MTPLM when we do eventually sell will we be limited to  who can buy due to the MTPLM being over 3.5.

    Yes I did notice the large overhang behind the rear axle and I will have to watch out for ferry ramps etc, but surely it must be okay or they wouldn't be built this way.

    i had a good look about the MH and there's doesn't seem to be much in the way of heavy items behind the rear axle. The fridge is just slightly over the axle but it's the small under worktop one not the tall large fridge/freezer.

    I will definetly speak to the dealer regarding the MTPLM and see what the possibility of increasing the MTPLM.

    I do appreciate all your comments and advice so keep them coming 👍🏼

  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
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    edited May 2017 #22

    BB, tyre pressure is an interesting topic with plenty of bad or incorrect advice including from main dealers. I have posted separately on this but my intention is to use the figures given to me by Continental's experts as you have done.  This will mean the low pressure warning on all the time but it should be a more comfortable ride.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2017 #23

    On our last motor caravan the hand book gave recommended tyre pressures for each model,much lower than on door frame,but still did not after about 50 miles  give a comfortable ride 😟 

  • Unknown
    edited May 2017 #24
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  • thebroons
    thebroons Forum Participant Posts: 165
    edited May 2017 #25

    Our Hobby m/h has a low but long rear overhang and so far only the Corran ferry caused the towbar to ground out on and off the ferry.

    Try and go on the ramps at an angle and don't let anyone rush you. 

    Enjoy the new found freedom a motorhome brings. 

  • Tigi
    Tigi Forum Participant Posts: 1,038
    edited May 2017 #26

    We followed the theory of the easy off motorhome for the three we owned but then began to come to the conclusion that spending time on public transport from the campsite rather offsets it.

  • Arrivakids
    Arrivakids Forum Participant Posts: 214
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    edited May 2017 #27

    Welcome , we too changed in January from years of having a Caravan.We hope to buy a  couple of Electric Bikes , but for now we are walking miles and miles with the two dogs so that has to be good . As for filling up before you set off we are on a  Water Meter so i would rather fill up on site it can be a  ball ache if its raining otherwise does not take too much time .. If you compare the two they both have good and bad points but for us we can get away quicker with the Motor home. In Fact we have been away the last three weekends more to follow then Skegness and then France ..

  • Unknown
    edited May 2017 #28
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  • Leticia2
    Leticia2 Forum Participant Posts: 18
    edited May 2017 #29

    Look for sites that have nearby bus services. You can have days out and interact with the locals and apart from Wales it is free if you are of a certain age. No worry where to park and a relaxed ride to view the area. 

  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
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    edited May 2017 #30

    We were reborn when we bough th Motorhome last year. Suddenly we felt that we could go anywhere without worrying about the roads being too narrow, too steep, too isolated etc. So much easier to set off and little to do upon arrival.

    I could give you a long list of things that we have learned but the main one is not to go out and buy a load of new stuff until you have done a couple of trips. We spent the first year buying things and now, in the second year, have been using eBay to get rid of most of them.

    Because it is so easy to move away, the only thing I worry about is to raise the steadies if I have put them down (which we often don't bother with). I put the brace on the floor in front of the driving seat! Can't move off with the EHU plugged in because the engine won't start, the gas is self contained in an under slung tank and the step retracts when the engine is started. Couldn't get much easier!

  • dougA
    dougA Forum Participant Posts: 142
    edited May 2017 #31

    Hi all, just an update as been busy. Collected our first motorhome last Friday. Handover from Perthshire caravans was excellent and a full demo on how all works.

    Not had an overnight stay in it yet but been out a couple of times for a day trip to try it out. On first impressions I love it. I would never have taken the caravan out for a day.......its just so easy to get up and go and all water, waste and gas onboard.

    As for the size of the motorhome it doesn't seem to stop me driving into towns, supermarket car parks etc.

    Ive also loaded the MH up and filled the water tank to 50% and I'm still well within the weight limit 👍🏼.

    Yes great advice on here. I have sold a lot of accessories from my caravan which are not suitable for the MH. To date I have bought a couple of security devices and a silver screen as I have read a lot of great reports on them for summer and winter. As mentioned on here I will just buy accessories if and when required.

    Overall I am well pleased with our new Elddis. Lots of added extras as its a dealer special and plenty of room inside. Great to drive and already notice the advantages with the solar panel and the reversing camera.

    Keep the replies coming as I'm sure there's a lot to learn yet and any tips welcome.

    Cheers 😀👍🏼
