New Logo
Having seen various comments about the need for the name change, I've seen nothing about the safety aspects of the new signage. Have just returned from our first visit to a Club site since the change and discovered that the new signs/logo are almost unreadable from any distance on a busy road. The entrance to the Cirencester site is off a busy road down a lane which serves several facilities. Although we know the area, the entrance is one of three quite close together so I was approaching it carefully to make sure of the right one.
We saw a 'familiar' green sign and headed for it; fortunately it was the right entrance but the wrong sign. The CC sign was on the same post but almost indistinguishable with the tiny nonsensical logo and small lettering. Had we not known the area and seen the other sign we could have missed it.
Does anyone actually road test these things, or talk to local Road Safety Officers before these highly expensive changes are made? The previous signs were colourful, easily seen and did what it said on the tin. These look like a cheap ice cream logo and do not stand out at a distance.
Oh yes, and we were told we couldn't buy a green site badge as they are also being changed but none had arrived yet!
Whilst I would agree the new signs leave a lot to be desired in terms of visibility. I would have thought the OP's comments more applicable to CL's than the main sites.
Since the advent of Google street view I have not visited a site without checking the entrance out first. Therefore I am well aware of what the entrance looks like, plus helpful markers just before the turn. CL's on the other hand have not always been visited by the camera car.
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Unfortunately we have not been able to get away yet this year so have not had the opportunity to compare the two. Having said that I tend to do the same as Steve and look at those sites I am unfamiliar with on Google Earth. I know people have posted a picture of the CL sign, be quite interesting to see one the campsite signs.
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Give it time and I'm sure the amateur looking new signs will become as familiar as the old ones.
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I wonder how many of the "millions" of members that the CC has do actually read the magazine or the information supplied on the web site with regards to the new signs. I suspect that many will be looking for the sign that they are familiar with when visiting a new site or CL and easily miss the new one.
Before anyone says that they would have seen the information when making a booking, perhaps they've used the old Site Directory to glean the information they require re telephone numbers and directions. Most of course do not look at or even know the existence of this forum and so will not have been following all the discussions on this subject.
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If you collect club plaques were you offered one for the site in the new design posted free of charge?
If not why not? Surely after all the planning redesigning of sites book magazine etc these should have been ready from day one!
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We are at Cherry Hinton site in Cambridge, the signs at the entrance have been updated, and are certainly less 'visible' than the previous signs. This was no problem to us as we have been here before.
Elsewhere there were a few signs in the new colour scheme, but there has certainly not been a wholesale clear out of green signs. The staf are still wearing their friendly green garb too.
We have been members long enough to remember the last time they changed 'dark' green for light, so I expect we will get used the new colours. New investment is always welcome, but will we get any new sites to go with the new look?
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In the last week we have visited 2 Caravan Club Sites that we had not visited before. The first one was at the end of a lane, so it was probably obvious where the site was but seeing that new and completely useless logo in the distance did little to confirm the location. (Burrs Country Park)
The second Caravan Club site we visited, fortunately had left the older and easily recognisable signs in place. I say fortunately because the site was on a main road, slightly hidden from view and if it had not been for the Caravan Club signs, I am sure I would have gone straight past.
The new logo has done nothing whatsoever to enhance the reputation of the club and the new name is too much like that other UK brand of Caravan Sites.
Change is good when it is for the better, this certainly is not!
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You'll get used to it, DS, and then you'll be looking out for the new tasteless but, by then, familiar signs.
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It's been pointed out to me by a non member that the new squiggle of a logo looks more like an online dating advert, things could be looking up!
A very backward design step going by the comments above.
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I would like to ask if the new logo is actually legal.
The logo suggests that the Caravan and Motorhome Club have been in existence since 1907.
Would the 1907 only apply to the Caravan Club and not the new club name that only came into existence in 2017?
Presumably the Caravan and Motorhome Club did not exist between 1907 and 2016.
Not that it makes much difference, I doubt if it will be anything other than the CC in our family.
The logo is so insignificant on the signs, who will take any notice unless they are visiting a site for the first time?
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The new Logo is the spitting image of Calor Gas new Logo. Also nearly the same as the Masterchef Logo on TV. I am sure the person who has obviously been paid a fortune to design this logo has ripped the club off. I think it looks like a dirty sink plughole. Perhaps that is where the club is going. I much prefer the old club name and Logo. Are the club membership fees also going to be increased to pay for all this needless change.
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Found these two signs side by side at the weekend. Logos not that dissimilar. Ice cream anyone?
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Is that a warden with a sense of humour or one trying to make a point
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I've just visited a site where the new signs were in place. Fortunatly it was a site that I have used before because we past the new sign and only noticed it the next day when we went for a walk.
I am not impressed.
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whether it is on a black background or the more normal white, it is still pretty obvious they are different. Those who cannot see that shouldn't be driving.
p.s. The logos were all copied from the respective web sites.
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Totally agree with you. The new signs just do not stand out like the old ones, and in our opinion neither do the new wardens' uniforms. All the money spent on rebranding (without consultation with members) just because someone thought that motorhomers would not think to go to a caravan club site? It didn't seem to put them off before the rebranding!
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I have moaned before about the disgraceful waste of money the new logo has caused now been away and seen it in use.
Ugh! What sign! Blink and you will miss it and unless you have 20:20 vision you won't be able to read it. As for the grubby looking dark red pennant that is a joke. If one didn't know the site one look at the unreadable poor pennant one would drive on.
I think its time, after all the adverse response, the "brains" who dreamt up this fiasco own up to having made a BIG mistake and not make any more expensive changes without polling the members whose money they are spending! Have you not heard about democracy?
Oh Yes! Whatever happened to the statistics I requested on the numbers of members polled! No Answer seem to be the order of the day. Wonder why?
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Time to let this go and move on, perhaps? Let's simply accept that, like it or not, nothing's going to change.