Door stay
Hi. Has anyone else experienced the occurance of the door stay on a Bailey 740 Approach coming loose at the door frame. We had to replace the stay last year and despite my tightening of the allen screw securing the stay to the door frame, it gradually loosens and unless I check it regularly it can jam the door from opening. I have tried several different solutions but none will stop the screw from undo-ing. Any suggestions? Thanks DB
Have you tried fluids such as "LOCTITE" [ Used to fix screws or nuts and bolts in engineering !
If its a Metallic Allen screw going into a similar metal plate you could try the trick used by the more tight walleted amongst us {
} -- slacken the screw a couple of full turns, apply some of OHs nail varnish (colour to match the frame naturally ) then tighten up the screw. Wipe down with a tissue then stand there gently blowing as if it is a finger nail. Give it a few mins to dry before using it.
Its a trick I've used many a time on the screws on spectacles -- more likely to find nail varnish than engineering supplies