What are you all up to



  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2017 #4322
  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited April 2017 #4323

    Thanks Tricky surprised

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    edited April 2017 #4324

    We had a frost, a cousin was out at 5am and it was -3c so quite hard 😲😲. Beautiful clear blue and little breeze at 9.45am 9c too. Morning of household cooking and accounts I fear and garden pottering. Reflexology later this afternoon this afternoon 😃. Enjoy your day folks whatever you do.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    edited April 2017 #4325

    That would appear to be a sensible assumption. Legal cover as an extra on the policy is in the £20+ region. Why for that price would they open up an unlimited legal bill for non related matters?? Let's face it legal assistance is dirt cheap at more than £100 per hour plus expenses 😂😭😂😃. I picked up a charges list in our dentist and they charge £200 an hour 😲😲😲😲 so actually I'd double what I guess at for legal...........

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited April 2017 #4326

    Lovely clear blue skies this morning in Tewksbury, off to find waste pipe local 6.5mls caravan dealer says they have some?

    any one interested,  this site is having big refurb end of season(closing early) including new big facilties block and 50 all weather pitches

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,415
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    edited April 2017 #4327

    Interesting reading about gardens up and down country! Everything seems just so much further on this year, I have roses with large buds already, yet still have daffodils in full bloom as well. And dry.........what bit of rain we have had this week didn't even wet the ground. So water butts are on full alert. Hope the wisteria makes it, our local council had an over enthusiastic weed spray a few years ago and completely killed mine! I was less than amused as I had loved and cherished it for a good number of years!

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2017 #4328

    It's been a good spring TDA but as you say some of us are lacking water. I think we're dry til the end of the month which isn't good for new plantings. Sad to lose a wisteria, our neighbour has one and we get some of the benefit as it rambles towards us.

  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
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    edited April 2017 #4329

    cool On board the "Red Funnel" (which is up for sale--£250 mill') crossing back from the I.o.W  just had the breakfast using my points.,heading to Portsmouth & Southdown Motorhomes ,for a couple of minor jobs i require doing,some of the LED's have failed on the headlights,& one has water ingress.All booked in ,so should'nt take long.Lovely sunny and warm day AGAIN,!! 

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    edited April 2017 #4330

    Tricky sad you're on the way home already 😯. Hope the repairs go well. Delighted you had 'free' breakfast but what did you have??? 😂

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2017 #4331

    Hope it gets fixed soon, at least it's not far to go. 

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited April 2017 #4332

    The legal protection we sold with the motor policies at work , would only cover legal expenses with regard to a motor accident, for example personal injury claim or costs involved in recovery of expenses. So I would check carefully.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited April 2017 #4333

    Lovely sunny day  feels warm too in the sunshine, been to Aldi to top up the fridge and cupboards,  having sons home for a few days means they have eaten all the food! 

    Met a fellow dog walker this morning with her new puppy, beautiful merle collie cross lab, a real cutie.

    OH picked up second hand window he bought off eBay,  it's to replace the window in the garage which is wooden and very rotten. So that will be a job for the weekend. 

    Safe trip Triky,  hope repairs go well.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,167
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    edited April 2017 #4334

    Had a smooth crossing yesterday and arrive home about 1030pm.  Already mowed the lawn, done 2 loads of washing, completed food shopping now waiting for an afternoon of fun with the grandtwinslaughing

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,171
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    edited April 2017 #4335

    I think that is correct. One of my cars was damaged whilst it was parked but fortunately a witness took down details for me. The insurance company passed it on the the solicitors and they pursued the guilty party for damages. Trouble is I don't know whether that had any positive or negative effect on my future premiums although I don't recall a hike in prices the following year. I know some house insurance policies have legal protection that covers a wider remit. Perhaps if its a commercial policy Malcolm has it might cover loss of earnings but whether that would extend to tribunal issues I have no idea.


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited April 2017 #4336

    Well we didn't have a frost last night, quite mild in fact at 3c it was cloudy so that kept it away. Plants that got the new growth frosted the night before have all gone brown and shriveled, so will have to remove it at some stage before I go away. 

    All making and sewing items for the van done, think I'll just alter a couple of shirts that I like to take with me and then the sewing machine can go away again.

    OH out at his Oldies lunch club (he helps out) then it will be into Perth with the M/H to give it a run and to fill up with fuel. I've already laid out most of the clothes that I want  to take and if there is any space left in the lockers OH can throw in a T shirt or 2 laughing 

    That's him back from his club and he's carrying a bunch of carnations (he won them in the raffle) Oh well must go and do some more stuff.

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited April 2017 #4337

    Finally finished redecorating the kitchen and everything put back in place. I've got aches in places I didn't even know could ache. It's all reaching and stretching and I'm getting too old for this.😫

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited April 2017 #4338

    Malcolm - you have, of course, checked with your insurers (or at least read the policy) to confirm that they will cover these legal costs?

    And that your solicitor is happy with this arrangement?

    Having checked again, it appears that, as others have said, most legal cover that comes with car insurance will only cover disputes relating to car accidents, other drivers etc.

    Legal cover that comes with home insurance typically covers property disputes, employment disputes, tax disputes, motor prosecution, school admin disputes, personal injury claims, consumer disputes, problem neighbours etc. (depending on the policy).

    It is also dependent on how long you've had the cover.

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited April 2017 #4339

    I spent most of today putting everything back in my M/H after its service ,before I put it all back I decidedly to weigh the items ,without me ,my wife and dog a total of 240kg ,so plenty of spare capacity smile,its surprising what we think we need !surprised

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited April 2017 #4340

    Saw Mrs Duck on the river this morning. Sadly she was down from 4 ducklings to three. Poor little thing only had one day of life. He or she spent it getting to know the area a bit and being taught by his mum how to feed. He also witnessed the harsh world of ducks during the mating season and his mum having to fight off numerous males.

    How sad.....

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2017 #4341

    WHOOOOPEEEE !!!!  Happy  Days  Are  Here  Again  !!  

    Started  The  Big  Flush  Through  of  m/h  water  tanks  before  the  Scottish  trip -- I'd  forgotten  just  how  long  the  Hot  water  heater  takes  to  fill  up surprised.

    Took  it  for  a  nice  drive  to  "Slosh  It  Around",  tried  &  failed  to  spend  some  money  in  Nantwich  --  a  lot  of  the  smaller  traders  still  Early  Close  on  Wednesdays  !  So  another  swirly  drive  home  and  there  was  the  cause  of  my  Joy  &  Delight  ==>  the  envelope  on  the  mat  held  all  the  documents,  tickets  &  wrist  bands  for  my  9 day  Fun  Time  at  the  Great  Dorset  Steam  Fair  over  August  B/Holiday.

    Its  sitting  on  the  shelf  alongside  my  clock  so  I  can  look  at  it  &  cheer  my  self  up  if  I  ever  feel  a  touch  low wink

    So  tomorrow  it's  empty  the  tanks  ,  refill  &  flush  out.  I'll  do  a  drive  &  come  back  to  see  whats  on  the  mat  this  time  !!

    Could  be  a  Lottery  win  perhaps,  or  some  unknown  relatives  have  left  Yours  Truly  a  few  Grand  may  be  cool


    Take  Care,  and  have  fun  you  lot  smile

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited April 2017 #4342

    Managed to get some more vitamin D to legs cool and local c/van and m/caravan dealer came up trumps with waste pipe £1.50 for 1 mtr job done, now have 4 x45deg bends a several short lengths of pipe that were not needed, in first place if thought out by manufacturer

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2017 #4343

    It's  one  of  the  reasons  I  could  never  do  the  Animal  Filming  Jobs,  Ian.

    They,  with  very  few  exceptions,  control  their  feelings  and  let  Nature  take  it's  cruel  hard  course.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,843
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    edited April 2017 #4344

    Post holiday washing and houshold jobs this morning, Cathedral welcoming this afternoon - very busy - followed by shopping in town and Aldi food shopping and then relax.......We watched Maigret on catch up this evening - very good. Our wisteria sems to have survived last night's frost but time will tell.

    Glad you had such a good time on IoW Triky. Does the diet start now.laughing?

    Hope your son's move went well at the weekend Helen.

    So sorry Mrs Duck has already lost one of her ducklings Ian. Life is so cruel sometimes.






  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited April 2017 #4345

    I checked the policy and it looks like it's just legal protection insurance relating to car accidents.

  • taffyY
    taffyY Forum Participant Posts: 326
    edited April 2017 #4346

    Draw a line under it Malc and move on!  It is not worth the hassle! smile

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited April 2017 #4347

    Cloudy morning, took dog across  the fields, everywhere is very dry.

    Not at work until this afternoon so meeting up with a friend for coffee, cake and chat.smile 

    Millie, move went well,thanks, he is just waiting to hear if he will get all the deposit back.Glad the cathedral welcoming is going well. What sort of new awning did you buy in the end?


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    edited April 2017 #4348

    Helenandtrevor it seems quite a large part of the country is very dry for the time of year. But great for dog walking 😉. I'm sure your son will get his full deposit back - after all you all pitched in to clean it. 😂😂 But deposit returns can be tricky things, some landlords try it on too 😉. Enjoy your three c's ( coffee cake and chat).

    Milliehull whatever will you do today? You did it all yesterday 😂

    Malcolm time to look forward not backwards. New day new start ☺.

    Off to fill the çake tins and stock fridge with homemade goodies. Son girlfriend and dog arrive tomorrow for wedding on Friday and weekend here. We're booked on for Monday to Friday at a new to us local CL so I need to ensure well have some to take. Better hide them up!! Hoping that the house cleaning fairies call today too.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,843
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    edited April 2017 #4349

    Helen,  We bought a Sunncamp Swift Deluxe lightweight awning from Towsure in the end.  We didn't want a big heavy one.  We have spread it out and it looks fine.  If we find time we might have a couple of nights at Ferry Meadows to try it out.

    Bakers2, Sadly I still have plenty to do - change our bedding and wash it (shall I put the lighter duvet on?), cleaning the house, gardening (lots!) and fetch the grandsons from school this afternoon.  I hope you have a lovely weekend with son, girlfriend and dog and a lovely few days away next week.

  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
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    edited April 2017 #4350

    cool Had the "Red Funnel" breakfast using my loyalty card points(that's why it was free)Double fried eggs,sausage,two  bacon rashers,two hash browns,baked beans,& toast 'PHEW: !!Oh double espresso too .Had the repairs done ,all O.K.now  .M25 was very slow (nothing new !!) ,went straight to the B/yd for the night .Just popped home now to 'catch-up mail etc , 'then going back there for the day.Cloudy and cooler today in East Kent.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited April 2017 #4351

    Much more cloud today have had some rain early am, some numpty had managed to knock  over a distribution bollard ,sparky on site now replacing it, so part of site with no electric,not uslaughing,