Piped Music

Can somebody please explain to me, why is it the Club now pipes radio music into site toilet blocks? I have now been to three sites where this is a feature. Surely we can manage to have a shower or using the facilities without having to listen to the meaningless drivel that is independent local radio; if you want to listen to this, most modern caravan/motorhome units now come equipped with a radio.
It is another hidden cost that us as members have to pay for, as I guess the Club would need a public performance licence to be able to offer this facility. I don't remember being asked if I wanted this facility when I responded to various membership surveys, so why has it appeared?
I don't.
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Spookily, I was on Grantown on Spey at the weekend, an AS and it's the first one for a while I've been to that has piped music. It made a nice change, some Radio 2 or was it Radio 4, quite inoffensive.
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Did it ruin your holiday, Pegwr?
I can't honestly get excited about it.
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I don't mind either way. Radio 2 would be my choice.
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its not at every site but does go on quite late as I use the toilet block morning noon and night ,so often think it is not necessary to have it on late at night
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For the length of time I am in a toilet block it does not bother me.
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There are those amongst us that due to some intestinal disorder or another do have to spend considerable amounts of time in these blocks, and in view of what is causing their stay to be protracted they are likely to be in a low mood anyway which will not be helped by having unwanted entertainment (of sorts) thrust upon them.
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Three points for me ..
1. Is music really needed ? - (Not in my view)
2. How much have the club paid for a PRS licence ? ( Not having a licence can be very expensive in fines )
3. It can be impossible to choose what music is appropriate ? ( radio1, radio2, local radio, classic FM ) I doubt any of these will please everyone , whilst others will irritate . What I may like you may hate and vice versa
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Rather hear music than some of the other sounds........
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I have commented on this many times as we hate piped so called 'music' anywhere in a public space unless it is soft and easy listening. We do a recky of restaurants before we settle on anything and if the musak is unacceptable or loud we walk away. We have also asked the staff to turn it down or off and they usually oblige. We think it is put on for the staffs benefit mainly. As one cannot please everybody surely better to have peace and quiet in the TB. It seems more and more prevalent in the Club now and we were told in the new builds that it was being built in. Dreadful, the club must have a license but still a complete waste of funds when some TB need refurbishment. We were at a site a couple of weeks ago that had only been opened days and there were various problems with the shower heads and no water in some cubicles. Use our funds for those problems and forget the background noise.
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Sssshhhhhh, next we will want to stop kids laughing in the play parks🙄