Showering in the caravan
We're happy to use site facilities and equally happy to use our own, it all depends on the day, the circumstances and our mood. We can both have a quick navy shower from one 10L tank full but that is slightly up from a strip wash 😉.
Using our own facilties is certainly a wake up call for the precious commodity water is and how we should value and conserve it. And say thank you every day for not having to collect and empty it from a clean closeby source. Spare a thought for those who walk for miles, physically carry it and it isn't clean and treated like ours!
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'...obviously, it can still be done, as posters have managed it, but requires discipline.....or both together '
Hey Bolero Boy, they must both be very skinny!
No chance of any nudge, nudge
in my tiny cubicle. (Allegedly).
I did have to share a Ladies shower (with half-doors) once with my wife at Cherbourg marina in France late at night when the Gents was locked and overheard a new arrival comment to her friend on the pair of hairy legs in view.
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If we only used facility sites then we probably would not use ours. Why clean out after ourselves when there are good site facilities is my take. However we do use no facility sites as well.
Also shower came in hand when renovating our toilet and bathroom 5 years ago. Also excavated and put in a raised base for oil tank and a fire barrier at the same time. Having to renew floor screeds and other works meant about 3 weeks with the bathroom out of action. OH used the caravan shower. I stripped off and stood in a large builders bucket on the back patio for my clean off whilst the barbie was getting ready for cooking
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I'm completely out of touch ! Are there really Caravan sites without modern facilities? Do people really go to them ? I'm amazed.
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There's nowt so queer as folk as they say....we prefer quiet, non facilitated sites and are more than happy to shower in the van even if on a Club site. Climb out of bed, kettle on, shower and back out to make the tea.
We have of course used the facilities on site and they are great but at the mo I'm quite happy to fetch and carry the water.
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agree fully. I like to shower for as a) as long as necessary b) as long I as feel like it, unless there's a queue of course. I'm on holiday and I don't want to start worrying about the hot water running out or even the water running out. Also like I said we use it as storage which suits us better,
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There is no need for gentlemen to appear in "onesies" on the way to and from the ablutions block. For many decades it has been possible for the public to purchase a set of "overalls" as worn by engineers, mechanics and similar trades. I have in fact two sets - one with a nice quilted lining for use in the winter months. One can also obtain a toolbox in a small size to carry soap, towel and other accoutrements to complete the illusion of not being a caravan dweller at all.
The method of preference, of course, is for both partners to shower together as less water is consumed and a decent wash of the back can be obtained on a reciprocal basis. Problem though is there is no-one to pass in the warm towels.
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In my shower room { ?? } I store my laundry in laundry bags all kept neat & removable in one of these modern oval plasticy hold-all Thingumy bobs - easy to remove as and when required -- it also holds any spray bottles for 'Toilet pink' , midge repellent, etc etc
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Dog beds (during the day), dog coats (it sometimes rains when we're in the van!), sacks of dog food & bowls, walking boots (overnight) and we also have a clever thingumy-bob which we clip over the door and gives us hooks for 4 (often wet) coats. We could, of course, keep all that in an awning if we wanted the hassle of putting up and taking down every ime we move - but we don't! QED!
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Just wait till you get hot water through the taps, then it will heat up as it goes
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Wow so many replies to my post, please let me explain, when we became OAP 10 years back we started touring for approximately 12 weeks per year and this year after updating our old caravan decided to cut down on the expense by using CLS for some of our breaks ( these are sites with less facilities surprise you did not know EUROTRAVELLER with you being a member ?) So all I wanted was some tips on showering in the van , once again thanks for all the helpful replies
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Yes, by choice. There we meet quite a few very pleasant like minded campers and after all we have all the facilities we need and know who uses them.
We have the older [30 odd years old Aquaroll] and the Alde 3010 using gas, and have no issues both showering from a single fill.
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Thanks JVB, if sites like that are such a good idea then I'm surprised the rest of Europe doesn't have them. But Brits do seem to be unique in liking lavishly equipped caravans and spartan sites.
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We always use our onboard facilities otherwise what's the use in having them
with our Motorhome we have a 200ltr fresh water tank so can last about 4/5 days with both of us showering every day.same as others have said ,wet,soap up and rinse.we also have about 100ft of hose on board so filling up again without moving,no problem
Brian & Jo