Re-pitching after late leaver gone



  • ChemicalJasper
    ChemicalJasper Forum Participant Posts: 437
    edited April 2017 #32

    Rules are rules, late staying is allowed at the wardens discretion - given.

    Personally I don't do it, as I consider it selfish to disadvantage people arriving on site who should have the choice of any available pitch, but that is just me, each to their own.

    I do however, where we are staying close to home, often pay for an extra night if we want to do something specific and depart around tea time.

    I must admit, I love the disapproving looks on some peoples faces when they see you hitching up at that time.laughing

    I do find that may commercial site have 5pm late departures for around a £5 extra, but only where specific pitches are booked - difficult to do on a CC site! 


    (plus I don't really care where I pitch, we only use the van as a base and come back to it for sleeping......and to let the kids race round on bikes to annoy people!laughing)

  • 63ellsbells
    63ellsbells Forum Participant Posts: 138
    edited April 2017 #33

    We’re booked on a small commercial site for the Easter weekend, Friday – Tuesday and when I asked about arrival/departure times I was told on the phone ‘oh, arrive anytime after 9.00am, that will be fine’...They don’t have email or card/deposit system so I sent a text to get some sort of confirmation, and the response back was ‘no set arrival time, & and as long as departure isn’t late afternoon, you’ll be fine’.

    Will be keen to see how this works in practice....but no doubt it will be just fine..laughing 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,408
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    edited April 2017 #34

    Life is somewhat different away from Club Sites, some aspect good, some aspects not quite so good. However, any institution that operates with so many rules and regulations, and then imbeds these into the majority of users is rather asking to create friction. Those who love to be micro managed all the time sometimes find that seeing others doing something different, (quite legitimately in most instances,) occasionally find it difficult to cope with what is going on, hence many of the comments on here, and some of the strange reviews often to be found for CLs.

    A good number of the rules are common sense health and safety, others enable the Club to keep the majority of users happy for the the majority of the time, given some of the usage patterns and site limitations. But a degree of flexibility is the sign of a grown up company, happy to empower it's staff, and react to any sensible suggestions. Like staying a bit later on none busy sites, or booking an extra site night but leaving

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited April 2017 #35

    Sounds like the attitude of most wardens on the cc sites that do not have a high capacity problem, when talking directwink

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited April 2017 #36
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  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,683
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    edited April 2017 #37

    Agree. We often pay for an extra night and have left as early as 2pm. Those extra two or three hours makes all the difference, you don't have to set the alarm and/or make sure you've had breakfast by a certain time so that you can get ready to be off by 12,  and useful when we had awning up, even a porch one. .

    Why do we pay rather than ask for warden's discretion?, for to ensure that we could stay, asking to stay past 12 is not a given right, or rather asking is, but getting permission isn't as this varies day by day. As the OP says the site was full (only two pitches left) so permission to stay would not have been given so it is just as likely this is what those early leavers did pay. 

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,683
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    edited April 2017 #38

    No, you're not. I considered the extra night's fee quite worth it, even if for only a few hours to guarantee a late stay, and to leave as late or early as I liked.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited April 2017 #39

    I too have no real objection to paying for that much later stay as long as it is discussed with the staff who may just be able to accommodate an 'on spec' off roader in consequence. I have no objections either to those who request a slightly later departure when circumstances allow! It's all about site management in my opinion. All we members need to do is assist this when ever we can. 

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited April 2017 #40

    I've never set an alarm on holiday (don't have one!) but leaving before the required time (usually 12noon) has never been a problem. Usually a couple of hours before the leaving time.

    I guess maybe we're better at planning and booking the time we need or want on a site than some people, for whom leaving an hour or two late seems to be almost the norm.

    Also, I suppose that we have an in-built desire not to inconvenience others (whatever a warden, under pressure from HO not to displease anyone to their face might agree to)......I don't know.  But maybe others don't have this sort of consderation and can only think of themselves.

    Such is life

  • JayEss
    JayEss Forum Participant Posts: 1,663
    edited April 2017 #41

    If I've paid for the extra night I'm not inclined to discuss it with the site staff. In any case if I've paid I'm usually leaving about 7.30 - 8 so no chance of double selling the pitch. 

    When we left longleat at 3.30 I did ask the warden if any arrivals were anticipated so I could delay leaving to avoid inconveniencing them but I'd not bother anywhere with decent access. 


  • JayEss
    JayEss Forum Participant Posts: 1,663
    edited April 2017 #42

    I guess maybe we're better at planning and booking the time we need or want on a site than some people, for whom leaving an hour or two late seems to be almost the norm.

    Us too. That's why we book an extra night to allow us to do what we want to do. With limited annual leave you have to make weekends work for you 

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited April 2017 #43

    Ian - you're letting your preconceived ideas stop you from reading accurately what folk are saying I think. If anyone has paid up till, let's say Saturday, there can surely be no possible objection to them packing up and leaving late on Friday is there? 

    You've never left after 12 without checking with the warden first (maybe you've never left after 12,  that's your choice of course), neither have we. Why do you assume that others (those people you describe as "awful") are any less scrupulous than you or me?

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited April 2017 #44

    Agree entirely Jay.

    You've planned for it, booked it and paid or it.......nothing for anyone to complain about there.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited April 2017 #46

    Good - we seem to be reaching a consensus that folk are doing nothing wrong leaving after 12 as long as either

    (a) they've paid for the following night


    (b) the wardens have ok'd it as per page 675 of the new handbook.

    That's that settled then! (Smiley smiley)

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited April 2017 #47

    It's taken a very long time but at least we've got there eventually! All friends and members together!smile

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited April 2017 #48

    At last , surpriseddid this conversation also come to the same happy ending,on a previos post/posts,on the last companies CT web sitecool

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,683
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    edited April 2017 #49

    +1 as I like to say

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited April 2017 #50

    Yes, I'm glad that we are all agreed finally.

    So, to summarise, there are four categories of people on sites:

    1) Those who leave before 12 noon on their departure day, leaving the full choice of all unpaid for pitches available to their fellow members arriving to start their holiday - the good guys.

    2) Those who pay for the extra night and maybe chose to leave later in the day before their final night, or the following morning - perfectly acceptable behaviour.

    3) Those who ask for a late stay (thereby putting the wardens under pressure, as they have been asked not to say no to a customer if at all possible). These people are 'using' the rules (a bit like coffee retailers etc use tax avoidance). Technically nothing wrong, but greatly inconveniences their fellow members and puts the wardens in a difficult position, purely for their own selfish gain.

    4) Those who don't even ask for a late stay and just stay late anyway. Very unpleasant people who have no place in the Club.

    So......which category do you fall into?

    (We're in cat 1, by the way smile).

  • JayEss
    JayEss Forum Participant Posts: 1,663
    edited April 2017 #51

    Category 2 people are also leaving before 12 on their departure day so are by definition the good guys as well. The pitch is paid for so why is it only 'acceptable'?

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited April 2017 #52

    I'm easy - bet you knew that! 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited April 2017 #53

    Why rise to the bait in Ians usual type of post?wink

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited April 2017 #54




    4...wouldn't dream of ityell












  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited April 2017 #55

    What was the question?? 

  • JillwithaJay
    JillwithaJay Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 2,487
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    edited April 2017 #56

    Many thanks to all contributors but, as this subject crops up from time to time and always ends up with the same comments, I'm closing it for our Community Manager to consider its future.



  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited April 2017 #57
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