Motorhome bedding

Are we the only ones who like to use duvets in the van? As that's so, we also like to use a fitted undersheet, but with the various shapes and sizes of mattress used in motorhomes, many of non-standard width and lengths and often with cut-off corners, it's impossible to obtain them from the usual retailers in a size which is a really good fit. Do any motorhome manufacturers offer fitted sheets for their beds? If so they keep it secret. Or do other campers have solutions of their own which we haven't thought of? Perhaps everyone else uses sleeping bags???
We use a duvet and from reading on here we are not alone. Can't help with fitted sheet as we have mattress toppers that have their own zipped covers. I believe others do buy shop fitted sheets. I'm sure someone will be along to assist before long.
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I believe there are places that do made to measure, Jonic is one, but they can be expensive.
Our mattress has a corner cut off, and is very deep, we use stretchy fitted sheets from Lidl, I think they cost about £6 or £7 these days, they come in various sizes and colours.
Much easier to fit in the confined area the mattress sits in. I have to wrestle it off the bed to deal with it!
If handy with a sewing machine, making fitted sheets is easy. OH has done some for beds at home in the past.
We also use a lighweight mattress topper, duvet and other bedding all from Ikea.
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You could try Wilko for bedding - there is a post elsewhere mentioning the quality of their 'Best' sheeets, which are so elasticated that they seem to fit all kinds of shaped mattresses, with corners cut off, etc.
Personally, I adapted our previous sheets, with a quick seam to take off a corner - but we have bought the Wilko sheets to try.
We like 'proper' bedding, we have lovely down pillows, a down duvet, and proper sheets............... can't do with the idea of sleeping bags. I stopped using them when I gave up being a girl-guide!!!!
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I would guess that like caravan manufacturers who sell bed sets for their van motor home manufactures will do the same, we bought a set when we bought our first new van in 2011 they are expensive though paid about £200 for the under sheet, quilt, and quilt cover give them a call
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We bought our fitted sheets from a motorhome show stall. A Yorkshire lass made them. The main selling point is she ensure there was enough material to comfortably tuck them in. We bought them, she offered a refund if they didn't fit. They have been great. Sadly I don't know who she was.
There are, through, numerous providers on the internet.
Swift come to closest to having dedicated bedding by providing the Duvalay system.
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Much as I thought. It's just another area where owners compensate for inherent design choices made by designers either for styling or quart-into-pint-pot reasons.
We can use off-the-shelf ones in our van, and they are sort of adequate but not as neat as they might be if tailor-made. I just wonder about those with 'French' beds, where so often a large triangular chunk at the corner of the mattress is absent. There must be a flappy surplus bit of sheet to add to the hazards of a middle of the night exit for the loo?
Anyway, thank you all for responding!
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I suppose you choose according to what you want to pay.
Ours is the French Bed style, but by using the stretchy sheets we do not have any "flappy bits".
Caravans and MHs will always involve a compromise, unless you have something resembling a large bus!
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We use 2 duvets. We have one winter weight and one summer weight. We have one underneath us and one on top and it depends on the weather which way round we use them. No need for a fitted bottom sheet.