Outfit Matching

KellyHenderson Forum Participant Posts: 76
edited March 2017 in Caravans #1

We are looking at improving the Outfit Matching service. Is there anything that you would like to see? An app perhaps, or being able to search on the vehicle’s registration or even the caravan’s V.I.N number. Would you like to be able to search for caravans by layout?

I look forward to reading your thoughts and ideas.


  • NevChap
    NevChap Forum Participant Posts: 180
    edited March 2017 #2

    I've used the matching service a lot recently as I'm about to change car. I was sorry to find so many cars I looked at did not have data so it was of limited use. I know it must be difficult sometimes to get reliable data from manufacturers, but this is crucial if one is to make comparisons. One statistic that would be useful and is not presently mentioned is boot/luggage capacity, useful to know if comparing vehicles used for holidays.

  • flatcoat
    flatcoat Forum Participant Posts: 1,571
    edited March 2017 #3

    I suggest you look at Towcar matching service for starters. Having user reviews is helpful as is the anticipated performance data and not being stuck with the very misleading 85% ratio data. Ensuring the facility is supported by knowledgable staff ( i.e. They know about cars and caravans - you can give me the job......) who keep it upto date with accurate data. I can see boot capacity having its use and basic layout selection might help some, albeit not an issue for us.

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,704
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    edited March 2017 #4

    The system does seem to have a few models that should be there missing. When looking at changing cars recently I discovered I could not find the Mazda CX5 I was looking at there. In the end I found there were none of that model left due to the new model coming out but it is a popular towcar.

  • Amesford
    Amesford Club Member Posts: 696
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    edited March 2017 #5

    Alas car reg numbers are not much use if you looking at buying a new car and having tried to use the clubs matcher the model I was looking at was not listed?  so back to the calculator and according to that its in the 85% rule. I never trust what a car or caravan salesman tells me about towing weights they have other priorities

  • dwlgll20
    dwlgll20 Forum Participant Posts: 139
    edited March 2017 #6

    Kelly, rather than adding an app could not the effort be put in to make sure that the existing data is correct. Not only are there missing vehicles  there is also incorrect data for vehicles. I have previously given feedback to the club about these inconsistencies but was told as the matching service is not owned by the club there was little could be done. Perhaps consider a new partnership with www.towcar.info?

  • Lutz
    Lutz Forum Participant Posts: 1,569
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    edited March 2017 #7

    What if the max. towing weight specified by the manufacturer is less than if you went by the 85% 'rule'? That happens too sometimes.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited March 2017 #8
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited March 2017 #9

    I gave up on the club matching service years ago Kelly. I was unable to ascertain what it included in its 'kerbweights'. It appeared that some of the quoted kerbweights included for the 'standard driver' etc and some did not. However info not there. 

    Also for my vehicle it was miles out anyway. Other sites had the correct info as confirmed on weighbridge later. So in my view not fit for purpose. Would I want an app? I cannot think why for something that is used infrequently and is (IMO) unfit for purpose. 

    I would have though IT better employed sorting out this website.

  • Amesford
    Amesford Club Member Posts: 696
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    edited March 2017 #10

    I have not come across this with the vehicles we have had or looked at but I will bear this in mind in future, but again in this case the specified towing weight it is greater 

  • xtrailman
    xtrailman Forum Participant Posts: 559
    edited March 2017 #11

    The only matching service I've seen that reflects Mazda's own weights is the CC&C matching service.


  • malc1945
    malc1945 Forum Participant Posts: 74
    edited March 2017 #12

    it needs up dating I own   a ford galaxy and it only lit two models and both 2.2 models and there at loads of different one's

  • Lutz
    Lutz Forum Participant Posts: 1,569
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    edited March 2017 #13

    Kerbweights are specific to each and every vehicle and can vary by as much as 100kg between two cars even of the same model. That's why any database can only be treated as a rough guide. Variations in the weight ratio of at least 3%, maybe in some cases up to 5%, are therefore to be expected. Fortunately, the figures used in the databases tend to be on the low side compared with actual measured ones, so the actual weight ratios are invariably more favourable.

    On top of that, very few manufacturers quote actual kerbweights. Most state the figure shown on the V5 and that is mass in sevice, not kerbweight, but they often call it kerbweight. Kerbweight itself is not usually documented anywhere.

    This should be pointed out to any prospective user of an outfit matching service,

  • TonyBurton
    TonyBurton Forum Participant Posts: 269
    edited March 2017 #14

    The first priority must be correcting the inaccurate data. It was completely wrong for my Ford Focus 1.8TD. Neither the CC nor the C&CC were interested in correcting it. I think their argument was along the lines of “It’s safer to quote the minimum figure” presumably derived from a 1.6 petrol model. If I believed your data I would have had the very expensive option of changing the car. I did change the car eventually, but never the less it had been a very good tow car with ample power and reasonable weight. We say a lot about weight ratio, but if the basic car has good road holding in its own right then it’s surely going to make a more stable tow car than a heavy weight old banger that twitches and rolls round every corner.


  • kentman
    kentman Forum Participant Posts: 147
    edited March 2017 #15

    Neither caravan manufactureres or dealers sufficiently draw attention to payload.  For most caravans it is given as somewhere around 150-160kg but a motor-mover and leisure battery have to be deducted from this which leaves only around 95 kg of usable capacity.  Buyers are, I feel, misled by manufacturers' highlighting floor-to-ceiling fridges, under-bed storage, etc which cannot be used to any great extent when towing - hence victims of broken axles of which Bailey have a number.  I suggest that the caravan payload be included in the matching data, stated both ex factory and after deducting for a motor-mover and battery.  Incidentally, I also think that mention should be made of this in reviews of caravans in the Club's magazine.

  • flatcoat
    flatcoat Forum Participant Posts: 1,571
    edited March 2017 #16

    Over riding all comments - including my own - is the 'matching service' should be regarded purely as a guide. Ultimately it is for individuals to take personal responsibility (which might be a strange concept to some in this litigious age) for ascertaining and checking the data and ensuring legal compliance.