Avondale owners advice please.

neveramsure Forum Participant Posts: 713
edited March 2017 in Caravans #1

Hi all, my daughter is looking to upgrade her very old five berth caravan and has seen an Avondale Dart 2005 that matches the layout she is looking for.

She has been looking on other forums for any information and was disappointed at the poor reviews. Please can any of you previous or present owners give your verdict on Avondale.



  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited March 2017 #2

    I had a  2006 380/2. Was just a little bit too cramped but a lovely little van.

  • neveramsure
    neveramsure Forum Participant Posts: 713
    edited March 2017 #3

    Thanks CY, there are a few horror stories of cracks in the rear and front panels around stress points. Apparently some were replaced but some were just repaired. I guess any make has its problems but you can't beat actual owners reviews. 

    NIMROD Forum Participant Posts: 103
    edited March 2017 #4

    I have a 2007 Avondale 510-5. Had it from new and have had no problems with it whatsoever. Stored outside and never had any damp issues. Consider buying a new 'van from time to time but not seen anything that matches our needs so well. Just finished deep clean of exterior and no cracks noticed. I still see a lot of Avondales on the road. Hope this helps


  • neveramsure
    neveramsure Forum Participant Posts: 713
    edited March 2017 #5

    Thank you for your reply NIMROD.

    Interesting that your caravan is a 2007 as the problems with cracks were reported to be on 2004-2006 models. My daughter is now revising her budget and looking at slightly newer models.

    Thanks again.

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,763
    500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited March 2017 #6

    I did get involved with a dispute involving an Avondale with severe problems. The information we got suggested that Avondale got into financial trouble some time before they ceased trading and were effectively run by a firm of accountants who instigated savings that were not that always wise. This makes any made in the last two years of the companies life are definitely suspect with lots of damp problems. A 2005 should be a better bet, but you should still do a damp check and take the usual precautions when buying.

  • neveramsure
    neveramsure Forum Participant Posts: 713
    edited March 2017 #7

    Thanks for the reply Wildwood.

  • ScreenName003805AD34
    ScreenName003805AD34 Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited March 2017 #8

    I have just bought an Avondale Osprey 2004 and I am well chuffed with it , a damp test said all was ok .  the biggest problem was that no-one makes an awning to fit this caravan as the awning rail height is 220mm as against the normal 235-250mm . I finally tracked down a Bradcot  porch awning which was a 13 year old but never used,  with a 215-225mm  rail height . It also has the most comfortable bed I have ever had in a caravan.


  • neveramsure
    neveramsure Forum Participant Posts: 713
    edited March 2017 #9

    I'm glad you are happy with your Avondale and well done finding the Bradcot porch awning.

    My daughter is still looking, her hubby is controlling the budget.laughing