Essential tool kit? (Length of piece of string...)

We're hoping to head off for a trial weekend very soon with our caravan. I'm wondering what an essential tool kit / spares kit needs to have. Bearing in mind I'm not a whizz repairer of everything in sight, and accepting that the length of a piece of string is different for everyone, I'll be grateful to learn what stuff you regard as truly necessary, or wish you'd had with you when you didn't!
I'm not including domestic equipment in this, like kettle, or loo stuff, nor things like the corner steady winder, and I've already bought my gas bottle spanner, but spares and running repairs items. It's a fairly low tech caravan, no central heating nor shower, & we choose no TV, (though it does have water heater, cooker, fridge, motor mover), so we won't need the more esoteric items mending.
What would be on your list, please?
Much as most people carry in their car I expect. Adjustable spanner, screwdrivers, Duct tape (very important, useful for so many things), cable ties, tyre pressure gauge and tyre pump, WD40 or similar, spare fuses, spare batteries for any small electrical things like torches and don't forget the chargers for mobile phone etc if that applies.
Whatever you do make sure you enjoy yourself. The above are only suggestions as you will discover what YOU need soon enough. Remember you are usually fairly near civilisation so can always go and purchase anything you desperately need.
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I do carry a small toolbox in the car, as much for the car as for the caravan although the car is far too technical for all but the simplest of things..
Roll of electrical tape, couple of screwdrivers (crosshead and flat), some spanners, fuses, assorted 4/5/6mm nuts bolts and washers, wire brush, cord, electrical connectors assorted, allen keys, pliers, cable ties and adjustable spanner.
Probably a bit more but these essentials will cover the easy jobs.
Just had a Motormover fitted and instead of carrying the wrench for that and a wheelbrace (both 19mm) I bought a 6" extension so the wheelbrace with pull out handle does both.
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In the towcar I carry Electrical screwdriver, cross head, straight blade, snap off craft nice, some cotton string, tyre pressure gauge, pliers, mole grips, junior hacksaw, small adjustable spanner, spare alko lock cover plug, tool for realigning 13 pin connector on c'van, wire wool, penetrating fluid, shock cord, thin garden wire, tube of silicon gel to stop water inlet pipe sticking, insulation tape, at least 4 of each 12 volt fuse, and some 240 volt fuses. In locker claw hammer for driving and pulling pegs and a gas spanner for bottle changes. I also keep a small electrical screwdriver and a stubby screwdriver with a dozen interchangeable bits inside. Also carry 12 volt tyre pump. If I need owt else the warden can normally provide.
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I have a small tool box which is normally kept indoors at home for quick repairs containing variety of spanners screwdrivers, adjustable spanner, Stanley knife, mole wrench etc; this is put in caravan when on holiday. For the caravan I have built up quite a box of spares but have found that duct tape, multimeter, super glue, aquaroll pump and 'o' rings, electrical spray WD40 as well as normal WD40 and silicon spray have all been useful, variety of fuses. Don't forget the little green tool for realigning the 13 pin connector if/when it becomes misaligned. If going to Europe a round 2 pin adaptor is pretty essential. First Aid box containing plasters for when you cut your fingers using your tools!!! Tyre pressure gauge and pump. The risk is taking too much and adding unnecessary weight!
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A triangle that will illuminate for breakdowns and Hi- vis vests for everyone in your car. And keep the vests easy to get to in the car, not in the caravan.
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Bottle opener and Mayday membership.
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A spare water pump is a very good investment. We had one fail only hours after arriving on site. It was a 40 mile round trip to buy a new one and, of course, they will always fail at night when everywhere is closed!
The other bit of advice which might help prevent the use of any kit is, before you set off, make sure that all the on-board equipment is working on all types of fuel, (gas, 240v and 12v where applicable). After standing for a time things have a habit of not working, spiders' webs in the gas igniters seems to be a favourite.
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Thanks all for these - very instructive and useful! And while I might not take absolutely everything on everyone's list, (or as has been said, there'll not be room for us as well), JohnM20 I already have bought the spare Whale pump, it was something recommended a while back, and I can see that they'll indeed choose to go when you're miles from anywhere.
Of course the temptation must be to carry a complete spare caravan if you take it to extremes, I can quite see that too!
Meanwhile we wait with bated breath to see if we'll get our promised weekend after all: the front window had de-laminated after a previous owner's inadequate repair which we hadn't spotted, and Eeco in Halifax promised our dealer they'd get it done by today (he's sent it to to them as part of honouring his warranty, which is decent), but reckoned this morning it would be the back of next week after all. A couple of firm phone calls to encourage them to honour their promise and it may be done by tomorrow after all. So all these preparations may have to be rammed in very quickly, or we may just end up taking ourselves on an alternative trial run when the van finally gets back to us after a frustrating wait... but at least, with luck, it'll have all the right bits in it!
Thanks again,
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Even I was looking for the same info. Thanks for the helpful replies.
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As people have suggested above, adjustable spanner, pliers and a variety of spanners. I would add CableTies, Duct Tape, some of the electric connection blocks (which are designed for mains wiring in the home, but they are excellent for making emergency/temporary connections too) One of the tiny-cheap-basic multimeters can be a great help too
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Sheer overkill.
A bit of chewing gum to hold things together and a drop of washing-up liquid to lub things.
Although an old farmer told me I should always carry a length of bale twine and a good penknife.
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During 30 years of Caravanning I acquired lots of essential tools and accessories. In fact, I had them so long that when I finally sorted through most things were out of date e.g. a water pump (the design and connections changed).
You really dont need any more than you would take in the car. I have found a multimeter useful but if you don't have electrical experience there is no point. A torque wrench is important and you should check wheel nuts after every long journey (your caravan handbook should tell you that).
If you really get stuck you can borrow most things from other caravan owners on site or pop down to the shops.
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I haven't liked to admit that with my lack of skills in things electrical there's not a lot of point in my taking a multimeter!
Now, the strong string and good knife bit I can do
... and I have assembled quite a few items from lists given here, and even bought a useful bag to keep them in, so it's not been wasted effort on your part, all you kind contributors!
Many thanks to all.
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And I've just thought of one more : a decent working light - forgive me if you've mentioned this, can't spot it on a quick read through. I got a useful bat-wing type rechargeable LED one, and already wouldn't be without it.
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ha ha Brilliant.
P.S like the picture of the sentinel in your profile pic. (Looks like the Sentinel from SVO anyways)