Second trip cock up

Jennysheepdog Forum Participant Posts: 22

I think we need to make a list of things to do when we are setting up our caravan!

We newbies to caravanning though we were really happy having got set up and took ourselves off to the supermarket to buy our food. Hubby suggested a pint to celebrate. We walked around Wells taking in the sites and found a pub and got our drinks and got chatting about the caravan and then he said he had forgotten to put on the wheel lock and other lock whatever that is called!

Had to whizz back to the site to check the caravan was still there

Phew. It was!


  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited March 2017 #2
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  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,329
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    edited March 2017 #3

    Don't worry we all do something silly however long you've enjoyed our hobby. We drove off with the EHU still connected once and we'd been motorhome for several years!. It hasn't happened again 😆. That's cos it's the first thing sorted if we're leaving the pitch. We have also had to stop to collect up the contents of the fridge or lock the cutlery drawer. 😂😂

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,928
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    edited March 2017 #4

    Don't worry Jenny. I am on year 54 without a caravan wheel lock. And no one has stolen the wheels. Or the caravan. 

  • Jennysheepdog
    Jennysheepdog Forum Participant Posts: 22
    edited March 2017 #5

    Thank goodness theft isn't as big a problem as it was in my head!

    all happy and settled in and feeling happy

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited March 2017 #6

    Don't worry about it ...... everybody has made a mistake of some sort at some time e.g. leaving handbrake on when setting off, leave mover engaged. You generally just make  a particular mistake once. 😉

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited March 2017 #7

    If everyone who normally contributes on this forum were to post and tell you the mistakes they've made, including yours truly, then this would be the longest running thread easily. 

    Don't worry about the lock, you've got plenty of other mistakes to choose from.wink

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2017 #8

    As  those  clever  folks  say  :--  Experience  Is  What  You  Have  Half  an  Hour  After  You  Needed  It  wink !!

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited March 2017 #9

    Yes don't worry - my insurance stipulates the locks on if I leave it for more than 3 hours - leaves a bit of wriggle room - and as others say more secure on site than at home in many cases. 

  • crusader
    crusader Forum Participant Posts: 299
    edited March 2017 #10

    Jenny we all make stupid mistakes or have done,the trick is to learn by them. Someone will correct me if I am wrong, but have a look in the handbook where there are check lists, for things to check before going and arriving, the main thing is enjoy and all these things will become second nature to you in a short time


  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,777
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    edited March 2017 #11

    If you are insured with the club then you would still be covered although not if you just ignore the clamp. With other insurers you need to be more careful though.

    The C&CC did publish statistics some time ago on where thefts take place and sites are very low down but they can occur.

  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,405
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    edited March 2017 #12

    Of course being male means that I only consult things like instructions, guidance or lists when its already gone wrong!

    I regularly use the A30 through Cornwall and in the summer seeing roof vents flapping or locker doors swinging is very common.

    My biggest mistake was not locking a locker door-why do makers not fit catches on all doors rather than just a lock-and as I glanced in my mirror coming off a roundabout near Swindon seeing all the contents spill out. I pulled in and rn back just in time to see a guy pick up my torque wrench and drive off!

    Re locks our van is in storage and the insures require three locks but when using the van we just use the hitch lock but, as AD says,on the continent it does seem to be just us Brits that use locks.

  • Simmo2300
    Simmo2300 Forum Participant Posts: 29
    edited March 2017 #13

    Oh I do like a good list and despite being male seem to rely on them more as the years go past, greater age seems to equal lesser memory.

    Going to add a few things to my pre-departure list just from things others have already mentioned on this thread. Learning from other peoples mistakes is much cheaper and less embarrassing.


  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
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    edited March 2017 #14

    After caravanning for thirty years I went to collect the van for the last time from the storage site. Drove 10 yards with the Alko wheel lock on!

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2017 #15

    Bet  you  didn't  do  it  again  tho',  did  you  !!  R O F L !!

  • gill302
    gill302 Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited March 2017 #16

    hi paul. 

    i have joined the club and received a welcome pack with maps but there is no hand book there. Does that come separately or do i have to buy it. \also, on same subject, the site book mentions club card which i also dont have. does that normally come with the pack


    thanks and hi to jenny. you have no idea how many mistakes i am already planningyell


  • TonyBurton
    TonyBurton Forum Participant Posts: 269
    edited March 2017 #17

    It's more important to remember to take the wheel lock off before you drive away. Crunch!!


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited March 2017 #18

    Gill, you certainly don't have to buy the book.

    Logic would lead you to expect all the items to arrive together but........

    If you don't get the missing items in a few days I suggest contacting the Membership Dept. Phone or Live Chat is possibly going to get a quicker response than email.

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited March 2017 #19

    I only got my book last week as a continuing member so they might be catching up with themselves!  But I would call if they haven't sent it soon - the book is invaluable and I highly recommend you read it carefully for lots of information.   The internet is all very well but it isn't always available 24/7.  Particularly important in my opinion are the directions to any site you are going to it is very important NOT to use SatNav in many cases. 

  • Si Jo Tom and Ems
    Si Jo Tom and Ems Forum Participant Posts: 58
    edited March 2017 #20

    Cannot say I have every worried about being on a Club site security wise, but you'll get into a routine or habit :)


  • NevChap
    NevChap Forum Participant Posts: 180
    edited March 2017 #21

    Whilst fitting hitch lock a Dutch gentleman on the pitch next to us in France asked why 'The Brits' always do this. I explained about insurance requirements etc etc and he shrugged and looked bemused by us. Yes always fit hitchlock on site but not always Alco wheel lock as can't be bothered to align wheel, especially if having to level (yes I know it is possible but life's too short). 

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,935
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    edited March 2017 #22

    Another one is to remember to hitch up properly.  I once forgot to take the little red ball (the one you use with the hitchlock).  As a consequence it looked as if we were hitched up, but in reality the hitch was just resting on the tow ball.  You can use you imagination as to what happened when I pulled away.  That cost me a new brakeaway cable, and it took 4 of us to lift the hitch off the floor!


  • PhilHeller
    PhilHeller Forum Participant Posts: 267
    edited March 2017 #23

    This is our first time with an Alko and I was getting very frustrated that I couldn't get the hitch to lock on, that red ball 🏀 is a real pain at times 😂😂

  • norab
    norab Forum Participant Posts: 64
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    edited March 2017 #24

    add it to the list of experiences. 

    There will be many more . After 30 years we still make silly mistakes. But have had lots of experience and advice . 

    Just don't take it too seriously and as long as no one gets hurt or causes damage it is ok .

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited March 2017 #25

    I was thinking of the OP when I was trying to get the EHU working yesterday.  It had been one of those days.  I tried both free sockets checked they were not the twist in kind.  Ventured to ask my neighbours who said they had just made a brew.  (Humph had they overloaded the bollard?). Oh no it was me I ALWAYS connect the caravan end first except yesterday!  embarassed  

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited March 2017 #26

    Oops! I'd  have just kept quiet ..... wink

  • RoyandBev
    RoyandBev Forum Participant Posts: 84
    edited April 2017 #27

    never seen that exact quote but I like it and will use it a lot, even after 20 years of camping we still forget, or even remembered but still left behind lots of things, happens to us all from time to time but so long as you don’t leave other half, dogs or kids at home should be able to sort it out or manage until you forget next time

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited April 2017 #28

    I think grandmas are allowed to admit the odd mistake aren't they?  None of us can be perfect all the time surely?  innocent