Arrival Time on First Day Open



  • Philnffc
    Philnffc Forum Participant Posts: 317
    edited March 2017 #32

    It is 12pm on  the opening day purely because of the insurance restrictions and because of a blanket fit all it is deemed 12pm is optimum time to suit all sites, Wardens are on site a week before to get site ready for opening day and sometimes  it can take the whole week.

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited March 2017 #33

    The insurance thing sounds like baloney to me.

    I don't have specific insurance cover for walking down the street.....I wouldn't expect it on a caravan site either.

    Anyway, it's impossible to believe that such cover, if required, would not be on an annual basis, to cover maintenance staff, CC wardens etc on the site outside opening dates.

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited March 2017 #34

    Talking about arriving time we were booked for Rowntree Park. The site flooded about a week or two before our arrival, but we were aware that the river level was going down.

    I rang the site to check our booking was still on and, fortunately, the site was re-opening on the day we arrived. I asked about arrival time and the warden said 'whenever you like'.

    We were the second unit to arrive that morning. Just imagine that - Rowntree Park virtually empty! Pick any pitch you like smile

    We had a great long weekend, with some very mild weather (this was a week before Christmas!)

    It rained towards the end of our stay and, unfortunately this weather continued and the site had to close again about a week later.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,856
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    edited March 2017 #35

    The insurance thing sounds like baloney to me.

    I don't have specific insurance cover for walking down the street.....I wouldn't expect it on a caravan site either.

    What exactly do you mean, Ian? That:

    1. Public Liability insurance cover is baloney? It doesn't exist or it shouldn't exist?

    2. That the club should not have this cover if it isn't "baloney"?

    3. That you don't have Public Liability insurance yourself so nobody else, particularly commercial organisations shouldn't?





  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited March 2017 #36

    Read my last paragraph, Wherenext......

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,856
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    edited March 2017 #37

    I did! I understood that bit. The first bit was, well, baloney to me. Never mind.

  • harryb
    harryb Club Member Posts: 1,536
    edited March 2017 #38

    I don't post for the sake of it. I try to post a topic for healthy discussion, and after events of late it needs something a little different.

    Now if we all contacted HQ re certain posts on here then there would be no need for a forum.

    However you may be pleased to know I will phone the site on the day.

    Maybe that now puts an end to this post for dicussion, we will see.

  • harryb
    harryb Club Member Posts: 1,536
    edited March 2017 #39

    Just to clear any doubts about my mileage versus arrival time. I have just re-read my original post and it seems gremlins got into my typing finger. We are all aware of the 12 o'clock rule and I appear to have typed this automatically, however my chosen site's arrival time is 1pm. i would allow 5,5hrs for that type of journey including stops. So to get there near 1pm would require a 7.30 start.

    It was the delayed opening time of 1pm that prompted my question. 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,440
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    edited March 2017 #40

    I would guess that if you're talking about a site with 1pm arrival time, Harry, the club and wardens know that if they publish something suggesting opening day is excluded from that arrangement then hordes of people will misread it and turn up early at other times. Therefore, it simplifies matters to let the standard time stand on opening day and it gives the wardens chance to do whatever they need to do.

  • dunelm
    dunelm Forum Participant Posts: 373
    edited March 2017 #41

    If I needed to know what  harryb wanted before the site is open and before I leave home  I'd phone UK sites booking department (the number is in the Sites Directory) rather than raise the question on this forum.

    No one who has replied has suggested a definitive time because no one knows!

    Presumably someone in the UK sites booking department would have the definitive answer or could find out. As it is, despite comments on this forum, harryb still doesn't know what time he can arrive unless he keeps to the advertised earliest arrival time.


    Will Wayne or Judy Seaborn please explain why they think that contacting Head Office UK sites booking department (by phone) to ask for the information is stupid. They obviously don't think that the question is stupid.

  • harryb
    harryb Club Member Posts: 1,536
    edited March 2017 #42


    Thank you for showing concern over my question. I hope you noted my reply of earlier yesterday to your post. I did point out that as well as looking for an answer I also tried to open up a constructive discussion for views, which did work. That is what makes the forum tick.

    I do not post for confrontation, however it seems that your reply has tones of just that. I am well aware, as Wayne and Judie Seaborn are, that HQ can be contacted on any matter, in fact Wayne and Judy did point out that a complete answer to my question by HQ could have been posted to my query. If this had happened then not only would I have been enlightened by an answer but so would have every other person who took part in the post. That is how word gets around and not by one individual making a phone call which would not result in anyone else getting to know.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited March 2017 #43

    The answer I reckon is in the OP. 

    ' which states "No arrival before 12:00".'

    Right about no departures though but wrong about no pitches to service and no toilets to clean I'd guess. I'd bet the whole site needs a right proper service and all the facilities including the toilets need a deep clean after a long winter closure. I guess the time leading up to 12:00 opening offer precious maintenance and repair opportunities too what with the site being empty.

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited March 2017 #44

    From Rowntree Park post it looks like they wll need the extra time to change all the signages.

  • dunelm
    dunelm Forum Participant Posts: 373
    edited March 2017 #45


    I'm sorry that I have offended or upset you. I was not posting for "confrontation" - sorry if that is how it appeared. 

    It was perhaps naive of me not to think that there may be some readers of this thread who would want to arrive early on the opening day at the unnamed site or at another one and would be looking for an answer from head office on this thread. (I am not surprised that there has been no official reply.)

    I have found that on a number of threads on various forums some contributors provide inaccurate "information" or speculate in reply to a question the definitive answer to which is easily accessible elsewhere. (Of course, sometimes it is impossible for an ordinary contributor to know the correct information.)

    I thought that the Club head office would be the source for  the correct information, hence the reason for my comment.

    Finally I wish you a stress-free journey and stay. Have a good holiday.


  • harryb
    harryb Club Member Posts: 1,536
    edited March 2017 #46

    I have just had an answer to my OP from the site warden.

    Site: River Breamish, arrival time 1pm.

    I was running early and towed as slow as I've ever done to try and achieve the 1pm arrival time, I even pulled into a layby for 10-15 mins. I arrived outside the site at 12.48 and seeing a van at reception I pulled behind him and went to book in. I could see several caravans already on site, some with awnings up. So much for the 1pm rule on this site.

    I spoke to the warden about this and she explained the reason for the later arrival time. The site is run by one set of wardens and has later toilet cleaning times as requested by a lot of members, this is then immediately followed by their 1 hour lunch break, hence the opening time of 1pm. Quite a simple explanation and one which caravanners should respect for the reason given.

    When I chose my pitch and settled in I counted 10 caravans that had ignored the arrival rule. The warden did say that as this was the first day open they could be more lenient with the arrival time but future dates it would not be possible.

    So there you have it. If going to River Breamish site then there is a perfectly valid reason for the later arrival time. Please respect the wardens and stick to it.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited March 2017 #47

    So there you have it. If going to River Breamish site then there is a perfectly valid reason for the later arrival time. Please respect the wardens and stick to it.
     I always do wink

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited March 2017 #48

    I don't think I would last long as a Warden - I would have made them all wait at the barrier! 

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,903
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    edited March 2017 #49

    But if I were the owner of an independent site I would  be rubbing my hands with delight that so many people had come so soon on day one.

    Welcome, I would say, how nice to see you. Do come in. Have you come far? Did you have a good journey?

     It's  called Customer Service and it's how private business thrives and grows. 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,105
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    edited March 2017 #51

    Too true, obbermockle, however there is a section of the membership that believes that rules don't apply to them, just others!!

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited March 2017 #52

    To be honest that's not my experience of many commercial/ independant businesses. They seem to have little room for sensibl discretion as they do 'what it says on the can,' αnd that's it! Arrive at said time and depart at said time, a few love that mind! 

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited March 2017 #53

    That sounds a tad selfish of them Nellie. Are you sure about that? 

    PITCHTOCLOSE Forum Participant Posts: 658
    edited March 2017 #54

    And me, tell em to clear off and come back later,the message will slowly get through to these people,I bet they don't leave early👍

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited March 2017 #55

    I see no reason why somebody should not arrive early if it is by agreement with the warden. I have probably done so four times in the last 80+ sites. Once when I had absolutely no idea on journey time because my route went through a number of towns and built up areas, once when I phoned to check arrival time. Caravan book was outside in the car and it was tippling with rain; on that occasion I was told any time after 11am was fine. On one occasion we had moved from a no facility site to a facility site in order to do some washing before spending another 10 days on two non facility sites. I was prepared to hang around the site that I was leaving and depart for 11.30 but the next site was 40mins away with a 1pm arrival.