The same Club, just better...



  • DXVAL88
    DXVAL88 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited February 2017 #1112

    Well done!

    Great to see the club moving with the times and responding to the changing membership. 

    As caravanners and now motorhomers we are looking forward to the continuing benefits of the club. 

    Love the new logo and the sentiment behind it. The rebranding can only have a positive effect for the future of the club in a competitive marketplace. 

  • miah
    miah Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited February 2017 #1113

    Shame the instantly recognisable bright logo has gone for some dull brown squiggles.


  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited February 2017 #1114

    Glad you understand the sentiment behind the Logo. Can you explain it to us all? I watched the video but could not see any relevance at all

  • Bobfarnes
    Bobfarnes Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited February 2017 #1115

    This has to be one of the ugliest logos ever created. It is infantile. Was it designed by a 5 year old? Shocking!

  • 2plusthedog
    2plusthedog Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited February 2017 #1117

    Rebranding is a very poor decision. A club like the Caravan Club is for its members and was/is already known to anybody with ANY form of RV.

    What it is NOT is a trendy profit chasing organisation, as it seems now unfortunately to be veering towards, increasingly obsessed with image (at great expense) and being 'on message'.

    What the club actually DOES for its members is the key issue, not the window dressing. The club also belongs to its members who appear to have had little real part in the decision making outside of committees who fail to represent membership opinions when based on the feedback on these pages alone.

    Sorry guys, this one is a bad call.

  • GodivaNige
    GodivaNige Forum Participant Posts: 606
    edited February 2017 #1118

    The Club won't be at liberty to disclose financial information until such time as the current year accounts have been audited and released prior to the AGM

    You can ask as often or as hard as you like, you will not get the figure you are requesting because quite simply, a; spending within the budget allocated for the rebrand has likely not yet been completed and b; within the Clubs code of conduct, it will be written that financial information is not available for public consumption until such time as the Club accountants have signed off the year end. Until such time, this information will be strictly confidential.

  • lowsas
    lowsas Forum Participant Posts: 14
    edited February 2017 #1119

    Thank you for your response, sounds believable altthough tied up in legislation. I would still like to hear a response from the CC/CAMC rather than a fellow member on this issue

  • Graemebf
    Graemebf Forum Participant Posts: 22
    edited February 2017 #1120

    I posted the following under the heading Democracy last night, as this is just office statements and the Post was blocked, what sort of Fascist institution are we now in, that tries to block free speech?

    Where was the democracy in the new Logo, it's great to include Motorhomes but why spend a fortune so some idiot can design something from Monster University? The old Logo was recognisable as a brand, was tweakable and had a green identity. What is worrying is that this has been foisted on us, is this an attempt to turn the club into a private company and be sold? If so look at the state of the AA & RAC.

    The Logo should be scrapped and any attempt to stop this being a members club.

  • GodivaNige
    GodivaNige Forum Participant Posts: 606
    edited February 2017 #1121

    No legislation as such, only that financial information available to rank and file members of the Club will be limited to just the annual statement, which will be audited and prepared following the year end and prior to the AGM. Only the Board will have unfettered access to ongoing financial issues. An organisation such as the CAMC has to protect itself from financial exposure by keeping ongoing financial information confidential, until such time as auditing has taken place and the Finance Committee has prepared its report.

  • lowsas
    lowsas Forum Participant Posts: 14
    edited February 2017 #1122

    Thanks again, you are probably correct but I would like someone from the CC \CAMC to explain this to myself and many others asking the same question

  • SurreySimon
    SurreySimon Forum Participant Posts: 18
    edited February 2017 #1123

    I am not an old member but I have been a Club member for over 20 years, and our family since 1973 when you had to have someone propose you to become a member, you couldn't just join in those days.

    I am disgusted by this stupid trivial waste of money. We the members are paying for this, how much is this costing the Caravan Club? Signage, cost of logo branding, stationery, business cards, you name it..... The company I work for went though this a couple of years ago and it cost several hundreds of thousands, I would estimate at least £500K plus, can someone confirm the final cost??

    Why, what is the point after 110 years??? The new logo is horrible, a child of 3 years old could have done a better job. It really is rubbish awful colours etc what is it supposed to represent???? I hope the Club didn't pay for this crap!!! I certainly won't be putting my recently received stickers in my caravan windows, they are horrible, no colour and no style really awful.

    Why weren't members asked to vote on whether they wanted this??? Maybe we were but after over 20 years membership I didn't pick this up.

    This is supposed to be a Cliub for MEMBERS not a brand! If I didn't want to use the Club sites network and the excellent Red Pennant service I would CANCEL my membership in protest

    The recent changes to the magazine puts it on a par with the other club which is rubbish! Both magazines now get a cursory glance and end up in the dustbin! The revised magazine really is awful compared to how it used to be, smaller and packed full of rubbish adverts. Why can't we go back to basics... En-route magazine for members.... It was great and we used to read it cover to cover, maybe you should take a look back in time?

    What a disgrace, the management are clearly on an ego trip and aren't fit to manage the Club! Grenville showed his wonderful caravaning skills when he trashed the back of his caravan on national TV. Says it all, the management of the Club aren't fit to manage it !!

    I am DISGUSTED at the waste of money, rubbish logo and apparent disregard of members... This is supposed to be a Club!


  • GodivaNige
    GodivaNige Forum Participant Posts: 606
    edited February 2017 #1124

    I doubt very much you will get a the response you are seeking. The Board will likely distance themselves from forum politics as per any other organisation with a £100 million turnover. A budget for the rebrand will have been projected, voted on and agreed by the elected Board and whilst members consider themselves as owners of the Club, in reality, we are all just customers.

  • karenandbill
    karenandbill Forum Participant Posts: 17
    edited February 2017 #1125

    We are not customers!! We ARE the club. It is a member's club, not a business although it has to perform well, like any business. I am and never will be a customer.

  • SurreySimon
    SurreySimon Forum Participant Posts: 18
    edited February 2017 #1127

    Nigel, sadly you are right. It's no longer a Club for members but a business. What really upsets me is the waste of money, loss of identity and heritage, let alone a total disregard of members by the so called management. They really couldn't care less, just a bunch of typical corporate parasites! Sorry but I work with people like them and I really hoped our hobby wouldn't go in this direction... Thanks Granville😩

  • SurreySimon
    SurreySimon Forum Participant Posts: 18
    edited February 2017 #1129

    Totally agree you couldn't have put this better. Totally disgusted, what a waste of money. Will the Club tell us how much it is costing? So much for the members I feel we are being treated with utter contempt.

  • SurreySimon
    SurreySimon Forum Participant Posts: 18
    edited February 2017 #1130

    Oh really since when Rochelle??? Maybe you could call me to explain? 07931 368538. I am furious at this total disregard to members. We weren't consulted about this, the logo is awful and how much is it costing? No one seems to want to talk about this do they??? As a member for over 20 years (10334981) and my father from 1973 to 2014 I think I deserve some answers!

  • karenandbill
    karenandbill Forum Participant Posts: 17
    edited February 2017 #1131

    You know I meant that I am not and never will be a customer. 

    Whereas the old title covered trailer caravans and motor caravans quite succinctly, will we see another rebranding soon to finally include trailer tents, which are accepted on club sites?? They are mentioned in the discussions but are not included in the new logo. When we are all driving  our small electric cars, this will be the only thing we can tow.

  • Cullimom
    Cullimom Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited February 2017 #1132

    I am having difficulty reading all of the post I put on here and neither can I see your reply to my questions. Happy with 'an idiots' reply but as an IT literate background I would like to hear this is just a blip and just me. As.yoi have seen you have upset a number of members and it should have been predicted what the questions would be and have the answers 'on stock' as they say.

  • karenandbill
    karenandbill Forum Participant Posts: 17
    edited February 2017 #1133

    Does anyone else confuse the new logo with the Sikh insignia?

  • GodivaNige
    GodivaNige Forum Participant Posts: 606
    edited February 2017 #1134

    "You know I meant that I am not and never will be a customer"

    OK, as the Club doesn't have dividends and as it is operated as a not for profit organisation, technically you are not a customer. As stated above, you and I are paid up members of a membership organisation.

    However, in real terms, whether you are buying a pint of milk from reception or settling your site fees on arrival, you are unofficially a customer. The difference being, the profit from your expenditure isn't lining the pockets of directors or shareholders.

    There seems to be a misnomer that all members can vote on and dictate the running of the Club on a decision by decision basis, how it invests its profits and how the direction of the Club can be directly influenced. This is simply not the case. Only the Board or Committee  can propose and vote on the operations of the organisation. You have the right to elect the Committee and naturally, you can put yourselves forward to be elected to be on the Commitee and thus influence the running of the organisation. The rights of annual membership extend no further than this.



  • karenandbill
    karenandbill Forum Participant Posts: 17
    edited February 2017 #1135

    Well that's us told. I never want or expected to have a say in how every little facet of running the club is handled but with due regard to the history and aims of the club I would have expected to be given prior notice of these changes and an opportunity to cast a vote or two. The new title is still not inclusive, nothing could be so why change? Getting pedantic about when I am a customer misses the point that I am a member of a member's club and not to be confused with the AA or similar. The club needs to remember what it is, and it's founding principles, not go off on an ego trip. And this website is still rubbish especially on an iPad or phone. The skip to the last comment doesn't work so takes a lot of effort to follow a thread.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,506
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited February 2017 #1136

    And what was the significance of a red flag with a horse shoe in It? I see nothing in it linking to todays caravan owners or are the supposed to be preceded by a red flag while on the road as in the early days of Motoring!  wink


  • RKJ52
    RKJ52 Forum Participant Posts: 130
    First Comment
    edited February 2017 #1137

    Its only fact, like it or not. The C&MC is no more a club than the RAC, just accept it.

    Or perhaps tell me the last time the club did anything the 'members' wanted.

    I like the CC&MC and will remain a member but only because I like their sites, not because I delude myself I am a 'member' of a club.

  • DJG
    DJG Forum Participant Posts: 277
    edited February 2017 #1138

    The Logo looks like the imprint of a American cattle branding iron!!

    This new club started in 2017 NOT 1907

    The fact that the Club spinning this rubbish says it all.

    HQ must have lots of time on their hands to come up with this. There is already a whole department dedicated to colour coded pegs, signage, and petty rules.

  • David2115
    David2115 Club Member Posts: 548
    100 Likes 100 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper
    edited February 2017 #1139

    The usual people moaning on this site does not in anyway show that the rebranding is a bad decision, this is a tiny forum and is not representative of the membership, looking at the names of people shouting the loudest it is the same as those persistently commenting on, dogs, speed, arrival times, departure times, wardens, noise, ball games etc etc... someone mentioned in earlier post that members were encouraged to express their views, I wonder how many new posters have come on here to do so? Not many I suggest, 

    in my view the rebranding is a good thing, it will attract some younger members who may have felt the Cc was out of date and not attractive to younger more dynamic people that are now buying motorhomes, branding as an outdoor lifestyle, walking, fishing cycling, golf etc is great and I think what people want. 

  • The Ovaltineys
    The Ovaltineys Forum Participant Posts: 196
    edited February 2017 #1140

    At future NEC shows will the CC stand still be staffed by "men in suits and ties"  laughing

  • stillgrafting
    stillgrafting Forum Participant Posts: 6
    edited February 2017 #1141

    sent my stickers back i joined the caravan club with over 100 years of history, i wasn't asked if i wanted to change the name of OUR club so feel very let down.

    i suspect "the other club" are laughing and will gain disgruntled former members.