Midges in Scotland
The only solution we have found is that of no longer going to Scotland.
We have had two summer trips (work not holiday) in Finland and that was even worse than Scotland.
We are also carful in France and have to avoid the South coast and the Camargue in particular.
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Hi everybody, wow this is some topic!. Me and the mrs are thinking of doing the NC500 from 4-18th September, anti clockwise from Inverness. We have penciled in Sango Sands at Durness, Ullapool, and Bunree as sites we would like to visit. Has anyone had any bad experience with the Midges in these western sites. BTW, I have absolutely no idea what a Cleg is, and when you say 'Midges', we in South Yorkshire think of those tiny black things that swarm. Are you alluding to what we call Mozzies, or Gnats, just so I can get an idea of what you are talking about. Never been to the Highlands before, and my wife is not too good with anything that's got more legs than her.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thank You all.
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Hi, PhillipEmmo
The midges up on the western side of Scotland are
wee beasties of about two ( 2 ) millimetres which live
in the shadey damp areas found bushes, trees etc
within striking range of still or slow moving water. It
is the female that bites ( as ever
) she needs the
blood for the eggs. I only had one bad session with
them and that was back in my tenting days -- putting
the pegs in round the base of the tent and my t-shirt
rode up giving that area as a landing strip for the
Midgie Air force ! 40 years later I recognise the signs
and take the precautions of Repellant and treatment !!
Should they change tactics. == the Jungle Formula stuff
is good as is Avon's dry oil spray "Skin So Soft" Which
is allegedly used by our Armed Forces in Afghanistan
{ NOT JOKING !! } also "Smidge that midge" has its followers too.
Like most things its choice - some use aspirins for
head aches, some Ibuprofen and its the same for midge creams / treatments.
Whatever you do choose to do dont let the ***************
put you off visiting a beautiful country !!
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ABM, thanks for the advice, I was wondering if there are any areas on the western coast that are so bad as to give them a miss and try elsewhere. Also, I don't know when the Midge season starts and finishes up there, as I say we are going early to mid September, so hopefully things may not be as bad.
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A cleg is another word for Horse Fly - nasty beasties but not normally such a disruption as midges can be. You are getting to the end of the midge season by latish September but if its warm weather they will be there! Late May to Late September? But as others have said its the weather conditions that make a difference to them. As long as you have all the repellents you need I am sure you will have a great time. I am hoping that I will be traveling before the wee beasties appear. But the Jungle Formula - Myrtle Candles - blue plug in light and the after bite (anthisan) will all be packed.