What would you charge
If C.L. can make a proffit at £12.00 with E.H.U. so can club sites
You're not really comparing like with like. Cl's are/could be run by a single couple as apart of another business (Farm for example) . Its a max of five pitches with one small toilet/shower block if any at all. Not that many overheads. Compared to a national organisation with a head office (and staff) and at each site at least one set (usually two) of wardens. A much larger toilet/shower block, or two sometimes and much a far larger site with all the ground maintenance required. Add in salaries,insurance... all much larger overheads than a five pitch CL.
Post edit: snap with Steve above
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If it is a large site and full most of the season,with the much higher running costs
,it would still not be anywhere near as cost effective of a sideline cl,If a CL was worth running at the prices some on here think they should pay Goldie would have one i would think in Prime Cumberland
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We don't need EHU and we use our own toilet and shower but we have to pay a CC set price if we want to stay on one of their sites despite not wanting or needing some of the facilities they provide.
Could we have a discount please?
It's no wonder with prices you're quoting that we head across the Channel as often as possible.
PS – that's not me driving the Lorry!
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See ya then.
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The club would be worth a mint if that were true Ian, so sorry, not fact, unless you can enlighten us all with some figures?
So, I guess in your world the whole of the network is badly run then?
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Its not just cc in this country that some think is expensive
,its just that the cc as far as some on here are concerned, are never going to do anything that is going to satisfy them ,and that is found with the other large club also,but then the clubs seem to try to keep their prices "reasonable" all year, where other organisations as noted so many times do loss leaders at times when the children are at school
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£45 per night.......still about the same that the CC currently charges.
Maybe a bit more on some sites
Oh Ian really, you should do your homework. You forgot to add (perhaps disingenuously it could be said by some) that this £45 you stated is only charged on the most expensive sites Ian, for example at Hillhead. Let me show you the reality. In peak on for a family of 3:
Ferry Meadows £32.10
Sandrignham, £32.50
Troutbeck head £32.00
Bridington £33.00
Broadway (you have just stayed on here) £35.00
Pembrey Counyty Park £35.30
Before you try and play the kids for a pound card, only one of the above has that.
So, where did the about £45 being about the same? or a bit more come from? Unless you class approx £35 being the same as £45?
Oh and if you add in an extra child at your rate that's an extra £15 on your price to bring it up to £60, where as an extra £4 on club sites.
Be interesting to hear your response?
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So what I put was correct a family of two adults and 3 children on an awning pitch would be £75 a night. It is only £45 with one child. Isn't the average 2.2 or something like that.
I don't think you would find many commercials that charge that and then they would probably have kids clubs, pools and water slides. I keep getting the impression Ian that you are very anti family on CC sites.
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It's simple economies of scale.........that's how it works. There isn't room here to describe even tbe most basic of business principles......you either 'get it' or you don't.
As an aside, when I see comments that suggest that a large organisation like the CC needs a large HO set-up and therefore must be more expensive, I despair. No wonder that tax-payer funded organisations are so over-funded and expensive.
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Fair point, some (in fact any) facts would be interesting
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But you said a family of three, so no you were incorrect, I'm afraid.
Let me just say that the op asked for opinions on what should be charged on CC sites and I gave my answer.
I tend to believe in freedom of choice. If people chose to have a large family, then they should accept that they pay for that choice or find cheaper alternatives......and not expect others to pay for their choice.
We are all entitled to our opinions.
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I clarified that in my later post Ian. Which ever way you put it two adults and 3 children will be £75 on an awning pitch at peak. I agree we are all entitled to our opinions but it would be interesting to here how you justify a price much higher than most commercials.
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Don't despair, I love avoiding posts like this. Just because I clean toilets and cut grass doesn't mean I haven't had a business life.
What size head office set up do you think is needed to run something the size of the caravan club? How do you think a site network works exactly? Performing sites support underperforming sites, that's a fact, that's what gives us a network.
Mind you at your prices of £75 per night per family I think the large staff numbers at head office will be looking at another price band for next year. You saw it here first folks!
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When touring on our motorbikes my 2 chums and I stay in Travelodges for £38 - £45 a night for the room (c£14 each)................and we can park wherever we want, don't have to faff about putting up awnings, or empty the toilet..........
If in U.K. with the m/h I prefer CLs and would still prefer them even if they were the same cost as CC or any other commercial site, although I spend most of my travels abroad.
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full most of the season
A bit of a turn around for you Ian? For over a year now you've been saying club sites are empty?
Oh... and still waiting for your justification of how you came to your £45 per night figure being, quote : still about the same that the CC currently charges. ? I gave you six sites where the average was about £33. Again some facts to back your claims would be most welcome.