What would you charge



  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited February 2017 #62

    For me something along the lines of Acsi/Camping cheques. pitch +2, ehu, awning, 1 dog. Everything else I would charge extra for, including those that use more electricity than a given amount, what ever it would be decided on.

    I would like to see the pricing bands simplified, 3 bands low, med, high is sufficient. Just recently we were out and about our nightly charge varied between £16 and £22 depending on site. Considering it was Low season and most sites were only half full I think the £22 was too much, while £16 was IMO the more realistic price given the amount of electricity we were able to use.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited February 2017 #63

    I was gently teasing Ovaltineys AD, hence the smiley. I actually don't mind paying for my dogs to accompany me on holiday, and pay the required fees when I have to quite happily. Sometimes as much as £20 per dog. But for that I know that the money has added value such as good doggy facilities and pays for the extra cleaning that is required in places like cottages, bed and breakfast and hotels. These often provide a good few extras, more than you might imagine if really dog friendly!

    The Club doesn't provide a great deal in terms of canine extras, beyond a bin and five minutes each day for the Wardens to empty (thank you Wardens) perhaps an extra hour per fortnight to mow a path around a field for dog walks such as at Barnard Castle and Yellowcraig, but even that could be classed as fun riding the tractor! Have only seen one dog wash on a Club site and that was a concrete run off with a cold hose pipe, right next to waste water. (Yellowcraig for any one wondering)

    Many CLs, private sites have a small dog charge, again, if the site suits, and the facilities are what we want, we will pay it. 

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited February 2017 #64

    So are you not suggesting exactly what you're criticising others for doing David? 

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited February 2017 #65

    I would probably charge 50p per pooch

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited February 2017 #66

    A family of three plus awning at peak time would be £40 per night at peak period, Steve.

    Similar to current charges, I would think.

    The silence would be most welcom though wink

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,169
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    edited February 2017 #67

    Get rid of CTsurprisedwink

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited February 2017 #68

    The OP is what would you "charge " , not ,what would you change

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited February 2017 #69

      Ian  Thats not how your "price structure" in your post reads for a peak booking wink

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited February 2017 #70

    Iain a fair bit of your pricing structure I could live with, although I would say first 2 children should included in the price if under a certain age say 14. Disagree with a charge for awnings, totally disagree with majority of pitches being serviced, there are lots of people who don't want one, why should we be forced to pay for something we don't use. NO to pre-booking a pitch, deposits I'm not in favour of ( that's been discussed too many times)


  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited February 2017 #71

    £25 for the first two, £10 for the third person plus £5 for the awning.

    That adds up to £40.......or it did when I was at school.....undecided

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited February 2017 #72

    Corners, can we have a second opinion !!cool

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited February 2017 #73
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
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    edited February 2017 #74

    I'm sure you're a great bloke Michael but I can be fairly confident that we will never meet on site!!!

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited February 2017 #75

    Ian, what you seem to be saying is that the £15 for extra people, is for as many as you can cram onto the pitch. Therefore a family with one child will pay £40 and a family with three will pay £40. That does not really tie in with your usual logic of charging for extra use of the facilities.😉 Otherwise if it is £15 per extra person at peak, the total for three children would be an additional £45, giving an overall total with awning of £75.

  • Barking50
    Barking50 Forum Participant Posts: 41
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    edited February 2017 #76

    I would not charge extra for awnings but I would for pitches on which there is room to erect an awning.

    One of the biggest problems on club sites is people who book 'with awning' pitches when not intending to erect one, resulting in a shortage of 'with awning' pitches for those who do wish to. That way you pay for the extra space and what you do with it is up to you.

    With regards to charging for dogs. Charges on sites generally reflect the facilities available so if the site has facilities for dogs then charge accordingly. But once they become fee paying additions do not place a limit on the number.


  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited February 2017 #77

    Some non-awning pitches are not much smaller than awning pitches, However if a pitch is not of sufficient size to erect an awning then in my view it is not fit for purpose. 

    Even though I no longer use an awning I expect similar space to place chairs and table.

  • The Ovaltineys
    The Ovaltineys Forum Participant Posts: 196
    edited February 2017 #78

    With regards to charging for dogs. Charges on sites generally reflect the facilities available so if the site has facilities for dogs then charge accordingly. But once they become fee paying additions do not place a limit on the number.

     OK, so its 1st dog free, 2nd £3.  3rd £5,  4th £8,  5th £10  etc etc  laughing

  • MichaelT
    MichaelT Forum Participant Posts: 1,874
    edited February 2017 #79

    Why is that Merve?  My prices are very similar to others mentioned on here by others. And yes you are right I am a great blokesmile

  • volvoman9
    volvoman9 Forum Participant Posts: 1,053
    edited February 2017 #80

    For me this is not an easy question to answer as i would have to know what it cost per year to run a site and that would include quite a lot of factors.All i can say is i would make it as fair as possible for all concerned.Also its not just the everyday running there is also possible  ongoing  improvements to take into account.On running the business in general i would hope i would settle for makeing a living instead of trying to make a fortune.


  • rayjsj
    rayjsj Forum Participant Posts: 930
    edited February 2017 #81

    The charges for Awnings and Dogs would mean i would avoid your sites like the Plague. 

    And its the attitude rather than the cost.  Why i prefer Club sites. And am happy with the pricing.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited February 2017 #82

    Yup, leave it as it is, it's successful with most happy. If the CC ran it as a charity charging £5 a night there'd be a few on here complaining, it ain't bust so don't try to fix itsmile

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited February 2017 #83

    As many have pointed out in previous threads, it is not always the space on the pitch that determines if it is an awning one or not, it is the space between pitches and the configuration of these with the adjacent ones. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited February 2017 #84

    What you have to remember with any price tariff is that the CC operates as a multi site business, along with a big HQ, with lots of staff. I can't quite recall the ratio of HQ/admin to on site operative staff, but think the HQ element is greater than the on site. Therefore pricing will be far more complex for a multi site venture than it will be for a stand alone commercial. Some of this will be off set by being able to negotiate contracts for supply and services over multi sites, rather than just the one site. 


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited February 2017 #85

    The "child " rates on your prices would be £15 in peak?wink

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited February 2017 #87

    Plus anyone heating the sky with awning heaters would pay double pitch feewink

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited February 2017 #88

    There is an interesting new AS site now available to view on Club list of sites. Different pricing model, lots of extras. Love2stay, on outskirts of Shrewsbury. 

  • Lyke Wake Man
    Lyke Wake Man Club Member Posts: 238
    edited February 2017 #89

    It looks to me with the comments their a lot of members with plenty of money.

    I think club sites are expensive, they charge you per person AND a pitch fee, on a C.L. you only pay a pitch, and private sites it is one or the other, but NOT both.


    Also I think E.H.U. should be a choice, NOT  includes E.H.U. add on E.H.U. if you want it but not to be forced to have it.

    I would charge £10.00 -  £15.00  per pitch, £2.00 fot E.H.U. and £2.00 - £5.00 for toilets and showers wit Toilets, Showers and E.H.U. up to you if you want it


    If C.L. can make a proffit at £12.00 with E.H.U. so can club sites

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited February 2017 #90

    The ehu as an extra was used in the past,but was difficult to "police"and extras for toilets/showers would be down to the "honesty" of members?undecided

  • The Ovaltineys
    The Ovaltineys Forum Participant Posts: 196
    edited February 2017 #91

    Sherwood Forest campsite prices seem to be good value;


    Additional costs seem to be spread around and appear to be fair IMO

    Extra cars are charged at £2.50 per night
    Extra adults are £3 extra per night
    Children 13 to 16 are £1.50 extra per night
    Children 12 years and under FREE
    Day visitors are charged at £1.50 per day
    £1.50 per night for a dog


    What is very interesting, Sunday departure time is 7.00pm - now that does allow weekenders to have a full weekend

    One for the CC to copy?