Al co wheel lock
Does any member know of an easy way to fit an Al Co wheel lock I seem to spend ages on my knees and still not be able to line the bolt up so that I can fit the locking device awaiting replies
G Jones
We find it easy but we do have a mover fitted so easy to make small movements with the remote control
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As per previous post easy enough with a motormover. One further tip - once you have the receiver bolt hole in what appears to be the correct position relative to the wheel, screw the bolt into the receiver a couple of turns, odds on the bolt itself will not be central to the gap in the wheel spokes chosen and the wheel position can be readjusted and locking completed. On two vans fitted with the ALKO Lock the receiver hole has not actually been square to the wheel itself.
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My answer - Ieave it home and use a wheel clamp instead.
For the less than fully physically able, Alko wheel locks are the work of the devil.
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Lining up two locks and receivers on a twin axle is a job for a contortionist and near impossible.
Lets hear it for the iron boot.
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Not if you're using a Lock 'n Level. Makes the job of fitting both wheel locks easy and straightforward.
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I use the mm to line it up ( a bonus of using a mover) if I haven't reversed into position. Other than that, the E&P comes into its own and lifts the wheel off the ground and I can spin the wheel by hand to line it up with ease.