Insurance question

Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
500 Comments 100 Likes
edited February 2017 in Caravans #1

Can we assume that if your caravan has "new for old" insurance cover with any insurance company that offers this facility and you take your caravan to a dealership and while it is at the dealer, it is stolen, what will happen?

Obviously while the caravan is in the care of the dealership, it is unlikely that they will fit wheel clamps or hitch locks as required by most insurance companies therefore your own insurance policy will probably be invalid.

The dealership's insurance company may pay out for the loss of the caravan at market value, but what if your own policy is "new for old".  Also will they pay out for any contents in the caravan like awning, motor movers, etc?


  • dmiller555
    dmiller555 Forum Participant Posts: 717
    edited February 2017 #2

    Interesting question but one for your insurance company I think.


  • ocsid
    ocsid Club Member Posts: 1,395
    edited February 2017 #3

    I doubt the dealer's insurance would cover more than the market value, but as you have insured new for old then any shortcoming I would think will be made up by your own insurer. All happening behind the scenes between your company who you would be claiming on for the N4O feature, and the dealer's insurer.

    As said ask your insurer but I can't see any other outcome, unless you don't want to claim on your insurance, then I think you will get what they rather you than insure for. You can also ask the dealer for their insurance details if you don't want to claim on your insurer, but I suspect there will still be some obligation to notify your insurer that your van has been changed.