Mid week discount
Following a couple of E-mails to HO re the advert I received responses which did nothing to sort out the issue, as far as I was concerned and have not had a response to my last e-mail. Am I surprised? Not at all. They seem to me to be treating members with total disrespect.
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It would appear so from that, it still states "Book a midweek stay at one of our selected sites and you can save 50% on your booking."
Even in the T&Cs the only reference to pitch fees is:"Normal pitch fees apply to Serviced and Super pitches."
Wouldn't you think that, after being contacted and told about this quite basic mistake, it would have been put right?
But then again, and off-topic I know, but there was also a promise the CL filtering would be sorted out "early January". This morning I input a town I wanted to find a CL near to, via the map search page, didn't input any other filters, and it returned over 2300 CLs! Really, all near Harwich, amazing!
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There used to be quite a lot of MWD at one time but there seems not to be many this year , last year in August Top Lodge was packed this year they have no discounts for August . We have booked several sites with Haven as they are half the price of CC .
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I am not surprised Janny
Haven have a 25% off offer on until Monday. As offers are not always what they first seem, I just picked Mablethorpe in May to see what the prices were - £8 per night over 5 nights!!!
Before moulsey jumps in
I do realise that they will be a lot higher in the Summer months but for those of us who are retired that is a hell of a bargain!
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Haven are always doing loss leaders off peak, as do some other "Holiday Camps" as they try to get some income,but then sting the Families later on,where as both the clubs try to keep a reasonable price for all members at all times because they are more families orientated ,and do not have shareholders to placate
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I am a bit confused about your reference to Top Lodge not having any discounts in August. Mid week discount isn't normally available in August as it is a peak time. Although some sites will still have discounts for children. Is Top Lodge CC, I can't find any reference to it?
In my opinion CC prices in August, are generally similar or less than most commercials.
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I'd do exactly the same thing David if I was expected to pay that much for any site. But are you sure about that price, because the most expensive I can see at Rookesbury in peak season is £28.50 for pich and 2 adults (still more than I'd be willing to pay, by the way!)
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You know me too well, Oliver! How closely you must have followed my posts (I'm very flattered! Smiley smiley).
And yes, I have consistently acknowledged the good deals that the likes of Haven offer at this time of year, of course subsidised by the sky high prices they charge their captive (family) audience in July and August! Winking smiey!l
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That'll be because they don't charge extra for the mud at this time of year.
As a non CC member I guess you probably use such commercial sites a lot, OT, seeing CC sites would be very expensive for you and CLs are for members only. Of course, you could join CC........
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I have just joined the CCC - do you think I should join the CC as well?
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No, i mean as well
We joined at the recent Manchester show. Both Clubs were there, one group were dressed in T shirts and jumpers looking like overgrown boy scouts, the other group were dressed like a load of high ranking civil servants - guess which was which?
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It depends a lot on how often you intend getting out in the van. You could well find all the sites you need by being a C&CC member, but being a member of both clubs gives you many more sites to choose from.
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Easy answer there. I always think of the difference between the two clubs is summed up by two of their senior executives.
The CC has Grenville Chamberlain, of "Concours d'Elégance" plus "colour co-ordinated underwear storage" and "caravan wrecking" fame.----------
Whereas the C&CC has an outdoor enthusiast in the form of a superfit, trim and easy on the eye Julia Bradbury. Who takes part in exciting and extreme outdoor challenges.
I.M.O. Those two people epitomize their respective organisation's priorities.
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What's in a name?
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We've been a member of the CC for a long time now and on the whole very happy with the service, however I do feel that the site prices are getting a bit too expensive. Whether that is because we have been using Europe to holiday in for the last 6 years, where prices are much more reasonable, so CC prices seem expensive by comparison I'm not quite sure.
However to answer your question, why not. If you think you will benefit from having both memberships there is nothing to stop you. Since you have only just become a member why not use that for awhile to see how you get on, once you have tried out a few sites then go and have a look at what the other club offers. We have been toying with the idea for over a year now and think that at some point in the near future we will join the C&CC mainly to access more sites in areas that the CC just don't have them. We also went and had a chat with them at the Manchester show where we found them to be a very helpful and friendly bunch, some were volunteers and some were staff but all of them took the time to answer our many questions. The CC on the other hand couldn't be bothered to even talk to us when we approached them.
As to the OP's mention of Midweek discount we have just returned home after 2 weeks away, we stayed at Burrs, Chester, Bristol Wharf, Ferry Meadows and White Water Park, 4 out of the 5 had a mid week discount, some were quite reasonable priced while others a few pounds more.
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My advice would be initially that if a person wants to join just one club it would be the CC as more sites and more 5 van sites (and not 5 vans + a number of additional tent outfits). I have never been a C&CC member. But if I return to the Cambridge area I will join as I dislike the exit from Cherry Hinton CC site. Doubtless being a member of both hives more options.
As regard to CC site prices I find that at the times that I tour they seem expensive but when I look at nearby commercials I see little price differential.
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I guess the Club offers Mid-week discounts on sites to attract caravanners to go to these sites that would otherwise have spaces. I imagine the idea is to encourage caravanners to get out and about at a reduced rate if the alternative to paying full price is to stay at home. Some folks love a bargain, and of they are getting something 'on offer', this is the encouragement some need.
We are members of both Clubs but tend to use CC sites much more often than C&CC sites. We tend to use CC sites out of season and C&CC and privat sites in season when we can get our desired hardstanding.