Would it be cheaper at the show?
Murdy and l are considering purchasing an isabella sunshine sun canopy.
We have priced both the sun canopy and the additional front panel but we're wondering if it may be worth waiting and going to the up and coming caravan and camping show at the nec to see if we could get it cheaper?
Murdy believes that the real bargains are only available at the October show when end of year/line items are available just value others opinions.
Mrs Murdy.
You could always get the quotes first, then check
out the N E C prices then try a bit of the old "Bargain
Hunt" stuff -- i.e. flutter your eyebrows etc and try
for a "Super Special -- just for me
" approach !
If you don't ask, you don't get as the saying goes !
But D S B is still sobbing I'm told, after buying his
awning in October, or that could have been the van he
got to hang the awning on