Adult only sites & number of dogs
As someone who is generally right first time, and am considered " the voice of reason". I say exactly what I consider is correct. I rarely change my mind and in the case of this thread, I have not..
AO sites are not my choice ,as I like the sites exactly as they are.
But :-
It's obvious that there are CC customers who would like the CC to provide the option of some AO sites. Being one who considers the needs of others, , I don't see any reason why the CC should not, for a limited period on a few sites only-- trial the AO alternative.
That being the only way to ascertain how popular AO sites would be among their customer base. ---- The trial would be cost free apart from a couple of changes to the site description on their website.
Please note :- Opinions on this forum only represent a minuscule proportion of CC customers, so they can be discounted.
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point taken BB
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Actually BB, while you're there, do they have AO sites across the water in EU land?
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Perhaps a moat could be dug and flooded or a razor wire fence erected around one corner of the site to create a quiet zone; possibly with the introduction of a 7pm to 7am curfew for those aged 60 or less.
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Perhaps a moat could be dug and flooded or a razor wire fence erected around one corner of the site to create a quiet zone; possibly with the introduction of a 7pm to 7am curfew for those aged 60 or less.
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lol. I'm sure some posters would like that
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Hang on, you may be on to something there K. May be that trial should only take place during term time! Also, what age groups do you think this exclusion should apply to, those under 40? No, on second thoughts, keep all sites open to all members just as it is now. Afterall that's what the club is all about, being inclusive! Can't see that ever changing!
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Absolutely spot on.
Your post made me think of that film Logan's Run, smiley
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The user and all related content has been Deleted User0
Wow, enlightenment moment thanks to the above!
I too now realise that we already have, to all intents and purposes, and for much of the season, OA's sites on the CC network. What's more this applies to every site in the country.
What is this I can hear some saying, well, the answer is weekdays during term time!
No need for trials, no need for any more deliberation, no need to alienate any of our fellow member what so ever, jobs a good'un!2 -
It is always a bit suspicious when some people are so against testing to see if a particular opinion has any merit. ----- What are they so scared of.
Or are they just saying "Thou Shall not open your mind to new ideas".
A trial would establish if there is any real demand among the CC customerbase for including AO sites on the network. OR it could show that there is little demand. .
Cheers ................K
1 - could just be the catch all that annoys everyone! CC aren't that good at trials.....
Lets trial a "caravanner of the year" competition?
Lets trial a new website?
Be careful what you wish for, it might come back and bite you!
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I'm not against trials or experiments at all. But I would be against a trial which may have a negative or damaging effect on others. Likewise I'm not against change in the slightest, but I am against suggestions of banning certain sections of our membership using a particular site or sites. We are reminded almost daily on CT that we are a membership consisting of many diverse individuals and that each and every one of us are of equal status in importance and opinion. No member should be viewed as more important than another and no site should be excluded to some of us by another section of our membership by means of trial or otherwise. We should not be considering banning members with their children from using those sites which some consider are only good for those without! After all, we would never exclude, or even contemplate excluding mature couples from using those sites which some deem as being 'good for families' would we?
Yes, by all means, hold trials in areas which promote inclusivity and improve our enjoyment or usability of sites. Yes, actively promote certain sites as may be being 'good for families' or otherwise but the whole idea of excluding some members in doing so is ridiculous, divisive, counter productive and wrong in my opinion. After all, what some consider good for families may be very different to others.
The above is my opinion of course and all of it, I firmly believe, is supportive of and in line with the key philosophies and ethos of our club. Keep an inclusive and open mind too, and in doing so beware those suggestions which would in effect exclude.10 -
Micky an excellent post which gets to the heart of the matter. You cannot start to exclude certain members from a club which you join voluntary and prides itself on being open to all. I agree with it entirely.
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As a warden if the Club asked me to run a site with separate areas for adults, families, no dogs etc or whatever like that my resignation would be tendered sharpish.
As Micky says above, our Club and it's sites are for everyone, no exclusions, and to me that's what caravanning with the Club is all about, meeting and hey, actually talking to people with the same passion that our hobby brings. Long may it continue.
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Micky, I congratulate you on an excellent, well put together and well presented post. If I could find a clapping smiley I would use it!
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There you go TDA, I borrowed one of M's. . . .(clapping smiley)
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All good posts above emphasising the basic club philosophy of inclusivity.
And of course, no-one is forced to be a member of the club; in fact to those who seem to want to remain members but have the club change certain rules to fit their individual point of view I'd just say remember how well that worked out for Dodgy Dave! Double laughing smiley!
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Oo, you tease!
Club has got its inclusivity bit right, it's quite easy to tour at times when few youngsters are about, if that is your inclination. It's also very easy to enjoy Club Sites if you get out and about in day, no matter if they are busy.
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Not wishing to 'trump'
the opinion of others but the decision and rule making process of a business or the club is not the question! The structure is that described by the club you sign up to and for those wishing to change things then may I suggest they put themselves forward for those committees which make these decisions. Without the backing and support of members, changes like those some are suggesting thankfully will not take place. Like it or not that is the position of governance in the club. I happen to like that!
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once again well written.
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I was recently pleased and reassured to see that invitation to one and all members as published in a recent club magazine and on the website. This invitation described the mechanisms and structures and sought members involvement in the formal structure of the development and decision making process of the club.
I understand, and forgive me for pointing this out, but this particular club structure does clearly provide frustration to some who are thwarted in their wish to view the club differently or move it in a certain direction but this very structure also acts as a reassurance and a safeguard for those of us who hold dear to those key values and practices we witness. These are described in the rules and bye laws of the club and these underpin that core ethos we enjoy.
As a result of this structure of governance those principles discussed in this thread are, in my opinion, greatly protected by it. This is reassurance enough for me that no alienation or exclusion of fellow members from sites by means of trial or otherwise, as some suggest, is imminent or likely in the near future. Smiley, smiley, sigh of reassured relief!4 -
Good post Micky, although the words of more than one syllable may be a tad tricky for a few!
Oops, forgot! Smiley, smiley, clappy handy!
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Inclusivity-nail on head Micky Boy
Family friendly-another good one. It ain't the CC if it ain't got the Children enjoying their best years learning from their Family, it makes my stays better hearing em enjoy their time
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Equality in all things whether it be site use, rules, booking arrangements or voting at the AGM is the way the Club should remain. No disadvantaging sections of membership should ever occur.