He'd best be quick or I'll help you finish it, Corners. Did you get anything to drink? Or some crisps?
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Oh you're right in your first sentence Oliver, although I hadn't realised you'd been around CT long enough to have spotted that!
We don't take chilren with us so I wouldn't have checked that. Still given the later correction from Phil, SB is just under a tenner a night dearer then (and only 10 amp EHU!)
Good game this! Smiley smiley.
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Ian, the original OP was about Sandy Balls selling up(check the top of the page) it has however been mainly discussing how dear CC are & how cheap commercials are, it was already off topic
PS-a tip. . . .Hit the reply tab then wait a few seconds before beating at the tab again in frustration, this will help in the multi posts problem you have. Happy to help
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Loved the crisps. Reminded me on that poster called Burt, what happened to him? Is he still around?
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I think so, Corners. He's rarely been away.
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is he the one that liked hot malt milk drinks?
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Could be 🤐
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If there is no wifi a the caravan I will do without Ian. I have been on a few sites like this. Last one was during July last year at Stamford (AS). I did walk up to the cafe once and had a pot of tea whilst checking the weather forecast but other times not used at all.
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Even more off topic, does anyone know how this site got it's name?