Adult Only on the new web search.

The new web pages for searching CLs is not stating that a CL is Adult Only.
There is a tick for Adults under the "ideal for" heading, but is that really clear enough?
I can see problems, members booking in and arriving with children, not having realised the CL is Adult Only due to the lack of actually stating clearly and using the term Adults Only.
What does the CL owner do then? Turn the family away, run the gauntlet of those members who specifically booked because they wanted Adult Only, or risk the issues of safety when there is water, machinery, etc nearby?
No it is not clear enough. Only yesterday I was caught out by this on phoning a CL to try and book a pitch with the grandchildren in tow. Fortunately the owner pointed out it was an adult only site perhaps realising the latest incarnation of CL site cards are not clear.enough
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It's also a problem in that the filters don't work. I've posted this on another thread as well a week or so ago, but when I looked for a CL in Lancashire, adult only, it returned 49! From memory, when I searched on the old website, it returned about 6 or 7. Again, someone new to the website wouldn't realise that, and, coupled with the fact that it is not clearly stated, many could get caught out, giving CL owners a real problem.
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I went through the Search for a CL pages, selected Nottingham and ticked the Adult Only filter and the Hook up. It returned 15 CLs of which only 7 were Adult Only. Just out of interest, I tried another search. I removed the Adult Only selection and ticked Children Welcome. It returned the same 15 CLs, 7 of which are the Adult Only I was trying to locate in the first place.
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Not very clever is it? At least the old system worked better than this.
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I have posted in the snagging list about this. I believe the problem is caused by failure to reset the search before you change the parameters. What is need is a fix so it does not matter if you alter the search parameters or a clear button to reset to the defaults before you start another search.
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I was under the impression that filters for CLs were being looked at "early January". This was in a post from a CL owner, who had queried this in December with EG, and was told that. If I can find the thread I will post it.
Just found the thread:
It's at the top of page 2, AlanGL7 says he's been told by EG the filtering error will be fixed "early January".
It's now the 13th........
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Possibly another case of the Club 'stretching' the periods.
maybe early January now includes all of January and even February
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I think that some of the problems are now solved. I have checked through several of the filters and they all seem to function as they should. But I still feel that Adult Only CLs shoud be very clearly marked as such to prevent any arrival mix-ups.
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Still not working properly.
Searching for a CL at Nottingham, setting filters for elec/open all year/hardstanding returns No results. If you then remove the hardstanding, this then brings up 4 possibilities BUT 3 of those also offer hardstanding!!!!
Simply not good enough so long after it was launched "fully tested"
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The hardstanding error was introduced on the 7th of Feb when the site was updated to correct other errors. About 2/3rds of CLs with hardstandings don't show up. The CC have been made aware of the error but I've not heard anything back yet as to when it will be fixed. My Greenacres site is one of the sites that don't show up and I'm not at all happy as it is at this time of the year that when demand for hardstandings is at its highest.
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