New to caravans (Somerset)

Brennn Forum Participant Posts: 4
edited January 2017 in Introductions #1

Hi, Chris and I went to the NEC to look at trailer tents, and ended up buying a caravan :-). We are completely new to caravans and are looking forward to discussing the finer points of caravanning on the community site.

We haven't taken delivery of the Caravan yet, so the first things we'll be searching for on the site is insurance, and how to find a suitable place to keep it, as we won't to be able to get it to our house.

We like kayaking and walking, and are looking forward to exploring the UK, and all the wonderful sites we've seen listed. In our two trips to the NEC shows last year we were very taken with how friendly everyone is. This is gonna be good!


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,327
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    edited January 2017 #2

    Hello and welcome. sure you'll really enjoy.  Ask as things occur theres plenty of knowledge here 😃 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,472
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    edited January 2017 #3

    Hi, Brenn.

    I feel you could do well to search out a storage site now. The Club has some storage facilities such as Cadeside, Wellington and you could try the CASSOA website.

    You can get an online quote for insurance from CC and/or from C&CC as a starting point.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited January 2017 #4

    Welcome to the wonderful world of Caravanning.  If you want advice on anything then this forum is the place to ask it. Suggest you break your questions down and ask one at a time so that you get a full response. You'll find plenty of willing people on here.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,932
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    edited January 2017 #5

    Hi Brenn.  

    Welcome to Club Together.  Congratulations on taking the plunge to buy a caravan.

    We came to caravanning through a gradual process - from tenters, to tenters with a small trailer, to trailer tenters, to caravanners (starting with a small van) - so we learnt gradually.

    I'm sure you will have lots of question and to put your ideas to us - we're all here to give any help and support you should require.

    Best wishes 



  • RowenaBCAMC
    RowenaBCAMC Forum Participant Posts: 1,732
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    edited January 2017 #6

    Welcome to The Caravan Club and Club Together. Have a look at our advice for beginners section on The Club website for help and advice. Also Club Together is a great place to read and ask for advice.

    Congratulations on buying your first caravan and we look forward to hearing all about your adventures.laughing

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,775
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    edited January 2017 #7

    Welcome to the site and good luck for the future.

    I think the first steps will be getting a tow bar for the car and finding a storage site. I would follow Tinwheelers advice regarding storage. If you go to a non CASSOA site you might find insurers less happy unless the security is very good so I would try their website for sites near you if you cannot get on a club one.

    I take it this is a new caravan which will have a thirteen pin plug for the electrics. The fitter will need to know that and if as is probable you have an ALKO stabiliser hitch as that needs more clearance than standard.

    You will also need a security device probably a wheel clamp and may be a hitch lock but your insurer will tell you what you need. Most give a discount for the ALKO wheel lock which is very secure but expensive.

    There is also a fair amount of kit needed but not sure what you have already, Most dealers will supply a starter kit at a discount or give you a discount on accessories so be aware of that.

    Feel free to post queries as the amount of experience on here is huge and there is very little that someone has not met before. On site most people including wardens are only too happy to help so take advantage if you need to.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,472
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    edited January 2017 #8

    Perhaps Brennn will let us know how it's going one day.

  • NickyKnix
    NickyKnix Forum Participant Posts: 70
    edited January 2017 #9

    Welcome Brenn & Chris,

    You went to the NEC and came back proud owners of a caravan?  A likely story wink.  How lovely!  We hear that a lot at The Caravan Club.

    I am trained on caravan insurance, membership, UK sites and storage, amongst other things, so I thought I would take this opportunity to give you some information.

    With regard to insurance for the caravan, The Club are happy to help you with that and all aspects of touring.

    Please click here to obtain a caravan insurance quote online or if you prefer, call our Insurance team on 01342 336610.

    From an insurers point of view, we do not mind where you keep the caravan, as long as it is protected against theft and damage.

    Our security condition states that you have at least one security device on the caravan at all times when unhitched.  ie. Hitch lock or wheel clamp.

    Following on from what Wildwood has said, the CASSOA Gold awarded sites and our own all year storage sites do give a 5% discount.

    The Alko ATC (automatic trailer control) and Alko wheel lock give a 15% as well so that is something to bear in mind.  These discounts are subject to you agreeing to endorsements.

    I am interested to hear about your love of kayaking and walking.  We have a site at Stockton-on-Tees called, White Water Park, which is next to the largest white water canoeing and rafting course in Britain.  That is definitely worth a look.

    Your enthusiasm is fantastic and I hope you really enjoy your membership.  Our lovely members are real experts with a wealth of experience so please feel free to ask any questions.

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited January 2017 #10

    Welcome Brenn and Chris - you will find this forum very useful I am sure.  Welcome to the wonderful world of caravanning. 

  • Bellsboy
    Bellsboy Forum Participant Posts: 68
    First Comment
    edited January 2017 #11

    Welcome from me too Brenn and Chris. Please keep us informed of your adventures in your new toy after you take delivery of it.