If It Is Not Broke

There is a well known saying "If its not broke, don't fix it".
Cl Facilities were pretty straight forward as to what they were, what is this "Ideal for" supposed to infer.
I also agree with other discussions in saying that the search facility is rubbish.
Instead of spending money on changes that are not necessary keep the membership down,
Stage coaches weren't broken and ran pretty well - but railways were invented. Change happens.
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Ideal for - "staying in a caravan" I suppose.
We are now in the age of people saying "Let's go caravaning" without a clue as to what is involved and needing instructions in what to do once they have arrived somewhere.
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Yes, but there were advantages from railways.
I notice the useful item "size of CL" is no longer shown. I like to know if the site might have 5 'vans on 1/4 acre or spread out over an acre or more.
And in order to get to the "search by map" for CL's why on earth do you have to pretend you want to book a Club site, select "search by map", then tick "show CL's" and untick "Club sites".
Why can't we go straight to "search by map" from "UK holidays?
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As a CL owner I think the introduction of the new website has been a disaster with the complete mess that has been made with the CL search facility being the biggest error. I have been told that this will be fixed 'early January'
On the plus side the size of CL is still shown but perhaps not as prominently. It's on the 'Useful Info' tab.
Quite agree about the search by map. It should be on the CL search tab in the same way its on the CC sites tab.
For my Greenacres Farm CL the move lost all my photographs (1 has now been restored so at least it no longer says waiting for image from CL) but worse than that all my reviews have been lost and I'm not hopeful that they will ever be restored.
I think the time taken to display the CL search page is a bit slow and would be interested to know what others think.
Now with online booking
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Well said AlanGL7 it is good to see that CL owners are taking part in the thread, I would have thought that CL owners would have been part of the initial design before releasing a load of rubbish.
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I think I may have been asked to provide a wish list....it was a long time ago. Waste of time as nothing on the wish list has been implemented. I was not involved in any of the initial testing and nor am I aware of any CL owner that was. I think its a case of 'lets put something live (as its already months late) and let the users test it'!!!!
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Lets face it. Being able to access the marvelous CL network is the reason why many people pay the CC annual subscription.
The CC should be bending over backwards to support and promote this network. At the moment I feel the CC could do much better in this respect.
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I've mentioned this in another thread: I did a search for Adults Only CLs in Lancashire, suitable for MHs, showers and WC, when the new website first went live. It came up with 49!
Obviously nothing has changed because I've just tried it again, same criteria, and again it came up with 49. There is a mixture of AO and non AO, so that filter doesn't work.
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You and all CL owners have our complete sympathy Alan, from the CL point of view it is a shambles. However, we have reverted to other search methods, easier and quicker than this pathetic long winded frustrating exercise. Never fear, loyal supporters of everything CL owners provide will continue to get to you and enjoy what is on offer!
A merry Christmas to all those CLs we have visited, and those we hope to visit!
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How the heck are new CL's going to get any reviews then? This is a disgrace and I can image a number of CL owners very quickly attempting to change to becoming members of C&CC instead.
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Lets all face it the CC has made a huge cockup introducing this "new " web site, it doesn't work and its really slow at not working. They have obviously not followed any IT industry standard methodologies which is quite unbelievable- its like a bad installation from the 1980's.
Why cant they look at the camping and caravan web site and learn from them? i assume they needed a unique selling point for the club - well it is unique it doesn't work!
I think at this stage it would be better to take the UK holidays tab down and get it sorted. if they say it will be sorted in January then expect something about March April
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.. or at ukcampsite where there's a useful map search including "within a radius of x miles", and a "virtual brochure" with a map which shows sites you liked. More garish than this place, but quick and effective.
I'm new here, only joined just before the changeover, so haven't experience of how this site compares to its precedent, but finding it fairly labour intensive to use.Wassail, meanwhile!
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BoleroBoy you raise a very sore point...
As both a Nominated Member of Club Council and CL Owner I have had a very keen interest in the development of this new site, ever since it was announced last year. As I have a long history in both marketing and various technical disciplines I asked to be a 'Beta Tester' at an early stage.
I was assured, on repeated occasions that I would be able to Beta Test the site on behalf of CL Owners and CL Visitors. However, despite regular reminders, I was not afforded the opportunity and was told 2 or 3 weeks before launch it was 'too difficult' for me to test the site at all.
Overall, IMHO the new site offers a number of advantages to CL owners. The navigation around the site is generally better, the Stars System is better but there are a significant number of issues and bugs that still need to be urgently fixed. As Alan has said (and he is not alone) the transfer of data from the old to the new site was not 100% effective. Hence a number of CL's have lost vital details / photos / reviews. The Search / Filters section is definitely not working correctly.
I'm trusting that the Club will work quickly to resolve these issues. I'm assured that the new site allows them to fix and adapt the site much more quickly. Unfortunately the ability for CL owners to update / add their own data / photos has not yet been implemented and I have no timeline on when this might come about. Until then we (as CL owners) are in the hands of Club employees to do the updates for us.
I trust the Club will resolve the issues raised on CT - and by me directly with Club management on behalf of the 50+ CL owners I'm in touch with - as quickly as possible in January.
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CG, I think that it's wishful thinking on your part that all will be sorted by January, unless you mean Jan 2018 of course, seeing how long they took to come up with this excuse for a new version of their web site.
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I can also see a lot of members going the same way nellie.....