Entrance door fly screen.
I'm taking delivery of an Adrea Trent early 2017 (new). As far as I can tell, it doesn't come equiped with an entrance door fly screen as standard. Can anyone reccomend an aftermarket solution? Rather than this being a drawback, it could be a positive if I can get a pull down sceen that just covers the top half of the stable door, if such a thing exists. Any thoughts folks?
Many thanks
You can certainly get aftermarket flyscreens (they are nothing more than a mesh blind, roller or pleated, in a frame)
The problem with your suggestion would be sealing off the bottom as there would be no frame there. You may be better with the full height sideways moving one where you have a full frame.
A blind company called Decorquip make all types of fly screens. There may be an agent in your area. (I use them it my business for all my blinds in houses)
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Why not make your own? Whilst ours has a full pull across screen door, it doesn't allow for half closing as the bin attached to the bottom of the fixed door prevents this, so Mrs WN attached velcro to a rolled up version to put across the top part of the door. Obviously only effective when we're indoors but comes in useful.
We used to just have cat-tails on our previous 'van, hanging down from the top of the door frame on 2 hooks but there's no place to put the hooks on the new door. Another possibility for you though if yours allows it.
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They are pretty expensive mine got damaged when the dog didn't realize it was closed and leapt into it. Still more or less usable except against the Scottish midge! A home made one sounds a great idea to the stable door. I also have a bin on the door and with my long arms can just about close the bottom stable door! By closing the mesh almost across and then putting out arm to close the door!
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You can always get a magnetic closing fly screen like this: Magic Door Screen which comes with velcro strips which you can stick on the inside of the caravan door, hang the screen, and leave the door open. Our cat can negotiate ours without problem and it clicks back closed again if anyone goes through it. No faffing and so cheap you can replace it every year.
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Hi John ,NO midges around here !! I.m on Waverley Park till tomorrow .Very frosty this morning though