Dog Dentastix

ChrisRogers Forum Participant Posts: 435
edited December 2016 in Your Pets #1

I was in Asda and saw a stack of boxed Christmas pack Dentastix, a 28 pack for £5, further down on the fixture same Dentastix, a 7 pack for £1!!!!!!! guess which I bought?


  • crown green bowler
    crown green bowler Forum Participant Posts: 407
    edited December 2016 #2

    Well spotted

  • crown green bowler
    crown green bowler Forum Participant Posts: 407
    edited December 2016 #3

    We give our dogs Dentastix as a treat once a day but because they are fattening I cut one stick into four and give them one small peace each, but I suppose it depends on the size of the dog. We have two whippets and we try to keep them as slim as possible.

    Sorry about the double post, but the new system is playing up.

  • JCB4X4
    JCB4X4 Forum Participant Posts: 466
    edited December 2016 #4

    Connie, our 2yr old Rough Collie gets a Dentastix every evening before going to bed, except on every 4th evening, when she gets a 120gram Dentaflex instead of her usual meal. You should see the performance as she runs around the house playing ’It’s all mine - you can’t have it’ - followed by ‘Fetch & Give’ - ‘Throwing and Pouncing’ - then turning her back and having a few moments chew, before starting the whole ritual all over again.

    Talk about added value!!  

    With excitement, fun and games, exercise, a meal and good cleaned teeth, all in one easy to serve package.

    What more could a good dog and its owners ask for?

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
    1,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited December 2016 #5

    As I've said on another thread, I give Meg, my Cockapoo, a raw carrot every day.  Not fattening at all and full of goodness and roughage.  She is three years old and the Vet commented at her annual check-up, last week, how sparkling her teeth were.

  • JCB4X4
    JCB4X4 Forum Participant Posts: 466
    edited December 2016 #6

    Raw Carrots !! -  We used to give our dogs those years ago.

    Funny how you forget these things !!!

    They are probably cheaper than chips and certainly cheaper than Dentastix or Dentaflex.

    Back to the ‘Old Ways’ methinks!!!

  • JCB4X4
    JCB4X4 Forum Participant Posts: 466
    edited December 2016 #7

    OH has just informed me that Connie will not eat raw carrot.

    So it looks like it’s back to the original Dentastix/Dentaflex plan.

    Never mind!!, it's still money well spent.

  • Janny
    Janny Forum Participant Posts: 62
    edited December 2016 #8

    My dog has carrots much healthier and I clean his teeth as well .

  • crown green bowler
    crown green bowler Forum Participant Posts: 407
    edited January 2017 #9

    After reading all the posts we tried our two dogs with raw carrots as a once a day treat after a long walk, and they just love carrots, we feed our whippets on a mix of wet and dry food and that has carrots in it, so good result all