CL Search and new website

Just tried to use the Search and Book on CLs. I hope it's me that's done something wrong but...
You pick a county and on the old website we used to get a list of those towns in that county with a CL, even some who no longer had a CL but once did. NOW? Now you get EVERY town in the UK in alphabetical order with those towns in that county highlighted in bold type. Yes, every town.
This is going to take forever to do a search. Surely I must be missing something!
If it's you, it's me too. I have been unable find the map, so with my poor knowledge of the county I wish to visit I have no chance. Come to think of it, my poor knowledge of the county is the reason I want to go there. Oh well!
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There is certainly an error here and I did get the complete list of towns but then I clicked on the Certificated Locations tab again which redisplayed the search page and re-entering the county followed by towns did only display the towns for the selected county. Strange that the release of the new website was delayed by several months to give time to get it right!
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Think I'll revert to the Site Directory and the map. just hope that the map last longer this edition that it has for the last two.
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Same here, We use the map to select CLs, I hope that it will come back. I find using the new system takes longer, I will revert to the paper map but the problem is the CL numbers will have changed.
It does not seem to me to be a step forward!
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I wouldn't rely on it too much. I tested a filtered search for CLs and the results it produced were garbage.
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Tried that a couple of times but still get the entire list of UK towns. Even tried asking on Live Chat but all I got was a "sorry for the inconvenience".
When I asked if they could revert back I was told that this would be passed to the IT web developer; so there may be a change but I will not hold my breath!
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I agree with all you guys. There is no 'Search by Map' like the old one.
OK if you have a rough idea of where you want to go,. but it doesn't give you a map to let you browse and choose.
Over to you management. - can you sort it out for us ?
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WN. Which system are you using? I've just tried it and after selecting a county I got a list of the relevant county's towns only, using Chrome.
I've found that after selecting a specific town if you another town in the same county click on the town list, select all towns and then clicking select again gives you the towns in the originally selected county. Hope this make sense.
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Agree, I have just done a search on CL's in Worcestershire that were adult only, electric hookup, open all year. The search result came back with electric hookup, but no filter applied for adult only, open all year. And no way of knowing when trawling through the 30 sites it showed, as to which were adult only. Technological improvement, I don't think so. Back to paper.
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I've just discovered that if you disable javascript in your browser then all towns will display regardless of what you enter in the county. In addition it won't allow you to read reviews and there are quite a few other oddities as well.
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If you use Apple devices, the site seems problematical.