The Caravan Club garden needs your vote!

RowenaBCAMC Forum Participant Posts: 1,732
1,000 Likes 1000 Comments
edited May 2012 in Your stories #1

We are delighted to announce that The Royal Horticultural
Society, in the year of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, The RHS
Chelsea Flower Show 2012, has awarded to The Caravan Club a
Silver-Gilt medal for a Show Garden designed by Jo Thompson.

We now need your votes! The People's Choice Awards is our chance
to support The Caravan Club and our show garden. We're not the only
ones who love it. Alan Titchmarsh came over to tell us how much he
loved our garden. Other fans of 'The Celebration of Caravanning'
Garden include Johnny Ball, Imelda Staunton and Twiggy! We just
need your support now so please vote for The Caravan Club Garden in
the People's Choice Awards. You can vote online by selecting the
Celebration of Caravanning Garden in the drop down for Show Gardens
by visiting the People's Choice page on
the RHS website.

We would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to
everyone for your support. 


  • Disco2003
    Disco2003 Forum Participant Posts: 85
    edited May 2012 #2

    ""Alan Titchmarsh came over to tell us how much he loved our garden. Other fans of 'The Celebration of Caravanning' Garden include Johnny Ball, Imelda Staunton and Twiggy!""

    All going to buy caravans now are they?? What on earth does this do to promote to ordinary people caravanning?? Would you like to tell us how many Staff are at Chelsea over the period and how much it has all cost the Club including the sponsorship. If it
    is good value for money I would be delighted to vote for the garden.


  • RowenaBCAMC
    RowenaBCAMC Forum Participant Posts: 1,732
    1,000 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited May 2012 #3

    Hello Dave,

    Sorry to hear you are unhappy. The Chelsea Flower Show has its own dedicated programme each day on the BBC, which goes out to ordinary people - such as myself! : ) We are also getting considerable press coverage and I will
    update you on where we have been featured soon. The press coverage and exposure is one of the reasons we decided to do The Chelsea Flower Show for the Queens Jubilee year, which coincides with our Celebration of Touring year. The costs are more than balanced
    out by the exposure caravanning and The Club have already and will receive, which is the same reason why some of the other organisations also decide to sponsor gardens.

    Sadly (well for me as I don’t get to go!) there are very few of staff at the RHS show. We have used one of the few tickets we have available for a members competition but please note if you wish to enter the closing date is tomorrow. More information can
    be found here:
    Chelsea Flower Show Competition

    Please be advised that we have noted your displeasure about The Chelsea Flower Show and your feedback has been passed onto the relevant department.

  • Firedragon
    Firedragon Forum Participant Posts: 509
    edited May 2012 #4

    I certainly don't disagree with the Clubs decision to get involved with a garden at Chelsea, Rowena, but I do think we have been unfortunate in choice of designer, as Jo has admitted to not being a caravanner and initially seeing Doris as a possible "home
    office" for her garden design. I feel that this was a missed opportunity to really promote not just caravanning but keeping a caravan at home, which so many non-caravanners object to as they see them as eyesores !

    Sadly, Doris does nothing to help our image in that way, much as I personally would love an old caravan as a room in my garden (preferable a small airstream please !!)


  • Inali
    Inali Forum Participant Posts: 224
    edited May 2012 #5

    Glad to see that the CC garden has got a silver gilt award.

  • carmary
    carmary Forum Participant Posts: 15
    edited May 2012 #6

    Like the 'caravaner from Norfolk', I'm pleased that the club got a silver gilt medal in the chelsea flower show but I just don't think that advertising the club is really necessary. The club equals caravaning and has done so for years,so why the need?  Actually,
    Rowena you haven't  answered Daves question..what has been the cost of this extravanganza? It's no good saying the exposure to the club balances out the cost..that really isn't what we want to know,afterall it is the members club and it might be appropriate
    to give that information to us, at least then we could evaluate for ourselves whether it has been the best way to advertise the club and touring.

    My only other concern is that this will now be an 'on going' project in an aim to win a gold medal.I think caution is needed as not all members are gardeners and may not appreciate their club funds going this way. However, if it is agreed that the club should
    enter these gardening shows,perhaps the design [as i've said before in previous correspondence about the garden] should be given to young up and coming designers from a local horticultural college.They would love the challenge and some will be future caravaners.Anyway,
    great result CC.thankyou

    i've no doubt that


  • Disco2003
    Disco2003 Forum Participant Posts: 85
    edited May 2012 #7

    Please be advised that we have noted your displeasure about The Chelsea Flower Show and your feedback has been passed onto the relevant department.

    AS long as it's not the Marketing Department you are feeding back to. It's not 'displeasure' or anything close, I just dislike seeing such a waste of money when there are other things the Club could be spending on, like getting this Forum working properly.
    I spent years with Marketing people 'proving' to me the worth of 'column inches' etc justifying the cost, but I can bet that we won't see an increase in Membership as a result of the Garden. Having worked there a few times during the Show for the BBC, I'm
    aware of the impact the Gardens and publicity can bring and not bring.


  • PRO
    PRO Forum Participant Posts: 11
    edited May 2012 #8

    I completely agree with "Dave" from South Glamorgan. Marketing Departments often attempt to justify and "prove" that money spent on their schemes will achieve amazing results and here is a classic example. 

    Step one;  Declare 2012 "A Celebration of Touring" (Isn't every year a celebration of touring? Otherwise why are we caravanning?).

    Step two: On the back of this spurious idea, allocate a large sum of money to achieve "publicity and exposure".

    Why do we need publicity and exposure when we are the largest caravan/motorhome organisation in the UK?

    For Rowena to say that the costs "will be more than balanced out by the exposure" is untrue (literally), insulting to members and disgraceful. The whole affair simply shows how out of touch The Club is with "ordinary" members and how easy it is for an organisation
    with a multi-million pound income to forget what good housekeeping means at a time of severe financial stress. The many thousands of pounds wasted on this vanity project should have been used directly for member's benefit.

  • RowenaBCAMC
    RowenaBCAMC Forum Participant Posts: 1,732
    1,000 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited May 2012 #9

    There have been a few incorrect speculations made in discussions about the cost of the garden at Chelsea Flower Show. The Club cannot publish the exact nature of the commercial agreement with Jo Thompson, however I can tell you that the cost to The Caravan
    Club was not a six figure number as stated elsewhere.

    For many years The Club has invested, not just in improving the facilities for today’s caravanners and motorhomers, but in ensuring that the products and services that it offers will be around for many years to come. For example, this is why we continually
    invest in upgrading the sites on the network so that members of the future can enjoy them as much as the current membership.

    For a similar reason we need to make sure we continually attract new members to offset those members who leave The Club when they are unable to tour and take advantage of what The Club offers; if we don’t recruit new members it is fair to say that The Caravan
    Club won’t be around in the future.

    As I’ve said before thank you for your feedback. It has been noted.

  • PRO
    PRO Forum Participant Posts: 11
    edited May 2012 #10

    Yet more Marketing Department-speak.

    You don't get a Chelsea Garden for peanuts. It may not have been a six-figure sum, but it will certainly have been a high five-figure one. That's OUR money you're throwing around.

  • Cardiffian
    Cardiffian Forum Participant Posts: 43
    edited May 2012 #11

    I wouldn't have your job Ro for love or money! No matter what you say here, you can't win.

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited May 2012 #12

    Will the club listen to the majority of posts here and elsewhwere about value for money to members? We need to slim HO in these hard times, reduce costs and put savings back into basic services. Too many gimmicks with Chelsea Show, Fancy packs, Bio diversity
    etc. What we need is better site pricing,better facilities and less spin.

  • BigD
    BigD Forum Participant Posts: 56
    edited May 2012 #13

    Yet more Marketing Department-speak.

    You don't get a Chelsea Garden for peanuts. It may not have been a six-figure sum, but it will certainly have been a high five-figure one. That's OUR money you're throwing around.

    I agree must be great throwing other peoples money about, that money could have been used to open another site, or for a wardens pay rise, membership fee reduction.

  • CarmelB
    CarmelB Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited July 2012 #14

    Well done to the Club . We as caravanners should be proud to say that we had a garden exhibited at the Chelsea Flower show and that it got a silver gilt award. Think how many visitors will have been to the show and how many people will have seen our garden. What
    a fantastic way to advertise caravanning and to have a holiday in good old Blighty.....even if it has been raining for at least two months!

    There's just no pleasing some people .