Fresh Air Recycling Time

Thowdmon Forum Participant Posts: 6
edited March 2013 in Your stories #1

At the very, very, start of April as BSS (Brussels Sprout Season) gives way to BST is maybe a good time to review the Fresh Air Recycling Time for our outfits. We can now eat with the doors open on a motorhome, or in the awning of a caravan. We are no longer eating our breakfasts of beans on toast in the confines of the outfit, battened down to keep the warmth (etc.) in, and the wind and whether, or not, out (so to speak).


We are now just 2. The kids, with their smelly socks etc, have moved on. So we downsized. There is the plus of greater ease travelling etc. OK the inside is more compact, and with just 2 it is easier to keep tidy (is what I was led to believe). It does, however, mean living in a reduced volume of air.


This downside of downsizing can be apparent the morning after a takeaway curry. It underlines to often overlooked advantage of an extractor fan. 


It can also explain why some caravans have fresh flowers in the front window. Obviously there is a need to scent the air. Have a look next time you take the evening stroll around a site. Does the number, or variety, of blooms, denote ambience or atmosphere ?

Why do so many dogs choose to sleep outside ?


Equally, notice how many people cook bacon with the top half of the stable door open in the morning.  Again the Fresh Air Recycling Time for the night before failed.  


As for BBQ’s - known to many as the best way to ruin good food; have you noticed the quantities of ale consumed. I acknowledge it is a measure of cooking time. As in - these are a 2 bottle sausage, or a 1 bottle burgher or 4 bottle steak. It is just the atmosphere surrounding the event.  Have you noticed how ofter the cook is a lonely individual ? (Can you light a charcoal burner with methane ?)


At the next show, it might we worth querying the effectiveness of an outfit’s Fresh Air Recycling Time. You might even devise your own means of testing it. And equally the queue, waiting near the door, could evaluate the effectiveness of the sound proofing.


For the future, one sits pondering whether on site one could get a methane powered iPad to go wind-surfing ?


Written under a pseudonym - in case my spouse gets wind of it


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2013 #2

    Now you know why they have wind farms everywhere, they help to alleviate malodorous caravan sites.......Wink