The Moral of the Story is

Embarrased Forum Participant Posts: 1
edited November 2012 in Your stories #1

My wife and I have had several caravans over the years and have spent many happy hours touring throughout the UK. We had always discussed the idea of touring Europe but for many reasons had never got around to it. This year was different we took the bull by the horns and booked our first trip to the South of France. Filled with excitement and some trepidation we started the 900mile journey.
To our delight the journey went without hitch and on arrival at our final site we sat congratulating ourselves over a cup of tea. The only thing left to do was erect the awning...........
Canvas thread through the rail I went to retrieve the poles only to find they had “disappeared” from the boot of the car.
Now over the years I have always laughed at my wife’s lists – thus ensuring that she doesn’t forget anything when packing – and I have always insisted that I don’t need a list to pack the car – do I need to say more.
Fortunately our holiday was not ruined as with the help of some great Brits a temporary frame was made. Amazing what mahogany curtain rails (90euros from Bricolage) scrap gazebo poles (from the recycling bin) , plenty of gaffa tape and ingenuity can do. As you can see by the pictures not the prettiest of frames but it worked, even through four nights of Mistral winds!
So once again a big thank-you to Les (Stig of the dump), Graham (fellow ex- fireman) and Andrew for making our holiday such a great memory and in summary, male caravanners, listen to your wives .......MAKE A LIST!!!!!


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited November 2012 #2

    Team play, brilliant!Smile

  • katiedee
    katiedee Forum Participant Posts: 10
    edited November 2012 #3

    Love this story, all been there, we have had missing poles etc and somehow managed to cope with a bit of help and british spirit.