Nonsense talk

Claytos Forum Participant Posts: 23
First Comment
edited August 2012 in Your stories #1

I am becoming a little bit despondent with this site. i thought when set up it was about caravaners talking about caravaning and sites. The last few weeks it been about Ryan Giggs not singing National Anthem,Cats chasing bird and people jousting about stupid subjects lets get site back to the positives about caravaning and stop potraying ourselves as a bunch of spell checking grammar watching fudy dudies who have nothing to do but critisise our fellow caravaners lets take a lead(like the pun) from Dougal the Dog and start talking sense


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2012 #2

    I agree, I have a feeling  "anything goes" now as it's attracting readership at a level which I presume brings in more revenue. Sad, as the original idea for a forum was probably ok, but without moderation and a report button that works it's all going downhill. 
    This won't go down well either but there you go, there are positive contributions going on in some sections.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,156
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited August 2012 #3


    Would this not be better in the Community Feedback section. Its not that I don't sympathise with your sentiments but suspect it will get overlooked here.


  • Inali
    Inali Forum Participant Posts: 224
    edited August 2012 #4

    I think the problem is that when CT began, there were of course lots of serious and important topics to introduce and comment upon... as time has moved on, people keen to start new topics have gone for sillier and less relevant subjects.

  • Back2Sorento
    Back2Sorento Forum Participant Posts: 75
    edited August 2012 #5

    Claytos , I take it you are talking about the social room which is a dedicated area where any topic can be raised. There are many other headings with serious subjects & comments or advice just scroll through them & let others use the social room for all sorts of subjects flippant or serious, after all they are just chatting & many of the subjects are no different to when you have a few pints in the pub or a bit of fun in work it is after all the 'Social Room'. There are on occasions general subjects that get treated seriously but eventually a flippant remark can be thrown in for a bit of FUN (remember that?) just let it be & if the chat is not for you then don't join in. Start your own topic