Cancellations - how dare they!!!

colnanne Forum Participant Posts: 7
edited June 2012 in Your stories #1

I have just received a reprimand email saying I have 2 late cancellations and will be evicted from the CC if I do it again. How dare they!!!! The first cancellation was made by the wardens at Ferry Meadows because the pitch was waterlogged - or so they told me - on maunday thursday and we were due to stay there on good friday for 4 nights. This gave me 24 hours on a bank holiday to get another site - not an easy task. I did not complain and ended up at a nice private site at Stratford.

The second cancelletion I am accused of was when I cancelled on a tuesday at 18.00 due to work commitments but was not due to go until friday. Had I booked on at 18.00 instead of 13.00 I would have been within the 72 hours rule!!!! Surely commonsense should prevail. I am not retired yet and work full time so could not cancel until I got home..

As you can tell I am extremely annoyed and am awaiting the caravan clubs comments following my email to them.


  • CaravanKPS
    CaravanKPS Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited June 2012 #2

    Sounds a bit big brother to me, it seems the club is loosing direction, I agree with the late booking rule, but there has to be some flexibility and common sense

  • jeany
    jeany Forum Participant Posts: 9
    edited June 2012 #3

    It sounds to me they think every one as retired and can just log on any time of day. Sorry to say some of us have to work .

  • colnanne
    colnanne Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited June 2012 #4

    i spoke to a lady at the { caravan club } about late cancelations. and i asked  her if she had any problems with the 72 hour rule she reply { i have never had a caravan } how can she give us advice .i have been caravaning for about 32 years it was fun but
    getting to stressfull now .rules rules rules who makes them.Sealed some one who is not a caravaner ..o and by the way i still workCool

  • chrissies
    chrissies Forum Participant Posts: 50
    edited June 2012 #5

    exactley the same thing happened to us cancelled on tuesday at 6pm because my husband had to work unexpectadly on the friday if we had booked to get there at 6pm instead of 1pm we wouldnt have got the email crazy isnt it

  • RowenaBCAMC
    RowenaBCAMC Forum Participant Posts: 1,732
    1,000 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited July 2012 #6

    Hello colnanne, I'm sorry you've had a problem with this. I have forwarded this onto the relevant department and have asked someone to look into this for you.

  • SwiftSport12
    SwiftSport12 Forum Participant Posts: 5
    edited July 2012 #7

    I agree that something had to be done to stop people making block bookings with no intention of using most of them but it seems to me that the problem was not late cancellations but rather those people who didn't cancel at all and just didn't turn up. Those
    are the ones needing a wake up call.

  • rp61
    rp61 Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited July 2012 #8

    why not bring in a deposit system as the "other" big club does?this would surely stop people block booking without giving it some serious thought,£5.00 is a reasonable fee which of course is deductable from your site fee (assuming you turn up of course)

  • dreamer1
    dreamer1 Forum Participant Posts: 141
    edited July 2012 #9

    the cc has to be carefull dont start sending out e mails unless really needed, we are adults not children we have to work hard to be able to caravan , with rising cc fees, fuel etc   I think the block bookers should be sorted who are probably mainly retired
    and can pick and choose which bookings they want to use, ionly book main family hols and bank holidays and use them all. as an eg i have just booked a weekend but my wife and i have just gone down with flu. no ones fault not planned  and have had to cancell
    hopefully within the 72 hr timeslot . there are other clubs and commercial sites so lots of choice cc please dont upset too many members.

  • Spencerk9
    Spencerk9 Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited July 2012 #10

    I think its a good idear to get rid of the members who block book at the start of the year they book every bank holiday just in case, then wait to see if they can get time off work  if they cant get the time off then they cancel.

    They should only book the ones they are sure they can go on  and stop being selfish they have got away with it for to long and are spitting there dummys out because the club has got wise to them.

  • csarina
    csarina Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited August 2012 #11

    We are retired, but even when we were working we rarely used CC sites on Bank Holidays. We have never block booked sites, preferring to book as and when. I agree that a deposit of £5 per booking would help to deter people from booking and then not turning

    We still rarely take the van out on bank holidays, now we are retired we prefer to use sites in the week unless we are on a rally.

  • Redgeisha
    Redgeisha Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited August 2012 #12

    I couldn't agree more. The exact same thing has just happened to us. We had to cancel because of a potential problem with the braking system on our jeep. The garage were unable to fix for 2 days and advised against towing for safety reasons. I cancelled
    at 3pm on the Tuesday (due to arrive following Friday) and was told I had only given 68 hours notice! - even though we always say we can't arrive until 5pm on Fridays due to work commitments. So, not only did we lose the weekend away that we had been looking
    forward to, we were also reprimanded (letter received next day). We have never, in many years of club membership been a 'no show' and only ever cancel when we really have to - I do recognise the club's responsibilities to all its members, but surely this is
    a bit draconian? - As suggested by others, why not introduce a small forfeitable deposit instead of making people feel like naughty school children!