Email notification of thread updates?

I am still very new to Caravan Club and in fact to caravanning bin general, have still not made my first trip yet despite having owned a van for two weeks, found a problem with the waterbpump as I was collecting the van! :-(
I have been making good use of these forums thigh but am very frustrated by lack of a simple notification email when a thread I am involved indoor watching gets updated.
Almost every forum I have ever been in with the exception of Swift and Caravan Club have a feature you can enable to receive an email update when thatbthreat gets a new post, maybe it does exist on here but I cannot find it anywhere.
Very frustrating to have to go and review each thread to see if there is any change!
Have I missed something obvious?
If you click 'follow this discussion' top right above your post, you will get more EMails than you can shake a stick at.
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I would suggest you do not request email updates as the forum software is a "one-off" and goes barmey with sending an email for everything that happens on the thread including someone simply liking a comment but not adding new material.
(We have been promised new forum software since before I can remember.)
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I must be going mad.
I cannot see a 'follow this discussion' link!
Maybe it is because I am using a Mac?
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and it is visible on a Macbook
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Well I will be.......
I have just spotted it.
Think that at times I may not be logged in?
Well at least I now know where it is!
MANY thanks.