Problems on Windows 10.

PC loads three or four pages as I catch up on the gossip....then it stops and stays on a blank page....the actual CC page appears but with no text.
It will then not load anymore pages!
I use IE 11.
Typing this on an identical PC with Windows 8.1.
It also works, CC style, on my Windows 7 machine.
Presumably, one day, we will get a working forum
That's windows 10 for you-- There are still a few issues to be addressed before they get it right. ---On the other hand, it could be that the software on this site is a complete "bag of bolts" and will never work properly until they replace it.
Please choose the appropriate scenario
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I wonder why all the other websites/forums are OK?
I suppose they just got lucky!
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I thought the W10 browser was Edge?
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I have Windows 10 on both my new laptop and my older deskktop. As an operating system it is fine. However when it comes to web browsers it has its difficulties particularly with IE11. Pages often freeze and cutting and pasting links can be difficult depending
into what they being pasted. I always use Chrome with this site as its more reliable and I have no problems with cut and paste.I have used Edge but as yet it is no where near as fully featured as IE.
The main problem is that Microsoft want to compete with Apple rather than concentrating of proper computing!!!
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I downloaded 10 and went to the email programme. Typed in my email and password but it rejected it as invalid . I entered it very carefully a number of times but it was rejected every time . No idea why but 10 is no use if you can't use email so I reverted
to windows 8.10 -
Everybody has a good idea what works and what doesn't however....
Windows 10 with IE 11 are alien to the CC Forum.
It isn't Windows 10 or IE 11 that are at fault it is the CC Forum.
Oddly enough a few people prefer to use Windows 10 and IE 11......perhaps that should mean many millions!!!!!
Please don't continue to celebrate the fact that the CC Forum works on some is supposed to work on all setups....the same as every other forum in the world!
PS. The default browser with 10 is indeed Edge but many do prefer IE 11.
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Just got a new machine with Win 10 and I don't think much of it. In an attempt to get a system I like, I've uninstalled most of the "apps" and replaced the start button with "Classic Shell". I'm gradually disabling any hint of automatic updating and generally
installing the software I want.For a browser I use Firefox and have not had any problems with browsing this site - when it's not down for maintenance!
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I use Windows 10 and Chrome and i don't have any problems.
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, Likewise !!
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You just need a compatible system and browser for the CC forum software, I find W95 and IE2 ideally matched to it