When will we see the new forum software
Whilst it would be nice to have a forum with all the bells and whistles I find the current one perfectly functional in terms of joining in discussions. As we don't know what additions any new forum will bring its difficult to speculate how much better it
will be. I am sure all forums have their faults.David
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Whilst it would be nice to have a forum with all the bells and whistles I find the current one perfectly functional in terms of joining in discussions. As we don't know what additions any new forum will bring its difficult to speculate how much better it
will be. I am sure all forums have their faults.David
I disagree re the functionality .... it's impossible to quote and keep up with who said what .... even if you delete you end up with miles of green lines
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Thereby lies one of the major problems with people posting on this forum it is with people insisting they quote every tom dick and harrys post rather than just posting what they want to say. Fine if its a single quote but what is the point of posting a whole
series of quotes? Easier for people to read if people cut and pasted the part they want to quote and highlighted it in bold or italics?David
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Easier for people to read if people cut and pasted the part they want to quote and highlighted it in bold or italics?
I agree, David, but it's not possible to do that with all devices. I have also been accused of being selective in my quotes when I've done that even though I had no wish to reply to the rest of a post. Sometimes we can't win!
It is possible to quote a long chain and edit out the earlier posts. Done carefully, the green lines can be taken out as well which saves space but, again, not all devices lend themselves to it.
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Thereby lies one of the major problems with people posting on this forum it is with people insisting they quote every tom dick and harrys post rather than just posting what they want to say. Fine if its a single quote but what is the point of posting a whole
series of quotes? Easier for people to read if people cut and pasted the part they want to quote and highlighted it in bold or italics?David
That's exactly my point. It's virtually impossible to quote from just one person, especially if they're also quoting another reply. Other forums link a poster's name to what they said. ... this doesn't. And even on a PC I've found it impossible to get shut
of the green quote lines so end up with a line on a whole page0 -
Whilst it would be nice to have a forum with all the bells and whistles I find the current one perfectly functional in terms of joining in discussions. As we don't know what additions any new forum will bring its difficult to speculate how much better it
will be. I am sure all forums have their faults.David
The awkward method of editing multiple quotes (which, even on a PC, can end up delting the lot and having to start again) is one of the items which irritate me about the software used for this forum. Another irritating fault is the non-functioning spell
checker which I complained about (and was told would be fixed) months ago (probably well over a year now).The software simply isn't fit for purpose for a professionally run forum.
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I keep forgetting so many people no longer use proper computers these days
Obviously it would be better if when quoting only the
last contribution was added. However I do question the need to quote. If on an information based thread someone wants to reply directly to a specific question asked I can see the sense. However if it is a more wide ranging general discussion nine times out
of ten quoting is totally unnecessary because all you have to do is voice your point of view.David
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David Klyne is perfectly correct in what he says how many times have we seen that using full quotes on this forum software leads to accusations of multiple quotes taking up too much space on the system or at the other extreme if selective quotes are used posters are accused of trying to alter the sense of the quoted post.
Until the CC eradicates the irritating Bugs and Glitches, by introducing state of the art software,----quotes will always be a bit of a minefield.
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David Klyne is perfectly correct in what he says how many times have we seen that using full quotes on this forum software leads to accusations of multiple quotes taking up too much space on the system or at the other extreme if selective quotes are
used posters are accused of trying to alter the sense of the quoted post.Until the CC eradicates the irritating Bugs and Glitches, by introducing state of the art software,----quotes will always be a bit of a minefield.
The first paragraph is much what I said, K.
The second does you no favours!