Suggestion for the forum manager.
Now that there are many more Moderators on board to assist and advise members, It would greatly help those moderators find requests for help and advice if a new section was created precisely for that purpose.
It could be titled "Ask The Club" where any requests for advice could be posted by members and easily picked up by the relevant Moderator.
Hope this suggestion is useful.
I thought the roll of the Moderators was simply to make sure that the T&Cs of the forum were being met by members. (Heaven knows they have enough to do on that score alone.) They are volunteers who give their time willingly to help. It would seem onerous to ask them to do more. After all, this is supposed to be a self-help forum for members.....?
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it would be better if they were called moderators , as what are they champion of ???
champion of the world
champion the wonder horse
The designation "Champion" is used on this forum to describe a role based on advocacy, support etc
Not all Champions are also Moderators - so to use that term globally would be inaccurate.
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Until the forum manager publishes her promised summary of the new Moderators/ Non Moderators duties we will not know what is their individual responsibilities and designation.
Really what's in a name -- Seems a bit Churlish and Pedantic Bugs to criticise somebody for using a title which every forum user has used since forums started.. Does it dimish that person in the eyes of the forum users - NO
After all Moderators, have power. Which they should always use wisely.
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Kennine - the definition of a Champion's duties has been in the Community Guidelines for a long time - as you well know!
Further clarification is given by the Community Manager in the OP of the discussion "Introducing Our Community Champions 2016".
It is neither churlish or pedantic for me to answer questions and concerns or to clarify confusion by presenting the facts.
I'm surprised you even made such an allegation.
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It seems somewhat ironic that Bugs is doing exactly what you asked for in your OP Kennine and yet you complain.....?
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I've already been through 'Champions of what etc' but the club likes 'Champio.......I give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Now that there are many more Moderators on board to assist and advise members, It would greatly help those moderators find requests for help and advice if a new section was created precisely for that purpose.
It could be titled "Ask The Club" where any requests for advice could be posted by members and easily picked up by the relevant Moderator.
Hope this suggestion is useful.
I suspect the "staff champions" would only like to read the sections relevant to them. Why jumble them up? How would you search for a reply? Even though Google might be your friend, I would have though it at least best to start in a relevant section rather than wade through jumbled up posts.
We used to have an area where we could ask the experts, that seems to have disappeared. It would be a better idea to bring that back and have some of the policy makers available to respond.
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EJB says Quote " I've already been through 'Champions of what etc' but the club likes 'Champio.......I give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I'll try and help EJB
According to the Oxford dictionary The definition of a Champion is Quote :- A person who has surpassed all rivals in a sporting contest or other competition:.
Hm !!! Wonder what those were?.
IMO Much better to use the word Moderator which is the long term accepted name for those who help run forums.
Just ask any experienced forum user across the country which is the most appropriate name for forum helpers. Anybody think that their first choice would be the word "Champion"
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verb- To champion is defined as to speak up in favor of or in support of a cause.
As in to champion the cause of the CC & its rules & regs.0 -
Hi Kennine
You're being I suspect you know
When you looked up the Oxford Dictionary, you should have read on - you would have found that there is more than one definition of "Champion" - the others being next to the one you have chosen to exclusively quote (for reasons known only to you).
For example:
2A person who vigorously supports or defends a person or cause:he became the determined champion of a free press
This is the definition which is closer to the "Champion" role here. In other words, the CT Champions promote and are advocates of the Club, CT and the forum.
As I said earlier - not all of the Champions are Moderators, which is why your use of that word is incorrect.
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If not all champions are moderators it would be helpful to to know who the members of each group are.
Hi David
Yes, Ro has promised to provide a list - see the "Introducing Our Community Champions 2016" discussion.
Write your comments here.. Just as I said earlier, (some 4 hours earlier), Quote " Until the forum manager publishes her promised summary of the new Moderators/ Non Moderators duties we will not know what is their individual responsibilities and designation".
At Last he's got it.
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I thought I might play your game with 'selective' definitions Kennine on the basis of your Avatar: Hope you like it:
Simple Definition of imp
- : a small creature that plays harmful tricks
Full Definition of imp
- 1obsolete :
- 2a : a small demon : fiend
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If not all champions are moderators it would be helpful to to know who the members of each group are.
Hi David
Yes, Ro has promised to provide a list - see the "Introducing Our Community Champions 2016" discussion.
Write your comments here.. Just as I said earlier, (some 4 hours earlier), Quote " Until the forum manager publishes her promised summary of the new Moderators/ Non Moderators duties we will not know what is their individual responsibilities and designation".
At Last he's got it.
At last you've got it.
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I've no idea why it is important or necessary to know who is a Champion or a Moderator, or what they do.
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If not all champions are moderators it would be helpful to to know who the members of each group are.
Hi David
Yes, Ro has promised to provide a list - see the "Introducing Our Community Champions 2016" discussion.
Write your comments here.. Just as I said earlier, (some 4 hours earlier), Quote " Until the forum manager publishes her promised summary of the new Moderators/ Non Moderators duties we will not know what is their individual responsibilities and designation".
At Last he's got it.
No - you still don't get it Kennine. Let me help you.....
Ro will publish the full list of Internal and External Champions.
She will also point out which external Champions take on moderating duties.
The definition of the "responsibilities" of Internal and External Champions, as well as what our moderating Champions do, is already available - and has been for quite some time.
Do you get it now?
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it's been two weeks since Ro promised this list !!!
i suppose the best things take time
Ro said she would publish the full list when all of the new Internal Champions had introduced themselves in the other discussion.
So , do we have a time scale???
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it's been two weeks since Ro promised this list !!!
i suppose the best things take time
Ro said she would publish the full list when all of the new Internal Champions had introduced themselves in the other discussion.
So , do we have a time scale???
Yes - "when all of the new Internal Champions have introduced themselves in the other discussion"
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Since you and I will never agree about what moderators should be called Bugs . Why dont we agree to disagree with me calling them moderators like most sensible forum members and you calling them whatever favourite name you llke. After all whats in a name
Now answer one question Bugs, On the forum that you and Dianne run, Do you call your moderators Champions I bet you dont. Dianne is an astute lady and she wouldnt let you get away with that. She will probably have chosen something relative to our hobby of Caravanning so come on give us the information.