Improve the CL network for all concerned.

Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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edited September 2016 in Certificated Locations #1

There are too many people against an increase in the size limit of five members maximum on a CL at any given time for it to reasonable happen (However, this is the CC so they could get up to anything at all!)

So my suggestion is that the CC, and the C&CC and the other major clubs using the exemption to run CLs should instead lobby for a very slight change in that exemption to allow CL owners to run more than one CL on their land, subject to a mimimum distance
between them.  I would suggest half a mile to start a discussion.

The small landowners would not be able to create overcrowding and the larger ones who wanted to be more successful then could.


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,525
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    edited September 2016 #2

    I don't see why that is not possible now, just put them in different names. I know some CLs which are that close now but under different ownership. You could also run them under different Clubs again it happens now.


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited September 2016 #3

    I think it already happens now to be honest. We have stayed on a few very nice, well run CLs that have had either another CL, a CS, or a small private site fenced off adjacent. I can certainly recall at least 10 that we have used in last few years.

    The problem arises when visitors don't appreciate that this is allowed and is perfectly legal, and then start to complain and leave reviews saying things are not being run properly. I do agree that where such an arrangement exists, it could be better explained
    in site details so that those who want only 5 vans within a few acres know that such a site might not suit their needs.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited September 2016 #4

    Do you honestly think that the ones that run sites with more than 5 on would want to go to all the added expense of setting up another site? Given the time it would take to open another adjacent site those running with more than 5 vans would continue to
    do so, wouldn't they?

  • harryb
    harryb Club Member Posts: 1,536
    edited September 2016 #5

    A CL not far from here is both CC and C&CC. CC use righthand entrance, C&CC  use lefthand entrance, Also I have come across several CL's over the years that have two fields in different names. So as others say it is done.

    I have said this before. When I joined the club in 1986 there were around 5000 cl's there are only half that now. So double the 5 limit to 10 (space allowing) and you are back to somewhere near the number of pitches that were available 30 years ago.

    Just on another tack to more pitches for members. Does anybody know how the club attracts newcomers to the system. Maybe the could push harder to attract more newcomers to the cl system

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited September 2016 #6

    A CL not far from here is both CC and C&CC. CC use righthand entrance, C&CC  use lefthand entrance, Also I have come across several CL's over the years that have two fields in different names. So as others say it is done.

    I have said this before. When I joined the club in 1986 there were around 5000 cl's there are only half that now. So double the 5 limit to 10 (space allowing) and you are back to somewhere near the number of pitches that were available 30 years ago.

    Just on another tack to more pitches for members. Does anybody know how the club attracts newcomers to the system. Maybe the could push harder to attract more newcomers to the cl system

    But that's not taking into account the number of CL's (& CS's) that have upgraded to small commercial sites. 

  • twitch
    twitch Forum Participant Posts: 52
    edited September 2016 #7

    For the first time in as long as I can remember, the number of new CL's reported in the October magazine (13) has exceeded the number of closures (5). I thought the network was heading for oblivion. I hope this most recent stat; is a new trend.

  • JCB4X4
    JCB4X4 Forum Participant Posts: 466
    edited September 2016 #8

    For the first time in as long as I can remember, the number of new CL's reported in the October magazine (13) has exceeded the number of closures (5). I thought the network was heading for oblivion. I hope this most recent stat; is a new trend.

    Not the first time but two months in a row

    see post in  CL numbers 'up' thread


  • harryb
    harryb Club Member Posts: 1,536
    edited September 2016 #9

    A CL not far from here is both CC and C&CC. CC use righthand entrance, C&CC  use lefthand entrance, Also I have come across several CL's over the years that have two fields in different names. So as others say it is done.

    I have said this before. When I joined the club in 1986 there were around 5000 cl's there are only half that now. So double the 5 limit to 10 (space allowing) and you are back to somewhere near the number of pitches that were available 30 years ago.

    Just on another tack to more pitches for members. Does anybody know how the club attracts newcomers to the system. Maybe the could push harder to attract more newcomers to the cl system

    But that's not taking into account the number of CL's (& CS's) that have upgraded to small commercial sites. 

    NTH I agree, but it is a way of getting back the number of pitches that have been lost over 30 years. If the present trend carries on, the last two months ignored, then how long before the cl system cannot cope with the demand.

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited September 2016 #10

    Lookat "new CLs" in the headings and not one in the last 2 months.Those in the Mag are old as publication is usually 2/3 months pre delivery date. Too early to suggst atrend to more opening than closing.

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited September 2016 #11

    As I understand it a prospect CL setterupper has to approach the club and the process is quite confusing.  I know I have suggested to a few friends that they run a CL.  Having tried the process recently myself - it isn't surprising that the numbers are falling.  As said in another thread I was turned down due to the access road having no designated passing places.  Its a "no though road" with several gateways and low verges.  I don't think I have ever had to back up in my car never mind with the caravan to get past anyone - except possibly in deep snow!  Pity really as I would love to share my beautiful surroundings and the Barn Owls with others!   Also annoying as I have just stayed at a new CL with FAR worse approach than mine - albeit shorter but ditches on both sides and I met a lorry that wouldn't back up forcing me onto a verge with a nasty deep hole the front of the car sank into!  I didn't even venture onto the verge until I had confirmed that there were ditches hiding in the undergrowth.  I am glad to say the lorry hit a big hole too when he realised I wasn't moving over anymore! 

  • DaveandVicki
    DaveandVicki Forum Participant Posts: 192
    edited September 2016 #12

    In reply to the OP.

    This is already the case. Crich Lane Farm in Derbyshire have had 2 CLs for as long as I have used them.

    Formerly known as Crich Lane 1 and Crich Lane 2, they now have seperate names. The farm building/B&B seperate the two sites.

  • CholseyGrange
    CholseyGrange Club Member Posts: 294
    edited September 2016 #13

    Hi Pippah45,  I'm sorry your application was turned down.  Our CL is on a single-track farm drive and we manage access via arrival and departure times.  We very rarely have any issues.   Maybe you could reapply?
      I'd certainly be happy to discuss further with you and see if I can assist in any way.  please email me   

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited September 2016 #14

    Ted thank you very much for the offer - it makes perfect sense to manage times with arrival and departures etc - I remember mentioning it at the time!  Not exactly rocket science is it!?  At the moment I am applying for PP to convert a barn - and if that is successful I think the CL will not work - a bit of wait and see.  I will keep your email address in case - thank you very much.

    The CL I have just been on advertises earliest arrival at 10 am - with latest departure 12 noon - I certainly wouldn't want to meet another caravan on their lane but perhaps they sort it out at time of booking.  I do know people turn up at Club sites anytime from 9 am onwards even though noon is supposed to be booking in time!