Would you move?

While checking out a few CL'S for a future trip, I found one that looked ideal. On checking the reviews the first one stated that they thought the actual cl was good ,they had been allocated a pitch on arrival, but then, had been asked to move pitch half
way through their stay .This was because a regular visitor was arriving and had booked that pitch.
Now this put me off immediately as being asked to pack up and move pitch half way through my stay would really annoy me.
Has this happened to anyone? And would you move pitch to accommodate a regular site user on a CL?
If we hadn't been told about this before we made the decision to stay then no, I would have politely said I wasn't happy about moving and then see what was said. Had I been made to move I would have asked for a full refund and moved on. If they hadn't
been asked and agreed to move before they parked up on site then this is really poor management. Why would you want to have to re-set up your caravan half way through a break.0 -
I agree with Wye. I would also put it in a review, complain to CC and never use that site again.
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Is it clear from the review that they were asked to move on arrival or after setting up? If they had been told when making the booking that this was the only way they could be accomodated then that is a different matter. If the site looks good for you
it may be worth trying to clarify the situation with the reviewer, just to make sure you are not disregarding a perfectly good site.0 -
It's never happened to us on any of the CLs we used. If I'd been asked to move I'd have refused,vasking why the regular visitor couldn't use another pitch until I'd left, looked for an alternatives site and made the point in the review that I'd write about the site. I'd also state the site's name on here warning others of the occurrance.
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Is it clear from the review that they were asked to move on arrival or after setting up? If they had been told when making the booking that this was the only way they could be accomodated then that is a different matter. If the site looks good for you
it may be worth trying to clarify the situation with the reviewer, just to make sure you are not disregarding a perfectly good site.They were asked to move after setting up, during their stay, but didnt say if they had been advised prior to arrival.
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We have not been asked to move pitch on a CL after setting up either so it was a surprise that it had apparently happened.
I would need confirmation from the cl owners that it wouldn't happen before booking.
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You could maybe put a comment on the review asking if they were told when making the booking. However, if that was the case I think it would be unfair to put it in the review. If the review was recent they may go back in and have a look to see if anyone
has commented.0 -
We have not been asked to move pitch on a CL after setting up either so it was a surprise that it had apparently happened.
I would need confirmation from the cl owners that it wouldn't happen before booking.
Not the sort of question I'd think of asking a CL owner, as I doubt that many would ask someone pitched up to move to accommodate another.
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We have not been asked to move pitch on a CL after setting up either so it was a surprise that it had apparently happened.
I would need confirmation from the cl owners that it wouldn't happen before booking.
Not the sort of question I'd think of asking a CL owner, as I doubt that many would ask someone pitched up to move to accommodate another.
I wouldn't think of asking the question normally, but if I had really wanted to book this CL I would , however just the fact it was mentioned in a review put me off I'am afraid.
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Is this a CL with HS or hedged/fenced where a defined pitch is clearly evident?
Surely a CL owner would advise of availability of defined pitches at point of booking for the duration of your enquiry period. If not, then you stay put or ask for a refund and then post a negative review.
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I too would do the same as nellie. In fact it may be of interest if you named the CL H and T, that way the owner may come on here and offer an explanation.....
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If not, then you stay put or ask for a refund and then post a negative review.
Ask for a refund yes, KS, but why be spiteful and post a negative review, better to post an honest review surely??...0 -
If not, then you stay put or ask for a refund and then post a negative review.
Ask for a refund yes, KS, but why be spiteful and post a negative review, better to post an honest review surely??...Negative is honest if a positive or negative is an option on the scoring system employed. Ebay gives the choice of +ve or -ve, as do lots of inline review systems.
Being asked to move mid stay without prior request/notification would be a -ve for me.
Thats the problem these days, not enough saying as it is, appeasement doesn't work
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Your entitled to your views KS, I still think that a totaly negative view due to one bad point isn't very helpful to other members who read reviews to get an idea of a CL's appeal.
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To be fair I think it's a pretty big negative being aske to move after you have already pitched up (if this is what happened) and therefore I agree that it would justify a pretty negative review. The only justification is if the people were told this is
what would have to happen when they actually booked.0 -
I too would do the same as nellie. In fact it may be of interest if you named the CL H and T, that way the owner may come on here and offer an explanation.....
I can't now find the CL I was looking at, as I was browsing through a few at the time. It wasn't a particularly negative review, just stating the fact that regulars had booked a particular pitch. I was just very surprised that it happened really.
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To be fair I think it's a pretty big negative being aske to move after you have already pitched up (if this is what happened) and therefore I agree that it would justify a pretty negative review. The only justification is if the people were told
this is what would have to happen when they actually booked.This may have been the case, although it wasn't confirmed in the review.
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We have moved pitches once during a stay , our choice though, and pitches were not marked out, we moved down the field when someone left, as the ground was more level.
Good to know that I am not alone in thinking being asked to move mid stay to accommodate a new arrival is not on.
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I've been asked to move after I'd taken some kit out but not fully settled or set up, yes I moved as it cost me 10mins of my time. If I'd been set up & settled I'd not have moved & argued my case. The CL I stayed at had a sign-'on arrival choose a pitch
& set up, we'll catch up with you eventually' I would have refused if the options after moving had been worse than the one I'd chosen0 -
I would phone the CL and ask about having to move. In our experience it is a very rare requirement. We moved our MH for an owner a while ago, as he was expecting some very inexperienced MH owners, their first time out in a big MH, and the ground wasn't perfect.
We were happy to do this, and were asked about doing it at time of booking. We have also moved pitch when on a CL with van for a long stay, again our choice, it made it feel like a new holiday, and rested the pitch we had been on. We travel fairly light, even
in caravan, so no major issue. But having to move unexpectedly, with a big set up, would be a polite "no" from us.0 -
When we had the Motorhome I would have moved quite happily, so long as it was to another agreeable pitch, to help others enjoy their holiday.---- Motorhomers don't stay on their pitches all day anyway, they are out and about enjoying touring the area. Does it really matter which pitch you use when you return.
As a Caravanner, if I was all set up on my pitch with the awning erected, the answer, if asked to move pitches would be a most definite NO.
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We often get asked when booking can I have a certain pitch to watch the ducks or look over to Fife, plus be next to the entrance for an easy reverse, and the answer is always if it is empty help yourself, but no guarantees are ever given.
Would never want to move myself, unless flooded !.
David www.perthshirecl.co.uk
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I would move....to another site.
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I think a few years ago, There were possibly a lot of larger MHs touring, so would have agreed with you AD. But we seem to see a lot of smaller and mid sized MHs now, motoring up and down, so perhaps a lot more on the move around. Easier to move pitch in
a small MH obviously.0